
88 lines
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Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory45.jpg
2 2 401 1 210
3 3 201 1 500001
4 4 301 DialogEnable 1 Celica President, the extermination of the Hetero-Core on the ground is 60% complete. 1
5 5 201 1 500012
6 6 301 1 Nikola Only 60%, how inefficient can they be?! 1
7 7 203 1 0.25 400
8 8 201 2 500011 -400
9 9 301 1 Hassen They're all squads deployed in a hurry and most of them just finished their last mission, it's a miracle they've already done this much. 2
10 10 301 Nikola What I want is not an explanation. It'll be a disaster if the Hetero-Core undergoes "Hetero Reaction" and spreads! 1
11 11 301 Hassen That's what I'm trying to stop here. 2
12 12 301 Nikola ...Tsk, I'll leave the rest to you, I still have other things to do. 1
13 13 202 1 1
14 14 203 2 0.25 0
15 15 301 Hassen Of course. Be careful. 2
16 16 203 2 0.25 -400
17 17 201 1 500004 400
18 18 301 1 Asimov Was Bianca from the Purifying Force deployed to assist Gray Raven? 1
19 19 301 Hassen Yes, she's responsible for dealing with Akdilek. The cleaning process would be much smoother with her in it. 2
20 20 301 Asimov Good. I just sent another reinforced frame over. 1
21 21 301 Hassen BPN-06's "Entropy"? I didn't know you were this kind. 2
22 22 202 2 1
23 23 203 1 0.25 0
24 24 301 Asimov I don't want any mishaps on this mission... 1
25 25 301 Asimov Well, executor Lee, have you finished changing frames? 1
26 26 201 1 500026
27 27 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
28 28 301 1 Lee All functions and vitals stable. Compatibility test finished. No problems found, this frame is very compatible with me. 1
29 29 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
30 30 201 1 500004
31 31 301 1 Asimov Is that so? That's good. 1
32 32 301 Asimov But when I received your support request I didn't know your weapons were broken as well, will you be able to fight like this? 1
33 33 201 1 500026
34 34 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
35 35 301 1 Lee Aren't guns nothing but a hinderance? 1
36 36 203 1 0.25 -400
37 37 201 2 500004 400
38 38 301 1 Asimov What? 2
39 39 202 2 1
40 1001 204 1 6
41 40 203 1 0.25 0
42 41 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Lee ...I'm just saying, I can still fight without weapons. Let's end the communication here, I have to get back to the battle. 1
43 42 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
44 43 202 1 1
45 44 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory121.png
46 45 201 1 500126
47 46 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Aston Most of the train's system has been overridden by the "merchandise," these shocks will probably continue. 1
48 47 202 1 1
49 48 301 Aristocrat Hey, nothing will happen to us, right?!
50 49 201 1 500125 2
51 50 301 1 Jamilah All will be fine as long as the remaining energy stored can support this train. I never expected this train to come out unscathed from the start. 1
52 51 203 1 0.25 -400
53 52 201 2 500129 400
54 53 301 1 Ashlar Tsk, I didn't see it before, but you're crazy, woman! 2
55 54 204 1 13
56 55 301 Jamilah In terms of craziness, I'm sure you're no stranger. To top it off, isn't it you aristocrats' selfishness that led us to our current situation? 1
57 56 202 1 2 1
58 57 301 As if on cue, the crowd divides into factions and arguments arise.
59 58 301 One side supports Ashlar's suggestion to hand over the merchandise in order to become an Ascendant.
60 59 301 The others agree with Jamilah and Aston, and think that getting into Babylonia is of utmost importance.
61 60 301 While some do not choose sides at all and just wait for Judgement Day.
62 61 301 Anger, distress, agitation, and hopelessness.
63 62 301 The Four Horsemen of emotions drive every single person into the apocalypse known as despair. The alarms of the overrode system and the banging of Corrupted accompany this story's journey to its resolution.
64 63 301 This was their final destination, a destination they chose themselves. The views they have seen on this ever-running train, the decimation they have witnessed...
65 64 301 But...
66 65 201 1 500127 5
67 66 301 1 Sophia Why must we decide our ending now... This train still hasn't stopped yet, we still have time to change our destination! 1
68 67 202 1 1
69 68 301 All arguments ceased as Sophia raises her voice; be it the angry aristocrats or the desperate commoners, all eyes are on her.
70 69 201 1 500127
71 70 301 1 Sophia Ascendants, are not something I understand. But members of Gray Raven have said that Babylonia is not truly safe as well. 1
72 71 302 It's only the start. 72 Space has never been safe. 75
73 72 202 1 1
74 73 201 1 500125
75 74 77 301 1 Jamilah The start...? 1
76 75 201 1 500129
77 76 301 1 Ashlar What do you know?! You should try walking a mile in our shoes! 1
78 77 201 1 500127
79 78 301 Sophia And... Even if this train... 1
80 79 201 1 500125 4
81 80 301 1 Jamilah Then Sophia... What do you think we should do? 1
82 81 301 Jamilah What do you think? Not as an aristocrat nor as a commoner, but as a Construct who is capable of fighting... 1
83 82 301 Jamilah Sophia, what answer do you see? 1
84 83 301 Jamilah There are some things only you can do, only the Construct Sophia who's so adept at battling can do. 1
85 84 301 That is what Jamilah's expression seems to be trying to convey, as she waited with anticipation for Sophia's next line. 1
86 85 201 1 500127 5
87 86 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Sophia So, I...! 1