
239 lines
23 KiB

Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg3001_14.jpg
2 2 401 1 201
3 3 301 DialogEnable It's been so long since anyone set foot in the cell down at the bottom of the spire, that even the dusts in the air have grown stagnant.
4 4 301 Closing her eyes, the shard of soul sits quietly in the ruins.
5 5 301 With her wings torn into pieces, she is no longer able to fly.
6 6 301 Everything about her and the place is stagnant—so much so that even her heartbeat is barely palpable.
7 7 301 She's been left alone in the corner of memory—and seemed destined to remain so for the rest of eternity.
8 8 301 Things, however, seem a little different today...
9 9 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
10 10 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory146.png
11 11 301 In her head, she doesn't see the same endless nightmares anymore—but a young student speaking with an old instructor.
12 12 201 1 500531 8
13 13 301 1 What are they talking about? And why does she find it all strangely familiar?
14 14 203 1 0.35 -120
15 15 301 Slowly, she's drawn toward it ever so slowly—all the while taking care not to destroy this rare sight of an illusion.
16 16 401 2 2624
17 17 301 With a pair of determined and sincere eyes, the young student stands unfazed.
18 18 301 That alone is already enough to make her feel safe.
19 19 301 "Bang! Bang! Bang..."
20 20 301 That doesn't sound like a heartbeat...
21 21 402 2624
22 22 401 2 3077
23 23 301 With the bangs, the illusion vanishes.
24 24 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
25 25 401 2 3077
26 26 301 Someone is trying to break this cage from the outside, sending a rainfall of dust down from the rotten bricks up above.
27 27 401 1000 2 3077
28 28 401 1000 2 3077
29 29 401 1000 2 3077
30 30 401 1500 2 9317017
31 31 401 1 206
32 32 301 "Bang!"
33 33 204 1 12
34 34 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Liv ... 1
35 35 202 DialogDisable 1 1
36 36 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg3001_15.jpg
37 37 104 AniZhuanchangEnd -450|-300|-450 0
38 38 301 DialogEnable And the bricks now broken, through the hole comes a hand with fresh scars.
39 39 104 10000 150|-300|-450 10
40 40 301 There is no way the light of day can ever make it down to this part of the spire, and the torch in hand has stopped working.
41 41 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Even so, the two of them can still see each other clearly...
42 42 104 DialogDisable 0|0|0 0
43 43 105 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Ui/Spine/UiSpine/UiMovieSpine/UiMovieBianka/UiMovieBianka_Lifu/UiMovieBianka_Lifu.prefab
44 44 301 DialogEnable With their similar lights that shine through their souls and even outshine the dark of the night.
45 45 301 Words are spoken to her, but she can't hear them clearly.
46 46 301 Sometimes, the heart needs no language to communicate.
47 47 301 As their hands touch, the cold cell disappears in the blink of an eye...
48 48 301 She's deep in a warm embrace.
49 49 301 Everything around her seems to be crumbling—and with it, she feels as though she's falling down at the same time she's floating up through the air.
50 50 301 AniZhuanchangBegin The nightmare is over.
51 51 105 DialogDisable
52 52 401 1 36
53 53 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
54 54 301 DialogEnable Falling no more, you now feel what feels like the world's softest mattress against your back.
55 55 301 You thought it was the "safety trigger" that pulled you out of the forest into the M.I.N.D. diving chamber in the lab.
56 56 301 The floral aroma lingering by, however, seems to be telling you that you could be wrong.
57 57 501 500 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryZhengyanNew.prefab 3
58 58 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory617.jpg
59 59 301 You open your eyes and slowly rise to your feet, all the while unable to look away from the petals in the wind that guide your attention in a certain direction.
60 60 201 1 500524 2
61 61 301 1 Standing next to you, a dark green figure looks at you gently.
