
524 lines
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Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory345.jpg
2 2 401 1 202
3 3 301 DialogEnable Climbing the ladder, the ground underfoot begins to rumble slightly.
4 4 301 The source of the rumbling not only comes from Camu fighting against the enemy down below...
5 5 301 ...But also from the Hetero Tide rushing toward Chrome from above.
6 6 301 Facing the surging wave of Hetero-Creatures, Chrome is forced to defend his position in front of the ladder.
7 7 301 Even if the corruption of his frame reaches critical mass, he will still continue to fight.
8 8 301 However, this is no foolhardy self-sacrifice. Rather, sensing that the level of corruption is no longer rising, he detects something about this strange anomaly.
9 9 201 1 500155 9
10 10 301 1 Chrome ...I'll take a page out of your playbook. 1
11 11 301 As long as he can hold on a little longer and intercept the enemies rushing toward him...
12 12 301 His determination might just be able to pull off such a Hail Mary. Even then, he can barely keep such an unspeakable plan suppressed in the bottom of his heart.
13 13 202 1 1
14 14 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiHitNew.prefab 2
15 15 401 2 10006001
16 16 301 Chrome takes a step forward. His scythe enveloped in lightning slashes the Hetero-Creatures, smashing wave after wave into pieces.
17 17 401 2 1516
18 18 301 But right as he catches a glimpse of victory, he hears the sound of ominous footsteps slowly approaching.
19 19 201 1 500305 1
20 20 301 1 Vonnegut I'm sure you'd think it's a miracle if you made it out of here alive. Are you still choosing to sacrifice yourself to save your comrades? 1
21 21 301 Chrome remains silent. He stands firmly and continues to block the oncoming wave of Hetero-Creatures.
22 22 301 Vonnegut Interesting. 1
23 23 301 The Hetero-Creatures in front of him suddenly halt their attack as if they had received a signal.
24 24 301 Vonnegut Most leaders shoulder immense weight. They rise fast and fall even harder. 1
25 25 301 Vonnegut Seems you are no different. 1
26 26 201 1 500155 9
27 27 301 1 Chrome But I won't let that day come. 1
28 28 202 1 1
29 29 201 1 500305 1
30 30 401 2 1516
31 31 301 1 Faced with Chrome's conviction, Vonnegut quietly walks forward.
32 32 401 2 1508
33 33 301 Electric currents of Punishing Virus hiss beneath his feet like raging waves as if to tear the narrow space apart.
34 34 301 Vonnegut Show me everything you've got. 1
35 35 202 1 1
36 36 301 Countless crimson tendrils leap out from the ground and strike, all targeting Chrome's Inver-Device.
37 37 201 1 500155 9
38 38 301 1 Chrome remains undaunted. He dodges the attack and rushes toward Vonnegut.
39 39 301 Just as he is about to reach his opponent, he picks up the motionless remains of a nearby Hetero-Creature with his scythe as a shield. Blocking the attack, the golden lightning from his scythe unleashes a thunderclap.
40 40 202 1 1
41 41 301 —CLANG!
42 1132 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
43 5001 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStory/FxUiStoryKejiBg.prefab 2
44 42 201 1 500305 -800
45 43 201 2 500155 9 800
46 44 203 1 0.15 -300
47 45 203 2 0.15 300
48 46 301 RImgBg1Shake 1 Chrome strikes Vonnegut's defense barrier with all of his might. 1 2
49 47 202 1 2 1
50 48 201 1 500305 1
51 49 301 1 Vonnegut You've already tried using brute force. 1
52 50 203 1 0.25 -400
53 51 201 2 500155 9 400
54 52 301 1 Chrome ...Think again. 2
55 53 203 2 0.25 200
56 54 301 Chrome grips his scythe tightly, condensing all of the lightning into the tip of his blade. With the scorching heat of a meteor strike, he smashes Vonnegut's barrier once more.
57 55 401 2 1506
58 5002 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStory/FxUiStoryKejiBg.prefab
59 1232 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
60 5003 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStory/FxUiStoryGoldDustBrokenLightWall.prefab 1
61 56 301 Following a slight cracking sound, the tip of the scythe finally manages to penetrate the seemingly indestructible defense barrier.
62 57 203 2 0.25 600
63 58 202 2 1
64 59 203 1 0.25
65 60 301 Vonnegut You can still maintain consciousness at this level of corruption. You are indeed a splendid seed. 1
66 61 301 He looks at the weapon puncturing his defense barrier, and nods in faint appreciation.
