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655301DialogEnable1LeeYou've been staring at me long enough. If you have something to say, just spit it out.1
888301LeeI ran into the same thing on a previous mission.1
91010302Why not say that you're a Construct?11Do you think people care if you're a Construct?12
10111114301LeeAs I said, Constructs can only leave when we're on a mission. That's why you need an application. I don't want to cause a scene or give us any trouble.1
111313301LeeIf I had time to concern myself with such trivial matters, I'd be better off using this time to upgrade my weapons.1
121414302I'm sure she just made a simple mistake.15Are you okay with me being the only human you talk to?16
13151517301LeeDo you want to go explain it to her or something?1
141616301LeeCompared to stopping the Punishing Virus, this shouldn't cause any problems.1
151717301【kuroname】But this feels different from our usual work. Walking around Babylonia in street clothes, fells like...
161818302A date...19A special occasion!19
192121301【kuroname】I don't know if you've noticed, but your M.I.N.D. becomes unstable whenever you go quiet... And your ears are turning red.
202222301LeeYou've stayed connected this whole time?!1
212323302No! It was just a joke!24Are you shy, Lee?25
22242426301【kuroname】Honestly, though. Your ears really are turning red.
232525301LeeQuit joking around!1
2426263011AniZhuanchangBeginLeeI think there's just a glitch in my heat regulator. I'll troubleshoot it and fix it later.1