62 62 302 Did you get rid of the contamination, too? 63
63 63 301 Liv Yes. Thank you, Commandant. 1 100000637
64 64 302 Why didn't you wake me up? 65
65 65 301 Liv This place is safe, and I figured you needed some rest. 1 100000638
66 66 204 1 3
67 67 301 Liv And... 1 100000639
68 68 301 Putting a hand on her chest, Liv seems to be listening to what her heart wills.
69 69 301 She doesn't finish her sentence, but the dancing petals all around her seem to betray her mind.
70 70 301 And finally, deciding that she's going to shun no more, she looks up and sees straight into your eyes.
71 71 204 1 2
72 72 301 Liv The flowers, the trees, and the sun... All these are beautiful and put my mind at ease... 1 100000640
73 73 302 Yes, I know that. 74
74 74 301 Liv None of these is going to last forever, and they'll probably wake us up in no time... 1 100000641
75 75 302 True. 76
76 76 204 1 8
77 77 301 Liv But I really just... 1 100000642
78 78 301 With a wishful smile on her face, her voice cracks a little.
79 79 204 1 6
80 80 301 Liv I really just want to be here with you for just a little longer, Commandant... 1 100000643
81 81 301 Liv So I wouldn't have to see you keep fighting... 1 100000644
82 82 301 Liv And end up hurting yourself all over... 1 100000645
83 83 301 Liv I don't want to say goodbye to you again... 1 100000646
84 84 301 Liv I feel safe feeling your warmth and heartbeat... 1 100000647
85 85 302 Liv... 86
86 86 204 1 9
87 87 301 Liv I know this is an illusion. 1 100000648
88 88 301 Liv And... 1 100000649
89 89 202 1 1
90 90 401 1 162
91 91 205 2000 999 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg3001_05.jpg 0 1 2
92 92 205 999 1 0 0
93 93 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg3001_05.jpg
94 94 301 Liv I also know that this is the kind of future I'll always be pursuing going forward. 100000650
95 95 301 Liv bares her soul and pours her heart out.
96 96 301 You, however, can't tell if it's the doing of the M.I.N.D. shard or if she's only finding it easier to do so since you're in her subconscious mind.
97 97 301 With the petals swirling up to the breeze, the girl raises a question.
98 98 301 Liv So... how do you like the views here, Commandant? 100000651
99 99 302 Very much. 100 Not really. 130
100 100 301 Hearing your words and breaking into a smile, she carries on.
101 101 301 Liv Care to elaborate? 100000652
102 102 302 I like how quiet it is here. 103
103 103 301 The cozy sunlight filters through the swaying treetops and shines upon the dancing dust.
104 104 301 The grass under you feels ever so soft as it lifts you up to preserve the tranquility in the air.
105 105 301 Save for the bird cries that travel far and wide, there is not a single sound here.
106 106 301 This place is exactly as Liv said—without gunshots or ear-splitting alarms, this place is so quiet that you can hear her heartbeat and breath.
107 107 301 The breezes that come by every now and then are messengers with messages from afar.
108 108 302 I can totally picture myself living here when I retire. 109
109 109 301 You say as you give Liv a positive nod.
110 110 301 Little did you know, however, that Liv would take your joke so seriously.
111 111 301 Liv Uhm... if that's what you're thinking, you can probably build a cottage where there isn't anything around. 100000653
112 112 301 Liv You have all these trees here at your disposal, but you'd still need to be careful so the wood won't go bad... 100000654
113 113 301 Liv And you would of course need some electric generators here to make life easier... 100000655
114 114 302 Uhm... Liv? 115
115 115 301 Seeing her all excited about coming up with plans for your retirement, you aren't quite sure if you want to cut her off.
116 116 301 And before you know it, Liv seems to have already finished planning your living room.
117 117 301 Liv What would you like to have as a pet, Commandant? 100000656
118 118 302 U-uhh...? 119
119 119 301 While the question hits you as baffling, Liv seems to have a difficult time making up her mind.
