
11 KiB

655301DialogEnable1KamuiAlright, that's the end of our mission here. Hooray! Time to enjoy the holiday!1
766301After checking his gear, Kamui collapsed to the ground, lazily asking our opinions like a Labrador.
10973011LivBut the HQ asked us to be on stand-by... I don't think we should enjoy ourselves too much...2
11108301KamuiJust tell them we are maintaining the equipment. What do you think, Commandant?1
12114003302What equipment?2000You definitely look suspicious...2002
1514920043011LeeI think he is referring to the arcade machines we saw earlier.1
18171020043011LeeI think he wants us to all play arcade games together.1
2120113011LuciaLee, how are the supplies?2
222112301LeeAll good. We still have Vera here. She has access to Kurono's express transport lines.1
2626143011KamuiCorrect! Plus, I asked Miss Celica to secretly modify the game. I'm sure it's more fun than ever now.3
27281517301KamuiWhat's there to worry about? Oh, I was quite surprised with the technologies she used though.3
28291617301KamuiOf course not. It's more fun when we play it from scratch together.3
293017301KamuiSo, what do you think?3
303118301LuciaI don't mind going.2
323320301LuciaIt's necessary to have a break from work occasionally. The HQ had already sent other teams to take over. We just need to not become addicted to the game.2
333421301LuciaWhat do you think, Commandant?2
34354009302If Lucia's alright with it...22Just let Kamui do what he wants.23
36372324301KamuiDo what I want... I'm not a kid, Commandant.3
373824301KamuiLet's hurry up then. There are six of us, including Commandant. We can split into two teams of three.3
383925301LeeYou never mentioned teams... Anyway, where's the sixth member you are talking about? There are only five of us!1
394026301KamuiOh, Camu was also showing a lot of interest. But he is already in the game now.3
404127301Lee...Really? Can't he wait?1
414228301KamuiDon't worry, he seems to be just watching the opening animation again and again.3
42434010302Doesn't he have anything better to do...29We better not keep him waiting then.30
43442931301LuciaI think maybe Camu just likes that animation.2
44453031301LuciaThis is also a good opportunity for us to get along with Camu. Good thinking, Commandant.2
454631301???Wait a sec.
464732301KamuiNot again?3
474833301Just when Kamui was about to take the team forward, another voice from behind stopped everybody once again. Kamui complained as he turned back.
5152343011VeraYou're up to something fun, aren't you? Mind if I join?1
525436301Under the sun were two Constructs wearing environment-specific Coatings. Vera and Karenina never stopped quarreling. They seemed to be on an operation together.
5557373011LuciaKarenina, Vera, are you doing something together?1
5961383011KareninaThat's none of your business. But I heard you were going to slack off! Count me in!2
606340301KareninaScrew you!2
616441301They didn't seem to be getting along at all. In fact, I felt they were about to start fighting in the next moment.
6467423011LuciaWe are going to try this game that Kamui recommended. I don't mind if you come along, but can the game fit so many of us?1
6770433011KamuiShouldn't be a problem. I don't see any limit on the instructions, and we could do two teams of four.2
687144301LuciaOkay then. Speaking of which, you mentioned teams... Does it mean that we will play against one another in this game?1
697245301KamuiCelica said it was more like a traditional role-playing game. I guess the teams are just to compete with each other for fast clearing or something similar.2
7275463011VeraShall we spice it up a little then? Like, the winning team can make the losing team do one thing.1
7578473011LivWhat? No...2
7780483011LeeAre you planning something evil again, Vera?2
788149301VeraNo way. I said just to spice things up a little for fun.1
798250301Somehow, Vera kept staring at me while she was talking.
818451301LuciaHmm... It's up to Commandant to decide.2
82854029302Alright, but the request must be reasonable.52If you don't mind.53
8386523000301VeraReasonable, huh... Fine, let's just keep it that way, Commandant of Gray Raven.1
8487533000301LuciaI think it's okay, because I have no plan to lose. Aren't you the same, Commandant?2
8689543011KamuiI'm okay either way. Can we just go?1
879055301LuciaYeah, let's go!2
8992563011LeeI never thought we would all be playing a game together...1
909357301AniZhuanchangBeginLuciaI think it will be a good experience.2
949759301After arriving at the arcade game center, everyone followed Kamui's instructions to create their characters and put on their connectors.
959860301LeeKamui, how are the teams assigned?
969961301Lee asked Kamui in the dark.
9710062301KamuiCelica said the system would randomly assign players to teams.
9810163301LeeDoes it mean that we may be playing against Commandant?
9910264301KamuiYeah, it's possible. But I'm not going to give in, even if Commandant is my enemy.
1001034032302Maybe just a little?65Don't blame me then.66
1011046567301KamuiThere's no such option in the game, Commandant.
1021056667301KamuiHmph, you sound very confident, Commandant.
10310667301KamuiAnyway, this game is fairly free, but bear in mind that players cannot kill important NPCs.
10410768301It's a common practice in many open world games. Some NPCs will mess up the entire game if they are killed by players.
10510869301Kamui completed some basic game settings. The arcade machines stared.
10610970301SystemStarting... Loading game—Le*end...of...H*ro...X
10711071301After some stuttering electrical sounds, a mysterious title was displayed.