67 62 301 Vonnegut What you lack is not courage, ingenuity or skill, but pure and raw—power. 1
68 63 301 Vonnegut As I've said before, the speed of humanity's technological progress can't ensure victory. 1
69 64 301 Vonnegut But the potential and progress you have shown me, I'll give you some more time to blossom. 1
70 65 202 1 1
71 66 201 1 500155 9
72 67 301 1 Chrome ... 1
73 68 202 1 1
74 69 201 1 500305 1
75 5004 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStory/FxUiStoryGoldDustBrokenLightWall.prefab
76 70 301 1 He places his hands behind his back and deactivates the punctured defense barrier. He takes a step back, noticing Chrome at his limit.
77 71 301 Vonnegut As a sign of respect for your "bravery," I'll call them off your comrades. 1
78 72 301 Right as Vonnegut finishes speaking, the Hetero-Creatures within the waterway quickly recede like the tide.
79 73 301 Vonnegut One more thing. 1
80 74 301 Vonnegut The transport craft you flew in on has been constantly sending "eyes" in search of you. 1
81 75 301 Vonnegut They're no match for corruption, but that doesn't mean they will stop recording. If the investigators recover them, that could spell trouble in the future. 1
82 76 301 Vonnegut So I've had Cinderelik take care of the transport craft for you. 1
83 77 301 Vonnegut She said that there were some other issues, but that doesn't concern us, so Cinderelik didn't get involved. 1
84 78 201 1 500155 9
85 79 301 1 Chrome ...! 1
86 80 201 1 500305 1
87 81 301 1 Vonnegut Is your loyalty really worth it? 1
88 82 201 1 500155 9
89 83 301 1 Chrome Light and darkness coexist... Don't you share a similar view? 1
90 84 202 1 1
91 85 301 Faced with Chrome's answer, Vonnegut simply smiles and says nothing more.
92 86 401 2 1516
93 87 301 AniZhuanchangBegin He turns and walks into the dark tunnel.
94 88 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory347.jpg
95 89 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Climbing up along the corroded floor, Camu squeezes through a half-collapsed hole.
96 90 201 1 500155 9
97 91 301 1 Chrome You're back. Everything okay? 1
98 92 301 Seeing Camu return, Chrome wants to stand up, but the split legs of his frame make him unable to maintain balance.
99 93 202 1 1
100 94 301 Even a cursory glance shows that his frame is seriously corrupted and damaged.
101 95 201 1 500175
102 96 301 1 Camu I was going to ask you that. Take a good look at yourself. 1
103 97 203 1 0.25 400
104 98 201 2 500155 9 -400
105 99 301 1 Chrome I'm fine. 2
106 100 301 Camu I don't care what you say. We need to get you to a doctor. 1
107 101 203 1 0.25 600
108 102 203 2 0.25 -600
109 103 201 3 500273
110 104 301 1 Wanshi I've already tended to the captain's wounds. At least his injuries won't get any worse for the time being. 3
111 105 301 Camu Hmph, let's hurry back. There's nothing more we can do here. 1
112 106 301 Chrome Alright, we're all here. Let's get going. 2
113 107 202 1 2 3 1
114 108 201 1 1081001 2
115 109 301 1 Kamui Captain, let me carry you! 1
116 110 201 1 500155 9
117 111 301 1 Chrome No need. I can walk. 1
118 112 202 1 1
119 113 301 Chrome responds coherently, but the others can tell he is struggling to hide his fatigue and that he is barely holding on.
120 114 201 1 500273 4
121 115 301 1 Wanshi ...I know I said to stay awake, but I didn't say you had to stay moving. 1
122 116 201 1 1081001 4
123 117 301 1 Kamui Exactly! Wanshi said your wounds will get worse if you keep at it! We need to get you back ASAP! 1
124 118 201 1 500175
125 119 301 1 Camu Are you still here because of me? 1
126 120 201 1 500273 4
127 121 301 1 Wanshi There's only one transport craft back. The one that brought you here is gone. If we left you here, you might be attacked by that agent again. 1
128 122 201 1 500175
129 123 301 1 Camu Hmph... Kamui! Grab the captain and let's go! 1
130 124 203 1 0.25 400
131 125 201 2 1081001 2 -400
132 126 301 1 Kamui You got it! 2
133 127 202 1 2 1
134 128 301 Chrome tries to refuse, but Kamui throws him over his shoulder without much resistance.
135 129 301 Unable to move due to his serious injuries, Chrome has no choice but to give up the struggle.
