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433301DialogEnableThe wind is roaring. Standing on the decrepit ruins, the man gazes from afar at the abandoned city on the icy plains, one hand combing the stray strands of windblown hair outside of his eyes.
544301From where he's standing, he can see a cluster of ramshackle buildings covered by snow. Not a single human can be spotted.
655301???I sense something approaching.
777301AniZhuanchangBeginCommsWait... abnormal waveform at 20.9 miles out! Looks similar to the Owl S-118 at Orekhovo the other day. Oops, we almost let that big ol' fish go that time.
111111302Lee, update the mission briefing.12
121212301AniZhuanchangEnd1LeeUpdate complete: The current time is 3:56 p.m. Our current location is in the east of the Eurasian continent. Mission destination is still the land-based Airforce HQ of the Eurasian Branch of the World Government. According to President Hassen's orders, the objective is close recon and reclamation...1
131313301Liv...From the data we just received, the closer it is to our destination, the higher concentration of the Punishing Virus is.2
141414302That's why we must figure out what's going on.15
1818183011LuciaGray Raven, move out!1
202020301On the snowy plains, all that's visible are the remains of run-down buildings and an endless expanse of snow.
212121301But for some reason, I can't shake the feeling we're being watched...
222222302Wait.23Are you sure there's no one here?23
2424243011LivNo body heat nor Inver-Device signals detected. Commandant, is something wrong?1
252525302...Forget it, then. Let's go.26
262626301LivI'll do another check, just in case...1
282828301Just as the team is preparing to leave, Lucia unsheathes her blade and points it towards a spot in the distance.
303030301RImgBg1Shake1LuciaWho goes there!1
323232301???【kuroname】's instincts were right.
3434343011WatanabeThe rest of you, on the other hand... Can't believe you let an unidentified Attacker Construct come within 15 meters around your commandant.1
353535301WatanabeIf I were a long-range Attacker, Babylonia would have lost an excellent commandant today.1
383838302Don't you think that's crossing the line?39I trust Lucia.42
4040403011WatanabeDo you mean using my experience in guerilla warfare against Liv is unfair?1
41414144301WatanabeShe's not a rookie anymore. Underestimating the enemy is a bad habit to have.1
4343433011WatanabeThat's on you.1
444444301WatanabeI'll get straight to the point.1
454545301WatanabeIf I'm guessing correctly, your destination... is it Cape Nohama?1
464646301WatanabeThe land-based airforce HQ of the Eurasia Branch of the World Government... For some reason, it's become a barren hell on earth. Go ahead for another six miles and you'll see what I mean.1
474747302You're heading there too?48For some reason?49
48484850301WatanabeI see I guessed right...1
494949301WatanabeReasons that politicians don't talk about... and I don't care about...1
505050301WatanabeBack to the point, Commandant. Since our goals align, are you interested in working together?1
515151302Gray Raven can complete the mission on our own.52What's your angle?53
52525254301WatanabeI don't doubt it at all.1
535353301WatanabeI understand that you may have doubts. But don't worry, I have no interest in tangling with Babylonia.1
545454301WatanabeJudging by your formation, you're here for recon? Reclamation?1
565656301WatanabeWell, then, I don't mind sharing with you what data I have.1
575757301WatanabeIt will at least save you some trouble.1
585858302On what condition?59
595959301WatanabeThe airforce HQ you have your eyes on is also the site of the only functioning marine radar station in the area.1
606060301WatanabeWhat we want is temporary control of the radar station. Babylonia should find this reasonable.1
616161302Why is that?62
626262301WatanabeThat's got nothing to do with Babylonia, right?1
6768683011Watanabe raises an arm and makes a gesture. In a flash, over a dozen Forsaken soldiers materialize out of the snow, dressed in infrared combat suits.
7071713011WatanabeThey've been stationed here in this area for years, and know everything there is to know, from the way the wind blows to how the snow tastes. They are the perfect scouts and intelligence providers.1
717272301WatanabeLet's set off now. You can always change your mind before we arrive at Ghost Coast.1
7273733011AniZhuanchangBeginWatanabeAnd trust me... you wouldn't want to traverse the icefield at night.1