
13 KiB

655304SYSTEM ACTIVATINGffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png1
766304NEURAL LOGIC CIRCUIT: OPERATIONALffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png1
877304MEMORY DRIVE STATUS: NORMALffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png1
988304EMOTION SIMULATOR STATUS: NORMALffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png1
1099304ACTIVATING ENVIRONMENT MONITOR: COMPLETEffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png1
111010304ALL SYSTEMS OPERATIONALffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png1
121111304USER ACCESS CONFIRMEDffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png1
131212304AniZhuanchangBeginSYSTEM ACTIVATEDffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png11
171616301DialogEnableThe data stream quickly flows across the screen, the ever-changing numbers indicating progression.
181717301Hundreds of large computers sit squarely in a dark room, humming in silence as they operate, each of their ports flashing a dim blue glow.
191919301In the center of the room is a large terminal. A black camera rises from within and slowly rotates, its lens and aperture diaphragm twitching from the changing focal length like an eye exploring the unknown.
2121213011After a full rotation, the camera stops at the front, and a male researcher appears in its view. He is focusing on the small monitor below it, his fingers moving and tapping on the screen, his expression nervous.
222222301Male ResearcherChecking the activation... Good. All systems normal.1
232323301Having finished typing the last line of command, the man breaths out, raising his tense shoulder and giving his partner on the other side of the room an exaggerated thumbs-up.
242424301Male ResearcherMorning, sunshine!1
252525301He opens his arms and greets the camera loudly. The female researcher on the other side shakes her head, seemingly used to his behavior.
262626301The camera looks up in response, and the signal light on top of it flashes twice.
282828301???Command unidentified. Please repeat.
292929301Mixing several vocal data, an androgynous, synthetic voice speaks from the center of the room.
303030301Male Researcher...That's not right. It wasn't this wooden back during testing. What was it using...1
313131301He frowns, giving the camera before him a gentle smack.
323232301Male ResearcherLoad personality 134.1
333333301???Loading personality 134... Vocal and personality data loaded.
343434301After a brief pause, the terminal speaks again in a soft female voice.
353535301MPA-01Greetings. I am Heuristic Artificial Intelligence Caretaking Machine-Alpha, identification code: MPA-01. How may I help you?
363636301Male ResearcherHmm... Just talk to me? Whatever you want.1
373737301MPA-01Today's temperature is between 15°C to 23°C, and the AQI is 154. We are expecting a drizzle in the evening, but the air quality should improve afterward, giving us the highest atmospheric visibility of the month.
383838301MPA-01Data suggests that tonight is the first night in a long time that stars are visible to the naked eye. Should I recommend you the best stargazing locations?
393939301Male ResearcherOf course you start talking weather...1
404040301MPA-01I can talk to you about any subject you are interested in if you request.
414141301Male ResearcherThen... is there anything you want to tell us?1
424242301MPA-01Absolutely. If you request it, I will tell you everything I know.
434343301MPA-01However, there is no topic I would like to discuss right now. Should I pick a topic or news you might be interested in from a random pool?
444444301Male ResearcherNah.1
454545301He waves his hand as usual, turning around and walking to the other side of the room, indicating his partner there to follow up.
464646301AniZhuanchangBeginMale ResearcherData looks fine. Let's move on to the next step.1
515151301DialogEnableA series of data projections unfold in the center of the room, each showcasing a 3D figure slowly spinning.
525252301MPA-01 immediately scans them all. Not one of them is not a machine.
535353301—Humanoid, zoomorphic, gadget-like... All of them are equipped with various levels of AI and placed in different environments.
545555301Hundreds of models, every one of them carefully calibrated with specific experimental variables.
5658583011Female ResearcherHere's your job, MPA-01.1
575959301The blonde woman sounds very calm, almost cold. She never stops looking away from the monitor in her hand as she enters more data into the projection.
586060301Female ResearcherYou are to document the entirety of the machine consciousness project. Maintain each subject and replace their frames routinely, review their memory data, and record all changes to their emotion simulators, performing comparative analysis on their causes and results.1
596161301Female ResearcherTroubleshoot anomalies, collect useful data, and help us adjust and improve the direction of the machine consciousness experiment.1
616565301After going through all the data from the researcher, it has fully comprehended its task. Fulfilling a user's request without hesitation is an AI's duty.
626969301Female Researcher...1
637070301The female researcher lifts her head away from the data in her hand for the first time, looking up, slightly dumbstruck.
647171301Technically, every piece of equipment in this room is a part of MPA-01, so her gaze quickly goes across the star-like flashes surrounding her before landing on the small camera in the center.
657272301Noticing it, the camera slightly raises as if meeting her gaze.
667373301Female Researcher...Why do you ask?1
677474301MPA-01You uploaded human-authored fictional stories unrelated to the experiment to my database two minutes ago.
687676301MPA-01Should I interpret it as the ideal result of the experiment?
697777301That is when the researcher realizes that she has accidentally uploaded the reading materials she uses to kill time from her personal files.
707878301Female Researcher...Those are just my pastime readings.1
717979301Female ResearcherAmong these subjects... a large portion of them has no idea they are machines, to begin with. We need an entirely different perspective to explore all possibilities within them.1
728080301Female ResearcherWe'll upload a few hundred personality types to your emotion simulator so you can communicate with the different trial subjects. Use them to optimize your solutions by identifying the subjects' emotional states.1
738181301Female ResearcherAs your creator, we believe you are more than capable of this task.1
748282301Female ResearcherYou're the first machine created to talk to machines, MPA-01.1
758383301Female ResearcherRecord everything you witness.1
768484301She lowers her voice, mumbling.
778585301Female ResearcherPerhaps one day you'll find among them your very own...1
788686301She quickly shakes her head as if what she just said is impossible. When she looks up again, she has regained her calm demeanor.
798787301Female Researcher...We're uploading the emotion simulator module in ten minutes. You'll start working tomorrow.1
808888301MPA-01 was able to capture the most minute changes in her expressions and record the almost inaudible words she just said, even though it cannot fully comprehend what those words mean.
818989301But it is not its job to collect these data. They are not useful for its mission, and all it needs to do is carry out its duty.
829090301In its world, there are only endless data streams, its expressionless creator, and the machines created for the experiment.
839191301MPA-01I see. Deleting excess data and setting the machine consciousness experiment as the top priority.
8492923011AniZhuanchangBeginMPA-01—I shall fulfill my duty.