136 130 201 1 1081001 2
137 131 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Kamui Full speed ahead! 1
138 132 202 1 1
139 133 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory347.jpg
140 134 301 AniZhuanchangEnd After Strike Hawk evacuates, two shadowy figures emerge from the scorched ruins.
141 135 201 1 500313 -400
142 136 201 2 500314 400
143 140 301 1 ?? Can he really make it back with those injuries? 2
144 141 301 ??? I've done what I can to stop his Punishing concentration from rising past the point of no return. He should be able to make it safely back to Babylonia. 1
145 142 202 1 2 1
146 143 301 The figure in the shadows lets out a soft, cheerful laugh.
147 144 201 1 500313 -400
148 145 201 2 500314 400
149 146 301 1 ??? Even if he manages to hold out, it'll take him over a month for his frame to recover. 1
150 147 301 ?? ...Why the special treatment? 2
151 148 202 1 2 1
152 149 301 The man laughs, then point's at her forehead.
153 150 201 1 500313 -400
154 151 201 2 500314 400
155 152 301 1 ??? This is a declaration of war... I need to keep him alive so he can deliver my message to those bastards playing M.I.N.D. games right at my doorstep. 1
156 153 202 1 2 1
157 154 301 Unsure of what this means, the girl tilts her head to the side in confusion.
158 155 201 1 500313 -400
159 156 201 2 500314 400
160 157 301 1 ??? Forget it. I'm just trying to lure those snakes out of hiding again. After all, to them, only the dead stay quiet. 1
161 158 301 ?? But in the past, you did whatever you could to cover our tracks so the humans couldn't find us. 2
162 159 301 ?? But now... You're bringing them right to us? 2
163 160 301 ??? This isn't the first time we've made our presence known. We just stopped for a brief period of time. 1
164 161 301 ??? Ever since I first laid my eyes on the Red Tide, I knew that the future foretold by Ascnet was within our grasp. 1
165 162 301 ??? Lions can't expect to capture an elephant merely waiting in the shade. Now is our time to go on the offensive. 1
166 163 301 ??? Not to mention, Alpha is going to stop at nothing to redirect humanity's spears away from Luna and onto me anyway. 1
167 164 301 ??? Even if you kill them, the same thing will happen in the future. You could get rid of Alpha, but then Luna will just become the next ticking time bomb, and we don't know where she is. 1
168 165 301 ??? I've been collecting "food" to feed the Red Tide. If they're willing to send us delivery, all the better. 1
169 166 301 ??? I'm sure she will express her sincere gratitude for such a mutually beneficial victory. 1
170 167 301 ?? ... 2
171 168 301 ??? Are you worried about "him"? 1
172 169 301 ?? ...Yes. 2
173 170 301 ??? Relax, dear child. I've never known a human to return to Earth after arriving in Babylonia. You'll never see him again. 1
174 171 301 ?? Okay. 2
175 172 301 ??? Our priority now is your "mother." 1
176 173 301 ??? I'm sure that won't be the last of them. I'll leave you to protect her. I'm needed elsewhere. 1
177 174 202 1 2 1
178 175 301 The girl nods, then takes the crystal pyramid from him.
179 176 201 1 500313 -400
180 177 201 2 500314 400
181 178 301 1 ??? Do you know what this does? 1
182 179 301 AniZhuanchangBegin ?? ...Yes. 2
183 180 202 1 2 1
184 181 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory211.png
185 182 301 AniZhuanchangEnd The transport craft steadily enters low Earth orbit.
186 183 301 Camu enters the isolation chamber, while Kamui and Wanshi show signs of trepidation.
187 184 301 Wanshi inspects Chrome's Inver-Device again. Even though his frame was heavily damaged from battle and corruption, his Inver-Device is relatively intact.
188 185 201 1 500273
189 186 301 1 Wanshi With all this damage, even if everything goes according to plan, you're going to be out of commission for over a month. 1
190 187 201 1 500155 17
191 188 301 1 Chrome forces a nod. Feeling weak, he can only lean against the cabin wall. The dark sky outside the window makes him drowsy. 1
192 189 202 1 1
193 190 301 Prior to their departure, Chrome canceled the countdown for the distress call and sent an emergency evacuation request to the nearby Task Force, hoping that they stop their search and rescue mission and evacuate ASAP.
194 191 301 If the squad encounters the agent, there will only be one outcome—
195 192 301 Death.
196 193 301 For Chrome, he had long since grown acquainted with the word "death."
197 194 301 "This is war."
198 195 301 He recalls what his father had said to him.
199 196 301 "Death is inevitable."
200 197 301 That is also what his father had said.
