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544301DialogEnable1A figure in casual attire is busy in the workshop.
8773011The person turning around reveals a stern face.
111010301LeeBy the look on your face, I bet you thought I was that hot-blooded idiot, Kamui.1
121111301LeeIf it was him...1
13121215301LeeI would've suggested you turn around and go make preparations for submitting the workshop reconstruction plan.1
141313301Lee...Perhaps your mental capability has reached that of a normal human.1
161515301LeeThis frame is equipped with the latest tech coating produced after Kamui's latest batch of frames.1
171616301LeeIt was made on the same assembly line, so maybe it has slightly altered my appearance.1
181717302Looks sharp!18The new Lee will take some getting used to...19
19181820301Lee...It's not just for cosmetics. At least this new frame has significantly improved combat capabilities.1
201919301LeeJust close your eyes or be patient. At least, this new frame has significantly improved combat capabilities.1
212020302At least? What don't you like about it?21
222222302Are you modifying it yourself?23
232323301LeeOnly Nanami and Kamui use the workshop for training. I'm obviously here for assembly and modification purposes.1
242424302That's awesome, Lee!25You don't think it's a problem modifying yourself?27
2626263011AniZhuanchangBeginLee...Seeing as it's my area of expertise, it allows me to put my skills to the test.1
272727301LeeI run a few small risks, though. My M.I.N.D. may go berserk and I'll become a blood-thirsty killing machine.1
282828302You call that SMALL?!29You've got to be joking.30
3030303011AniZhuanchangBeginLeeIsn't it obvious?1