
90 lines
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Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory26.jpg
2 2 401 1 203
3 100 301 DialogEnable — an unusual gathering of Corrupted near the Forsaken HQ "coincides" with Gray Raven's investigation.
4 3 201 1 500013
5 4 401 2 1508
6 5 301 1 Corrupted —! —! 1
7 6 201 1 1101001 5
8 7 301 1 Watanabe Hey, Commandant! Watch your back! 1
9 8 302 (Dodge the attack) 9 (Counterattack) 13
10 9 201 1 1031001
11 10 301 1 Liv Thank goodness you weren't hurt, Commandant. 1
12 11 201 1 500166 5
13 12 19 301 1 Lucia Please stay by Lucia's side, and leave the Corrupted to us. 1
14 13 201 1 500013
15 14 401 2 1508
16 15 301 PanelActor1Shake 1 Corrupted —! —! 1
17 16 201 1 1101001 1
18 17 301 1 Watanabe Whoa... not bad... 1
19 18 301 Watanabe But I'd advise you to stand back. If you got hurt, these Gray Raven fellas might just collapse. 1
20 19 201 1 500026
21 20 301 1 Lee (112, 671), detecting a sizable Corrupted response. Risk of a breakthrough. 1
22 21 201 1 1101001
23 22 301 1 Watanabe We're on it. Reinforcements have been sent to the breach. 1
24 23 202 1 2
25 24 301 Back to back, the two strike at the same time, and the encroaching Corrupted are knocked flying.
26 25 201 1 500124
27 26 301 1 Changyu Hey, old man! Back up! 1
28 27 202 1
29 28 301 RImgBg1Shake Nearby, Changyu's fist makes contact with a Corrupted chest. Contradictory to the boy's slender frame, the punch warps the Corrupted vessel beyond recognition as it sails towards Watanabe.
30 29 301 Lee and Watanabe quickly separate and finish off several enemies struck by the flying Corrupted chassis.
31 30 201 1 1101001
32 31 301 1 Watanabe Akdelik runt... are you trying to get us killed? 1
33 32 201 1 500124 1
34 33 301 1 Changyu It missed you anyways. Climb on! We have to go! 1
35 34 201 1 500026
36 35 301 1 Lee 1
37 36 202 1
38 37 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Changyu climbs aboard the transport first and starts the engine. The enormous wheels churn the pursuing Corrupted into scrap as Gray Raven and Watanabe climb aboard as well, racing towards the Forsaken HQ.
39 38 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory71.jpg
40 39 201 1 500124
41 40 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Changyu So this is the Forsaken HQ... 1
42 41 202 1
43 42 301 Compared to the sufficiently extravagant Eternal Engine and the Nighter, the Forsaken HQ is spartan, almost bare.
44 43 201 1 1031001 7
45 44 301 1 Liv Watanabe-San, what's in here? 1
46 45 202 1
47 46 301 Without a word, Watanabe opens the containers and instructs the Forsaken soldiers in the HQ to help move their contents.
48 47 201 1 500166 6
49 48 301 1 Lucia Rice? And beans and seasoning... is that all there is? What do the Forsaken want with this food? 1
50 49 302 Go and ask 50 Leave it be 51
51 50 52 301 Lucia You're curious too, Commandant? Then I shall go ask. 1
52 51 301 Lucia Memory Data on the Forsaken indicates... feels... like they are not a threat... I'll go ask! 1
53 52 301 Lucia Hello, may I ask what this food is for? 1
54 54 201 1 500172
55 56 301 1 Forsaken Soldier Duanwu festival's almost here! We're makin' Zongs! 1
56 101 201 1 500166 6
57 57 301 1 Lucia Duanwu festival...? Do you know what that is, Commandant? 1
58 102 302 An old Eastern festival 120
59 120 204 1 1
60 103 301 Lucia Festival... there appears to be an analog... in my Memory Data. It feels warm. 1
61 104 201 1 500124 1
62 105 301 1 Changyu We are pretty close to the Duanwu Festival... Do the Forsaken even observe it? 1
63 106 201 1 500172
64 58 301 1 Forsaken Soldier Several years ago, we saved someone by the ocean. He told us that he sold Zongs on the Nighter. He was heavily modified with cybernetics. Most of his organs weren't his anymore. It was a miracle that he survived being thrown into the sea. 1
65 59 301 Forsaken Soldier Day and night, that man dreamt of returning home. So fierce was his longing that several of our companions starting feeling the same way, and we ended up taking him in. He was the one who told us about Duanwu, and taught us how to make Zongs. 1
66 107 201 1 500124 1
67 60 301 1 Changyu The man who sold Zongs on the Nighter... was his name Old Man Fu? I knew him. I ate his Zongs too! 1
68 61 302 Where is he now? 108
69 108 201 1 500172
70 62 301 1 Forsaken Soldier Dunno. One day, he just up and disappeared. We never found him. 1
71 63 202 1
72 64 301 The soldier spots Watanabe approaching, throws a salute, then joins the line of men moving supplies.
73 65 201 1 1101001
74 121 401 1 211
75 66 301 1 Watanabe Hmph, in a world devoid of hope, it is impossible to survive without something to miss. 1
76 67 301 Watanabe It so happened that our could handle making these Zongs, and so Duanwu became the one festival we celebrate and pin our hopes on throughout the year. 1
77 68 301 Watanabe This year, however, Corrupted activity has surged thanks to the presence of the Ascendant, and we've been unable to gather the requisite supplies. 1
78 69 201 1 500124
79 70 301 1 Changyu Hence the trip to the Nighter? 1
80 71 201 1 500026
81 72 301 1 Lee What is the significance of this festival, to warrant the allocation of so many resources? 1
82 73 201 1 1101001 1
83 74 301 1 Watanabe Significant? There are those among us who consider it so significant, that they have named themselves "Zongs". 1
84 75 201 1 500124
85 76 301 1 Changyu You're kidding, no one is as stupid as that. 1
86 77 301 Changyu Really? Come on... 1
87 78 201 1 1101001
88 79 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Watanabe For you, perhaps it is just a marginally more important day, but for us, Duanwu is the only release for a protracted and solitary longing. I don't want to disappoint them on a day like this. 1