201 198 301 AniZhuanchangBegin As long as you are a soldier on the battlefield, your day will come.
202 199 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
203 200 301 AniZhuanchangEnd AniZhuanchangBegin "I've already applied for your transfer. Thank you for your outstanding performance during the mission."
204 201 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory211.png
205 202 201 1 500155 17
206 203 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Chrome ... 1
207 204 202 1 1
208 205 301 A few old memories fill Chrome's M.I.N.D.
209 206 301 Before that, he had experienced a catastrophic "failure," but that gave Chrome a "new life."
210 207 301 What about this time?
211 208 201 1 500155 17
212 209 301 1 Chrome (Even if it was the worst-case scenario, at least I protected everyone.) 1
213 210 301 With this feeling, Chrome recalls the thought that had flashed through his M.I.N.D. right before his final encounter with Vonnegut.
214 211 301 Chrome (If it wasn't the worst-case scenario...) 1
215 212 202 1 1
216 213 301 If only he can hold onto an ounce of hope...
217 214 301 If he is able to transfer into his new frame early due to the damages sustained in battle...
218 215 301 Since 【kuroname】 has been the only one resistant to corruption... He will be able to temporarily free the commandant to stabilize the corruption and other issues caused by M.I.N.D. deviation.
219 216 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Working alongside 【kuroname】, Chrome will have a better chance of destroying that secret base. Then...
220 217 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory56.jpg
221 218 504 0.7
222 219 201 1 500153 -400
223 220 201 2 500149 400
224 221 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 John Langston, you know what to do as my son, don't you? 2
225 222 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Langston Gather everything that is of use, put them together, then create a perfect "me." 1
226 223 202 1 2 1
227 224 504 0
228 225 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory211.png
229 226 201 1 500155 17
230 227 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Chrome (I'm going to achieve this goal my own way, Dad.) 1
231 228 301 But... This goal, no matter how sought after it is, it cannot be his final destination.
232 229 301 Chrome (Looks like I'm going to spend a month in the Star of Life while they repair my frame.) 1
233 230 301 Considering all of the surveillance lately, perhaps spending a month in the Star of Life recovering will be more suitable for the opposition's plans.
234 231 301 Chrome ... 1
235 232 202 1 1
236 233 301 During his meeting with 【kuroname】, even though he did not reveal anything to the opposition, he did give them a new target.
237 234 301 Even still, Chrome has no regrets.
238 235 301 He has to make sure of the commandant's willingness before he saves the next life.
239 236 301 After his meeting with 【kuroname】, the commandant's willingness was without a doubt.
240 237 301 Whether he has to "become the rat" to free 【kuroname】 or acquire the commandant's assistance, he must stay alive. He has to achieve his goal his own way.
241 238 201 1 500155 17
242 239 301 1 Chrome (I can't let them stop me.) 1
243 240 301 He has to take action, even under these circumstances.
244 241 201 1 500273
245 242 301 1 Wanshi ...I can't get a hold of the Star of Life. I wanted to see if they're still taking patients. 1
246 243 202 1 1
247 244 301 "Is their comm link down? Is there a signal jammer nearby?"
248 245 201 1 500155 17
249 246 301 1 Chrome wants to ask Wanshi, but his corruption and wounds make him unable to speak.
250 247 201 1 500175
251 248 301 1 Camu Hmph... I think someone planted something next to the engine. 1
252 249 301 Camu I didn't really look at it too closely before takeoff because we were in such a hurry. It's not safe to check during flight either. 1
253 250 301 Camu Call them when we get back to base. 1
254 251 202 1 1
255 252 301 They all nod. Silence falls over them among the rumbling of the transport craft.
256 253 201 1 500155 17
257 254 301 1 Chrome wants to share his suspicions with everyone, but even his vision begins to fade.
258 255 301 He does not know what might happen if he passes out here. Wanshi has not specified.
259 256 301 But by the look on his face, it definitely would not be good.
260 257 301 I must stay awake and leave a clue... Chrome struggles to gain control over his broken finger.
261 258 301 ...A29.
262 259 301 He writes this simple message on the palm of his hand with the vital fluid exuding from his fingertip.
263 260 301 Column A, number 29. This is the address for Asimov in his terminal's directory.
264 261 301 Most of the time, Asimov is in his workshop where he cannot be reached. Only this address is able to reach him regarding top-secret research.
265 262 301 In addition, only those involved in these top-secret projects know this address.
266 263 301 If they are willing to use heavy-handed means to interfere with his plans, such as signal jammers, he has no other choice but to write this glimmer of hope on his hand.
