
11 KiB

433301DialogEnableDarkness dissipates, and I awake once more from my slumber.
544301This body no longer requires sleep, but I still try to keep to the normal schedule of humans.
655301Grinding gears reverberate in my ears. Making my way through this dark path through the stratum, I arrive at a familiar city that should have died out during the Golden Age.
777301It rests peacefully under the Kowloong Metropolis, where it should remain undisturbed.
888301An artificial sun hangs above this underground complex, creating a day and night cycle for the humans that reside here.
999301Faint blue shadows stroll in the street. They are the masters here. Several groups gather here talking amongst each other.
101010301AniZhuanchangBeginAs I walk along the path, my surroundings distort momentarily before a familiar face appears next to me.
131313301AniZhuanchangEnd1Bai GuiLady Qu, do you really want to accept that offer?1
1515153011QuI have no reason not to accept. We must understand what each party seeks to gain.1
1717173011Bai GuiYes, but...1
1919193011QuDon't worry. If anything were to happen to me, then the last person with access to this place will be gone. Isn't it safer this way?1
202020301QuOf course, I will not allow for any accidents. After all, my mission is not over yet.1
222222301Bai GuiThat's...1
2424243011QuAs the Supreme, it's my duty to provide shelter for my people and undertake risks on their behalf.1
2626263011Bai GuiYes, I know you've always believed that...1
282827301Bai Gui transforms into faint blue lights and dissipates around me.
3030293011QuI will return safely.1
323231301As I say this, I hear Bai Gui's voice all around me.
333332301Bai GuiI know. The people of Kowloong all know.
343433301AniZhuanchangBeginAfter saying farewell to Bai Gui, I walk aimlessly along the path. My vision module scans the buildings in front of me. Resting my hand on the guardrail, I close my eyes and follow it as my guide, letting memories fill my M.I.N.D.
373736301AniZhuanchangEndTraining Partner ALeft shoulder, chest, abdomen... Points valid! The winner is—Qu!
383837301Martial Arts InstructorI expect nothing less from Lady Qu. You mastered the glaive in just a week, but now we can't find you a worthy opponent.
4040393011QuI owe it to your guidance.1
424241301Martial Arts InstructorYou're too kind. I wasn't expecting such an assignment from the Pulao Crew after my retirement. It's our honor to have an opportunity to train you in our dojo.
444443301Flustered Male VoiceStop! He already forfeited after you broke his arm! Why continue to attack?!
454544301The shouting from next door interrupts Qu and the instructor's exchange. Hearing this, the instructor rushes over. Qu puts away the training equipment, and follows the instructor to the corridor.
464645301In the corridor, Qu sees Villier walking out of the room next door. He pats his clothes as he walks out, as if covered in filth.
4848473011QuMedic, Training Room 307.1
505049301Thirty seconds later, the elevator rings. Several medical staff wearing white robes exit with various medical equipment and file into Training Room 307.
515150301A pale old man in a blue robe wheels out the elevator on his wheelchair accompanying the medical staff. The exposed scars on his torso indicate that he has had a traumatic experience.
525251301After the medics close the training room door, Villier stands beside Qu and salutes the man in front of her.
5454533011VillierDon't blame me.1
565655301???Villy, I don't want to blame you. I want to thank you.
575756301The man's hoarse voice sounded like a gust of torrential wind ripping fabric to pieces. Such a voice seemed impossible for human vocal cords to create.
5959583011VillierI told you a thousand times. Stop calling me Villy. My name is Villier now!1
626261301???There are some things you just can't get rid of.
666665301???Alright, you two get going now.
676766301???I just came to meet an ol' friend today. I figured I'd let you know that you can begin studying the next course.
7070693011Qu & VillierUnderstood.12
727271301Qu and Villier salute and proceed toward the elevator. Just as they pass the wheelchair, the man speaks again with his hoarse voice.
737372301???Still remember what you were taught last class?
7575743011VillierYou mean the Imperial Doctrine? Want me to recite it for you?1
777776301???That won't be necessary.
7979783011VillierThe doctrine only defines one central dogma. Imperial learning is only a political tool of mankind. We should not restrict ourselves too much; results are of utmost priority.1
8181803011QuDo not be swayed by emotions. Instead, act accordingly to the situation at hand. Grace should be given with purpose.1
838382301???That's right.
848483301The man chuckles at Qu and Villier's answers. Pressing a button on his wheelchair, he proceeds to the end of the corridor.
858584301???You both have embodied these principles during your recent public speeches. You bring hope to those in despair and impose sanctions on your opponents. Keep it up. The family looks favorably upon you.
868685301AniZhuanchangBegin???As others have said, you two are the most capable members of our family.
888886301AniZhuanchangEndQu and Villier walk out of the dojo. Qu stands quietly as she waits for the transport craft. Villier looks back at the dojo behind him.
9090903011VillierHow many times is this?1
9393933011QuCounting is meaningless. It may have caused a disturbance, but we got the job done for our family.2
949494301VillierYeah, just the two of us.1
959595301QuWe were raised to use our surroundings.2
969696301VillierHmph, good grief.1
979797301VillierMutual interests are all that bring people together.1
989898301VillierWho would've thought that such an unsightly society of mutual exploitation could survive on this planet for so long.1
9999100301As the rumble of the transport craft approaches, Villier ends the conversation and turns to face the landing zone.
100100500301VillierI hate this.1
102102502301However, Qu just stands there looking out at Villier from behind.
1051051033011AniZhuanchangBeginQuWhat sort of feeling is hate?1