120 120 301 Liv Sheep are good, but chipmunks seem like a good choice, too... Oh, I want to have some butterflies in the garden, too, if that's okay. 100000657
121 121 301 Liv I'd love to go for a walk during sunset with you, Lucia, and Lee—just the four of us, with the setting sun and all the butterflies around us... 100000658
122 122 302 Wow, I see you're way ahead of the game! 123
123 123 301 Opening your mouth wanting to cut Liv off, you decide to hold them back seeing her as happy as she is.
124 124 301 You see no reason to cut off her dream when she's still moving forward.
125 125 301 Liv And I want to try growing some veggies, too... 100000659
126 126 302 You aren't just going to grow everything yourself, are you? 127
127 127 301 Half giving up, you decide to hop in.
128 128 301 While the clock is fast ticking away on this sea of flowers...
129 129 172 301 AniZhuanchangBegin You know that the future you all dream of is quickly coming your way, too.
130 130 205 1000 999 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory617.jpg 0 1 1
131 131 205 999 1 0 0
132 132 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory617.jpg
133 133 201 1 500524 7
134 134 301 1 Your words hit Liv as a surprise.
135 135 204 1 3
136 136 301 Liv Why not, though? 1 100000660
137 137 302 Because this place is much too quiet. 138
138 138 204 1
139 139 301 All the plants here grow in the most primitive of ways, and you can never figure out which way is which with the ever so flimsy cries of the insects and birds. You feel as though you were in an empty box that's indefinitely big and left forgotten by the rest of the world.
140 140 301 This place is every bit as untarnished as it is devoid of any traces of visitors.
141 141 301 Quiet, peaceful, lonely, and beautiful, this place might be someone's forgotten dream... yet it just isn't your cup of tea.
142 142 204 1 2
143 143 301 Liv I never knew you couldn't stand being alone, Commandant. 1 100000661
144 144 301 Hearing your words, Liv breaks into a gentle smile.
145 145 302 Well, I wouldn't exactly put it like... L-Liv? 146
146 146 203 1 0.25 -150
147 147 301 Before you could even finish what you were going to say, Liv holds up your hand.
148 148 204 1 6
149 149 301 Liv ... 1 100000662
150 150 301 Liv says nothing, but the blush on her face already says it all. Seeing you caught completely off guard, she tightens her grip so that your palms come even closer.
151 151 301 You can feel Liv's warmth as your heartbeat and hers come together to form a cheerful piano duet on the skin.
152 152 301 Starting light, however, the duet slowly turns into an unsettling quick march...
153 153 301 While you can't be sure if this is happening because she's being influenced by her M.I.N.D. or whether it's because she's feeling temporarily comfortable enough to show her true self with her M.I.N.D. shard now back to herself...
154 154 301 You are taken aback nonetheless seeing Liv putting herself first, which is something she rarely ever does.
155 155 301 Liv I felt you back then... Commandant. 1 100000663
156 156 301 Liv's hand hovers over the fresh wounds on the back of your fingers that you ended up with from smashing through the wall.
157 157 401 1000 2 2632
158 158 402 2632
159 159 301 When she moves her hand away, you don't see the wounds that were still there just moments ago.
160 160 301 Her face grows redder still as her tone grows more firm.
161 161 301 Liv I want to hear more of your story, Commandant. Can we stay here for just a bit longer before we go? 1 100000664
162 162 301 Holding herself back no more, Liv now turns her thoughts into actions.
163 163 301 She turns her head down, her grip as tight as ever.
164 164 302 Of course. 165
165 165 302 And I want to hear your story, too, Liv. 166
166 166 204 1 2
167 167 301 Liv Sure. Where should I begin, Commandant? 1 100000665
168 168 301 Her voice reaches you along with the fragrance of the flowers.
169 169 301 With only seconds left in this sea of flowers...
170 170 301 AniZhuanchangBegin You know that the future will be waiting for both of you when you open your eyes again.