267 264 301 If his assumption is correct, Wanshi and Kamui will understand this clue as they check each invalid comm link.
268 265 301 After all, they are sure to connect the dots while looking at the directory itself.
269 266 301 In order to make the number more apparent, Chrome once again struggles to gain control over his fingertip.
270 267 301 Pain. Deep, agonizing pain.
271 268 301 Prior to this mission, Chrome has not used pain to stay conscious for quite some time.
272 269 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Somehow, this gives Chrome a season of bitter nostalgia.
273 270 202 1 1
274 271 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory348.jpg
275 272 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Steadily arriving at the predetermined landing zone, Babylonia is already shrouded in artificial night.
276 274 301 For Chrome, the imaginary moon hanging outside the window has accompanied him for countless nights at F.O.S. College.
277 275 301 Countless days... Work, repeat. Train, repeat. Struggle, repeat.
278 276 301 All to keep Langston Smith on top.
279 277 301 But now... There was no need for such a cold, relentless pursuit of "perfection."
280 278 301 Becoming a "Smith" was no longer his sole pursuit...
281 279 301 Perhaps, it is the sense of familiarity that gives him a little peace of mind or, perhaps, that he has already reached the limit.
282 281 301 Chrome's memory once again begins to sink into itself...
283 282 201 1 1081001
284 283 301 1 Kamui We made it! 1
285 284 203 1 0.25 400
286 285 201 2 500175 -400
287 286 301 1 Camu Leave the transport ship so we can finally contact the Star of Life. 2
288 287 301 Kamui Roger! I'll get the captain off the ship. 1
289 288 202 1 2 1
290 289 201 1 500273 1
291 290 301 1 Wanshi His condition is getting worse. Carry him and keep him steady. 1
292 291 202 1 1
293 292 301 "Thanks. Sorry for the trouble."
294 293 301 Chrome wants to say that, but he cannot spit out a single word.
295 294 201 1 500273 7
296 295 301 1 Wanshi Wait! Kamui! There's something written on the captain's hand. 1
297 296 203 1 0.25 400
298 297 204 1
299 298 201 2 1081001 4 -400
300 299 301 1 Kamui A29? 2
301 300 301 Kamui That wasn't there before boarding the plane. Did he want to tell us this but couldn't? 2
302 2000 204 1 4
303 301 301 Wanshi It seems that his vocalizer has been destroyed. Go to the Star of Life before looking into this! 1
304 302 301 Wanshi grabs Chrome's hand and wipes it clean.
305 303 301 Wanshi Let's go. 1
306 304 202 1 2 1
307 305 301 DialogDisable Reliable comrades, reliable friends, a real sense of security... He thinks of how fortunate he is for being the captain of Strike Hawk.
308 306 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
309 2001 201 1 1081001 4
310 307 301 DialogEnable 1 Kamui Hey... 1
311 308 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Before Chrome falls into a coma, Kamui sees a smile on the corner of his mouth.
312 309 202 1 1
313 310 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory284.jpg
314 311 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Although it is now "early morning" according to human convention, there are still several personnel on the landing platform performing maintenance on transport crafts.
315 312 301 They are somewhat surprised to see the safety hatch open halfway as a blonde figure rushes out from within.
316 313 301 The young man, who personnel could always tell he was laughing even by looking at the back of his head, is now in a state of panic.
317 314 201 1 1081001 17
318 315 301 1 Kamui HEY!! IS THERE A MEDIC?! 1
319 316 201 1 500303
320 317 301 1 Staff Member Military personnel returning from Earth, turn left and proceed through the sterilization tunnel. Then you can take a regional shuttle to the ER at the Star of Life. 1
321 318 202 1 1
322 319 301 The staff member standing behind the right partition simply recites the regulations apathetically.
323 320 301 Hearing this formulaic response, Kamui remains quiet. Instead, he rushes in the direction of the sterilization tunnel with Chrome lying unconscious in his arms.
324 321 301 After seeing them disappear, the workers behind the partition get together and begin to gossip.
325 322 201 1 500303 7 -600
326 323 201 2 500303 600
327 324 201 3 500303
328 325 301 1 Staff Member A ...That guy he was carrying, that wasn't one of the Smiths, was it? 1
329 326 204 1
330 327 301 Staff Member B What the hell was their mission? I wouldn't be this surprised even if the Gray Raven's commandant came back in this condition one day. 2
331 328 301 Staff Member C And their commandant is a human... But him... Sigh, I wanna see the look on Smith's face. 3
332 329 202 1 2 3 1
333 330 301 Passing the evacuation corridor, Kamui runs into the sterilization tunnel with Chrome in his arms. Camu and Wanshi follow in close pursuit.
