
266 lines
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Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory232.png
2 2 401 1 201
3 3 301 DialogEnable In the training ground below, the last Corrupted falls to the ground following Vera's final strike.
4 4 301 Standing next to her, No. 21 waves gently. The Co-Bot jumps down from a pile of Corrupted and scurries to her side.
5 5 201 1 500058 -400
6 6 201 2 500202 400
7 7 301 1 Kurono Leader ...Marvelous. Absolutely marvelous. 2
8 8 301 Yarha How'd you do it... 1
9 9 301 Kurono Leader I told you my plan was flawless. 2
10 10 301 Yarha No. 21 is now completely at her disposal— 1
11 11 301 Kurono Leader ...What are you afraid of? Having second thoughts as her creator? 2
12 12 301 Yarha No, I'm just amazed. I didn't expect Vera and No. 21 to be so compatible... Seems like No. 21 is acting more like a human after spending time with Vera. 1
13 13 301 Kurono Leader Human... Bahaha! She'll never be human again! Constructs are just weapons. 2
14 14 301 Yarha resists the urge to argue with his superior. He might not be suitable for Kurono, but it's his best choice.
15 15 301 Yarha Anyway... I'm happy to see that No. 21's new frame is functioning normally. It was well worth the effort. 1
16 16 301 Kurono Leader ...You should be. Now's the time to celebrate. 2
17 17 301 AniZhuanchangBegin The man in the black suit rubs his fingers in contemplation.
18 18 202 1 2 1
19 19 201 1 500168 -400
20 20 201 2 500202 400
21 21 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Kurono Leader Not bad, Vera. I knew you were the only one in Kurono who could do it. 2
22 22 301 Vera scoffs, declining to comment.
23 23 301 Kurono Leader Now that she's passed the test, it's time for you to take her on a mission. 2
24 24 301 Vera Color me surprised. Go on. What's the mission? 1
25 25 301 Kurono Leader I want you to go back to Daedalus' research division. 2
26 26 301 Vera What...? I told you I wasn't going to pick your trash. 1
27 27 301 Kurono Leader Who said it was trash? 2
28 28 301 Kurono Leader We've put a stop to Daedalus' little tricks they been pulling behind our backs all these years. They've been collecting lost data from the Golden Age during the early days of the Punishing Outbreak in order to independently conduct Construct modification and expand their arsenal. 2
29 29 301 Kurono Leader According to our research, a lot of rare and valuable data from the black market ended up in Daedalus. 2
30 30 301 Kurono Leader With the collapse of Daedalus' headquarters... The Babylonians were able to take advantage of a lot of people. 2
31 31 301 Kurono Leader The research institute was Daedalus' last haven. Since they were still conducting Construct modifications, the remaining data must be there. 2
32 32 301 Kurono Leader You two are the most suitable for the job. 2
33 33 301 Kurono Leader Yarha decrypted the topographic map of the institute and found a hidden area. 2
34 34 301 Vera ...Alright. Got it. 1
35 35 301 Kurono Leader Get going. You'll receive the mission briefing on your encrypted channel later. 2
36 36 401 1 36
37 37 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Kurono Leader I hope everything goes well on your first mission with your new partner. 2
38 38 202 1 2 1
39 39 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory82.jpg
40 40 504 0.7
41 41 401 1 207
42 42 201 2 500342
43 43 301 AniZhuanchangEnd No. 20 21—! Guess what happened today!!
44 44 301 Today, No. 20 is beaming with excitement to see No. 21 during the data collection experiment. She grabs No. 21 and pulls her to the side.
45 45 203 2 0.25 400
46 46 201 1 500329 -400
47 47 301 1 No. 21 Sorry? 1
48 48 301 No. 20 You won't believe it... It's about you. Take a guess! 2
49 49 301 No. 21 ... 1
50 50 301 No. 21 thinks as hard as she can, but nothing comes to mind. She shakes her head.
51 51 301 No. 21 I can't think of anything. 1
52 52 301 No. 20 You're no fun! Okay, I'll just tell you. I found your parents! 2
53 54 301 No. 21 ... 1
54 55 301 No. 21 doesn't react at first. She just blinks with a blank expression, not understanding what she meant by "parents."