171 171 202 1 1
172 172 401 DialogDisable 1 36
173 173 101 AniZhuanchangEnd 700 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory16.jpg
174 174 401 1 5
175 175 301 DialogEnable You see the white light in the lab when you open your eyes, a sign that you're back in reality.
176 176 201 1 1031001
177 177 301 1 Liv Commandant... 1 100000666
178 178 301 Turning your head, you see Liv just a few meters away who seems to have come to just a few moments before you.
179 179 202 1 1
180 180 201 1 500404 1
181 181 301 1 Hippocrates 【kuroname】 is back. No sign of contamination. 1 100000874
182 182 203 1 0.25 -400
183 183 201 2 500004 400
184 184 301 1 Asimov We're fixing M.I.N.D. and analyzing the interactive data over here. 2 100000426
185 185 301 Hippocrates Are the data looking valid? 1 100000875
186 186 301 Asimov Working on that now... 2 100000427
187 187 301 Asimov's hands swish a mile a second over the device before him as he speaks, sending all sorts of charts and codes flying across the screen.
188 188 301 You can see a progress bar making progress on the screen. While strings of data are collected, multiple analysis reports pop out. When the progress bar finally reaches the end, a window pops out.
189 189 301 Ignoring the overly lengthy report itself, you train your eyes straight at the short line at the very bottom.
190 190 301 "Matching Expectation"
191 191 301 Asimov The validity of the data went beyond our expectations. We can go ahead and get ready for the trial coming up next. 2 100000424
192 192 302 Which means... 193
193 193 202 2 1
194 194 203 1 0.25
195 195 301 1 Hippocrates Which means that, until we're done improving Deep M.I.N.D. connection, you'll need to go through one stimulation after another—and no, you won't be allowed to leave Babylonia no matter what. 1 100000876
196 196 301 Hippocrates shoots both you and Liv a threatening look when she finishes speaking.
197 197 301 Hippocrates Got it? 1 100000877
198 198 302 Of course... 199 Well, I can only try... 199
199 199 202 2 1
200 200 201 1 1031001 2
201 201 301 1 Liv Of course... 1 100000667
202 202 202 1 1
203 203 201 1 500404 1
204 204 301 1 Hippocrates You'll be able to move around normally after this, but remember to come back for the regular check-ups. 1 100000878
205 205 301 Right then, your terminal buzzes.
206 206 202 1 1
207 207 401 2 1099
208 208 302 (Lucia is calling.) 209
209 209 301 She seems to be calling a little earlier today than usual.
210 210 201 1 1031001 7
211 211 301 1 Liv Is it Lucia? 1 100000668
212 212 302 Yup. 213
213 213 204 1 2
214 214 301 1 Liv Professor... 1 100000669
215 215 202 1 1
216 216 201 1 500404 1
217 217 301 1 Hippocrates It's all good. Both of you can leave now. 1 100000879
218 218 202 1 1
219 219 201 1 1031001 1
220 220 301 1 Liv We'll be able to see Lucia and Lee in person when this is over, right? 1 100000670
221 221 302 Yes, and I'm sure that day is coming soon. 222
222 222 301 Dreams could be a heavy burden when you face reality...
223 223 302 (Stand up.) 224
224 224 301 You can feel something soft and gentle against you.
225 225 301 Liv Let's go, Commandant. 1 100000671
226 226 302 AniZhuanchangBegin Alright. 227
227 227 202 DialogDisable 1 1
228 228 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory609.jpg
229 229 301 DialogEnable But don't ever fear all the good things the world has to offer and throw your dreams away.
230 230 205 1000 999 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory300.png 0 1 1
231 231 205 999 1 0 0
232 232 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory300.png
233 233 301 As long as the light in your soul still shines through, you're bound to attract your kind through the long night.
234 234 205 1000 999 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory617.jpg 0 1 1
235 235 205 999 1 0 0
236 236 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory617.jpg
237 237 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Because when you no longer have to trek through the night alone, dreams will no longer be a heavy burden but wings of hope.