334 331 201 1 500175
335 332 301 1 Camu Let's go our separate ways here. 1
336 333 301 Camu ...I won't be of any use to him. 1
337 334 202 1 1
338 335 301 Hearing this, Wanshi wants to say something to Camu, but he keeps quiet.
339 336 201 1 1081001
340 337 301 1 Kamui I'll let you know when everything is under control. Don't worry. 1
341 338 202 1 1
342 339 301 The small central purification filter rumbles in the background. Camu looks at Kamui and Chrome in his arms. Standing among the sterilization spray, silence hangs over the group. No one knows what to say at a time like this.
343 340 301 AniZhuanchangBegin A prompt signals that the sterilization is complete. Camu nods and waves goodbye. After watching Camu leave, Wanshi and Kamui carry Chrome to the regional shuttle.
344 341 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory109.png
345 342 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Upon returning to this familiar yet disturbing place, the Star of Life seems to be more chaotic than what Wanshi remembers.
346 343 301 Due to the large-scale battle in City 075, the Star of Life, which had a reputation for being busy, is now a hellscape of blood and vital fluid.
347 344 301 Before the battle even began, the staff anticipated a large number of casualties, but even as they try their best, they still cannot cope with the spreading disaster.
348 345 301 After the Longinus Arsenal destroyed most of the Red Tide, there were still mass casualties in the ruins of City 075.
349 346 301 They cleaned up a large number of Hetero-Creatures, transported supplies, recovered samples, and collected data. It may have appeared insignificant compared to the achievements of the core personnel, but it was still equally important.
350 347 301 Wanshi takes Kamui through the ER's lobby via a familiar shortcut and places Chrome on a temporary maintenance table.
351 348 201 1 500273
352 349 301 1 Wanshi We need— 1
353 350 201 1 500303
354 351 301 1 Staff Member Apologies, the maintenance room is already at max capacity. 1
355 352 202 1 1
356 353 301 Before he can even finish speaking, the staff hastily refuses him and runs over to a room where he is being called for assistance.
357 354 201 1 1081001
358 355 301 1 Kamui How can there be this many wounded? Wanshi, let's contact President Hassen! 1
359 356 202 1 1
360 357 301 Wanshi nods. They both open their terminals, then dial Hassen and Celica.
361 358 201 1 1081001
362 359 301 1 Kamui No response. 1
363 360 203 1 0.25 -400
364 361 201 2 500273 400
365 362 301 1 Wanshi ...No response from Celica either. 2
366 363 301 Kamui Is it too late in the evening? 1
367 364 301 Wanshi ... 2
368 365 301 Kamui What about Asimov or the others? 1
369 366 301 Wanshi Most of the others are out on missions, but we can try Asimov. 2
370 367 301 Both of them repeatedly call Asimov for help, but he does not pick up. After a long time, a strange face appears in front of the comm link.
371 368 301 Kamui Celica! 1
372 369 202 1 2 1
373 370 201 1 500303
374 371 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
375 372 301 1 Staff Member ...Hello. Celica is currently in a meeting. I can relay a message to her though if you wish. 1
376 373 301 Both of them quickly explain the situation.
377 374 301 Staff Member If someone is injured, please proceed to the Star of Life and follow the procedure. 1
378 375 203 1 0.25 400
379 376 201 2 500273 4 -400
380 377 301 1 Wanshi But they're already at max capacity. 2
381 378 301 Staff Member In that case, wounded personnel have no choice but to wait for a vacancy. 1
382 379 301 Staff Member I'll relay the message to Celica, but neither her nor the President can help with medical issues. I recommend you wait patiently. 1
383 380 202 2 1
384 381 201 2 1081001 5 -400
385 382 301 1 Kamui Are you kidding me?! 2
386 383 301 Staff Member My response is according to protocol. I can repeat it if you'd like. 1
387 384 301 Kamui You piece of...! 2
388 385 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
389 386 202 1 2 1
390 387 201 1 500273
391 388 301 1 Wanshi Enough. I guess we have no other choice. 1
392 389 301 Wanshi abruptly terminates the call.
393 390 301 Wanshi Seems like Hassen and Celica are tied up as well. Their comms are being re-routed. 1
394 391 301 Wanshi There's no point in wasting your breath. We have to think of another way. 1
395 392 202 1 1
396 393 201 1 500116
397 394 301 1 Doctor A Well, if it isn't Dr. Wanshi? I sure haven't seen you in a while. 1
398 395 301 A somewhat familiar face appears in the corner.
399 396 203 1 0.25 400
400 397 201 2 500273 -400
401 398 301 1 Wanshi You're still here...! 2
402 399 301 Doctor A Haha! Well, there's no other place for me to go now, is there? 1
403 400 301 Wanshi Anyway, I have a frame that needs maintenance. Is there space? 2
404 401 301 Doctor A Can't you tell? 1
405 402 301 The doctor laughs awkwardly.
406 403 301 Wanshi It doesn't have to be in a maintenance room. He just needs a matching action module and vital fluid dialysis. 2
407 404 301 Doctor A Are you going to operate? 1
408 405 301 She hurries to the temporary maintenance table and checks the stock for Chrome's model.
409 406 301 Doctor A All that's left is a hand module, but you can't replace it without a maintenance room. 1
410 407 301 Doctor A After all, it's not as simple as just replacing the hand. 1
411 408 301 Wanshi Did you check the reserves? The Star of Life used to also keep emergency supplies on hand. Those— 2
412 409 301 Doctor A This is all we have. 1
413 410 301 Doctor A We're already running on fumes here, but I can pull some strings and get you a vital fluid filter seeing as it's an emergency. 1
414 411 301 She turns to Wanshi and says with a heavy heart—
415 412 301 Doctor A Or you can think of another way, Dr. Wanshi. 1
416 413 301 Wanshi ...I'll take the filter for now. 2
417 414 301 She nods. Squeezing her way through the crowded corridor, she quickly returns with a vital fluid filter. Together, she and Wanshi hook up Chrome to the machine.
418 415 301 Doctor A I recommend you get him out of here as soon as possible. 1
419 416 301 She quietly whispers to Wanshi as they hook up the machine.
420 417 301 Wanshi Why? 2
421 418 301 Doctor A He won't get help, if you know what I mean. 1
422 419 301 Doctor A If you ask why, all I can say is that the hospital is running out of supplies. 1
423 420 301 Doctor A I'll be in trouble if I say any more. 1
424 421 301 She clears her throat after hooking up the machine.
425 422 301 Doctor A I've got work to do. If you think of another way, just leave the filter here. I'll come get it later. 1
426 423 301 Wanshi Thank you. 2
427 424 202 1 2 1
428 425 301 She nods, then disappears behind a corner marked Star of Life.
429 426 201 1 500273 -400
430 427 201 2 1081001 5 400
431 428 301 1 Kamui Is this the only way? 2
432 429 301 Wanshi We need to replace his dying parts now so that he has a chance to survive and recover. 1
433 430 301 Wanshi But there aren't any available maintenance rooms or suitable parts. 1
434 431 204 2 4
435 432 301 Kamui What about somewhere else? Like A29? 2
436 433 301 Wanshi ...I thought about that too, but what the hell does it mean? 1
437 434 301 Kamui In puzzle games, this sort of code normally represents a password, location, or a particular spot in a large set of data. 2
438 435 301 Wanshi The captain couldn't have left us a clue about something none of us know about, like a lock. The closest building related to A29 is a shop. 1
439 436 301 Kamui Then that only leaves one possibility. 2
440 437 301 Wanshi The directory? 1
441 438 301 Before they had arrived at this conclusion, they had been pouring over the directory looking for people to call for help. It seems so obvious now.
442 439 301 After the two reach a consensus, they quickly take out Chrome's terminal.
443 440 301 Kamui Column A, number 29... Hey, 28 and 29 are both Asimov. 2
444 441 301 Wanshi ...Let's give it a try. 1
445 442 401 2 1515
446 443 301 Wanshi presses the number in the directory.
447 444 301 Wanshi ... 1
448 445 301 However, no one answers their last glimmer of hope.
449 446 301 Kamui ... 2
450 447 301 As the dial tone continues to ring, a rare bead of sweat appears on Wanshi's forehead.
451 448 301 Wanshi ...If I can get the replacement parts for his frame, I can try to replace them here. 1
452 449 301 Kamui Want to contact the captain's father? He rarely talks about his family, but I've heard others mention him. 2
453 450 204 1 7
454 451 301 It's rare to see Kamui this serious. Wanshi looks up for a moment.
455 452 301 Wanshi ...I've heard some rumors, but did you see the situation just now? They've obviously taken the captain's father into account. 1
456 453 301 Wanshi ...I think we should keep trying to reach Asimov. 1
457 454 204 1 4
458 455 301 Wanshi presses the name in the directory once, twice, three times, four times, five times...
459 456 401 2 1515
460 457 401 500 2 1515
461 458 401 400 2 1515
462 459 401 300 2 1515
463 460 401 200 2 1515
464 461 401 100 2 1515
465 462 301 Suddenly, there is a prompt to connect with them from the other end.
466 463 301 RImgBg1Shake Kamui & Wanshi Asimov!!! 1 2
467 464 202 1 2 1
468 465 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory16.jpg
469 466 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 2
470 467 301 ??? Ahh!!!
471 468 301 There is nothing in front of the communication monitor except a young scream.
472 469 301 ??? S-s-sorry. I shouldn't have connected Mr. Asimov's comm link without his permission, but it kept ringing.
473 470 301 Kamui Who's there? Forget it. Doesn't matter. Do you know where he is?
474 471 301 ??? W-what? It DOES matter! My name's Rosa. I came to ask Mr. Asimov a few things...
475 472 301 Judging from her childish voice and being unable to reach the camera, the girl had to be six or seven years old at most.
476 473 301 Rosa He's not here. I think he's hiding so he can continue his research.
477 474 301 Wanshi We've got an emergency. Where is he exactly?
478 475 301 Rosa A-an emergency...? Go to Zone B3 of the Science Council. That's where he goes so no one bothers him.
479 476 301 B3 is the new research building of the Science Council, which is fairly close to the Star of Life.
480 477 301 Kamui Let's go.
481 478 202 1 2 1
482 479 301 AniZhuanchangBegin A ray of hope shines on their beleaguered faces. Kamui picks up Chrome again and rushes to the shuttle outside.
483 480 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab
484 481 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory264.png
485 482 301 AniZhuanchangEnd The shuttle quickly turns into Zone B3. There is a young girl standing in front of the stairs of the building.
486 483 301 Rosa Hi... I'm Rosa. You said it was an emergency, so I followed you here to see if I can help... Mr. Asimov should be in the sealed lab.
487 484 201 1 1081001
488 485 301 1 Kamui Sealed lab? 1
489 486 202 1 1
490 487 301 1 Rosa Yeah, Mr. Asimov doesn't like being bothered, so... 1
491 488 301 She explains obediently but begins to get nervous after seeing Kamui's anxious face.
492 489 301 Rosa S-s-sorry! Follow me!! 1
493 490 301 RImgBg1Shake Rosa races into the building and up the emergency stairwell at nearly Mach 1, banging on a wall around the corner.
494 491 301 Rosa Mr. Asimovvvv...! 1
495 492 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Rosa's voice trembles with a slight whimper. The crashing of various research equipment comes from the depths of the sealed lab.
496 493 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory256.png
497 494 201 1 500004 9
498 495 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Arriving upstairs, Asimov stares at Wanshi with kindred dark circles of brilliance under his eyes as he is packing up the things he had just knocked over.
499 496 301 Wanshi wants to ask, "So, someone CAN scare Asimov, huh?" but he has more pressing issues.
500 497 201 1 1081001
501 498 301 Kamui Save our captain, Asimov! 1
502 499 201 1 500004 9
503 500 301 1 Asimov ... 1
504 501 301 He looks at Chrome, who is gravely injured in Kamui's arms, and his face turns pale.
505 502 301 Asimov Come with me. 1
506 503 301 Asimov hurries into the sealed lab. Rosa stands there timidly and waves as if choosing not to follow them.
507 504 301 Asimov This might not be the ER, but your timing couldn't be better. 1
508 505 301 Asimov I've been working to fix the remaining problems with Chrome's frame since this morning. Sorry, I left my terminal in the workshop. People kept disrupting me. 1
509 506 301 Asimov I just so happened to fix the issue that's been giving me trouble all this time. 1
510 507 301 Asimov pushes open the door, takes Chrome from Kamui and places him on the maintenance table.
511 508 301 Asimov Wanshi, give me hand. 1
512 509 201 1 500273
513 510 301 1 Wanshi nods, then immediately begins attaching various instruments near the table to Chrome.
514 511 203 1 0.25 400
515 512 201 2 1081001 4 -400
516 513 301 1 Kamui What about me? 2
517 514 202 1 1
518 515 201 1 500004 9 400
519 516 301 1 Asimov I still need to confirm some things. Grab my terminal. Rosa may have taken it with her. 1
520 517 301 Kamui Terminal? 2
521 518 301 Asimov Go. 1
522 519 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Kamui Roger! 2