55 56 301 No. 20 You know... Your mom and dad? You don't know about that either? 2
56 57 301 No. 21 Do I need to? 1
57 58 301 No. 20 Your parents gave you life. They brought you into this world. 2
58 59 301 No. 21 This world...? You mean the institute? 1
59 60 301 No. 20 Anyway... They're super-duper important. You should love each other. 2
60 61 301 No. 21 ...I don't have any important people. 1
61 62 301 No. 20 That's because you don't know they're your parents... If you knew each other... 2
62 63 301 No. 21 Who gave me life? 1
63 64 301 No. 20 Well, I accidentally saw them on your data report... I mean, I wanted to see who my parents were, but I didn't see anything... But I saw yours. Your parents are researchers in the institute. 2
64 65 301 No. 21 ... 1
65 66 301 No. 20 Why aren't you happy? I thought you'd be excited. I've been dreaming of finding out who and where my parents are... 2
66 67 301 No. 20 How about you try to meet them? Whaddaya think? 2
67 68 204 1 3
68 69 301 No. 21 ... 1
69 70 204 1
70 71 301 No. 21 I don't need to. 1
71 72 301 No. 20 WHAT?! Why... 2
72 73 301 No. 21 ...It's not my concern. 1
73 74 301 No. 20 Don't you wanna at least try? They're your parents. Don't you have anything to say? Don't you wanna tell them that you know who you are? 2
74 75 301 No. 21 Why... don't they come looking for me? 1
75 76 301 No. 20 Er... Maybe they're having trouble? After all, who doesn't want to be with family in a world like this? Maybe they're watching you each day from behind the scenes. Even so... Aren't you at least a little curious? Don't you care about your only families in this world? 2
76 77 204 1 3
77 78 301 No. 21 puts a hand to her chest. She feels her heart begin to race, but she still remains emotionless. No. 20 talks of "family" and "love," but she doesn't understand the meaning behind these words. She doesn't want to do anything the researchers wouldn't allow.
78 79 301 The researchers who force her to wear this collar and conduct countless painful experiments... The people who gave her life are among them.
79 80 301 If so, then she was only given life so she could be born as a test subject. The thought of this leaves her with no amount of optimism.
80 81 204 1
81 82 301 No. 21 I... have no family. I don't care. 1
82 83 301 No. 20 You really are... 2
83 84 301 No. 20 bites her lip firmly, her cheeks trembling with anger. No. 21 cannot possibly imagine how she feels.
84 85 301 No. 20 I'm so jealous of you! Your results are always top of the charts, even with how sick you are. The adults can't wait to mod you! AND you know where your parents are. I have NOTHING! 2
85 86 301 No. 20 How can you be so indifferent...? You and the other test subjects are all the same! Just a bunch of heartless monsters! 2
86 87 203 150 2 0.15
87 88 203 1 0.15 -600
88 89 202 1
89 90 301 She pushes No. 21 up against the wall.
90 91 301 No. 21 furrows her brows. Sensing No. 20's aggression, she arches her back and begins to growl menacingly.
91 92 301 No. 20 ... 2
92 93 301 PanelActor1Shake No. 20 trembles. She looks at No. 21, but all she sees is a strange, terrifying thing standing in front of her. She feels a chill in her bones as her eyes brim with tears.
93 94 301 No. 20 ...I'm crazy for thinking you were somehow different from those other "things"... 2
94 95 301 Her body sways as if on the verge of collapsing.
95 96 301 No. 21 sees a look of "fear" in her eyes, among other things she does not understand. No. 20's eyes are filled with darkness—the same way as those "test subjects" during her experiments.
96 97 301 Fear. Hunt. Test. Kill.
97 98 301 Instinctively, No. 21 growls and falls back, moving her feet vigilantly to prevent being attacked, and snarls threateningly.
98 99 301 No. 20 ...I guess I'm the only one who doesn't fit in here at the institute. 2
99 100 301 No. 20 ...A killing machine like you... Even if you do get out of here, there's no way you can have a life of your own! 2
100 101 202 2
101 102 301 Sobbing, No. 20 turns and leaves No. 21 where she stands.
102 103 301 AniZhuanchangBegin That was the day before No. 20's modification surgery—the last day No. 21 saw her.
103 104 202 1 2 1
104 105 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory211.png
105 106 504 0
106 107 201 1 500168
107 108 401 1 201
108 109 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Vera 21! 1
109 110 301 Vera's shouting brings No. 21 back to reality. No. 21 looks around blankly to find herself sitting on the transport craft. Was she daydreaming?
110 111 301 Vera We're here. 1
111 112 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Vera waves and jumps out of the exit hatch. No. 21 stands and looks out the window. Leaves and sand dance in the wind billowed up from the rumbling propellers. She sees the research institute where she had spent so many years—
112 113 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory13.jpg
113 114 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Looking from the outside, she sees a dark hole that seems oddly small from where she stands.
114 115 301 Vera Look familiar? 1
115 116 301 Vera folds her arms, then looks up.
116 117 301 It feels unfamiliar... yet so familiar at the same time. An unspeakable emotion grabs her heart, causing No. 21 to feel a shortness of breath. She does not have words for her contradictory emotions.
117 118 204 1 1
118 119 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Vera Say hello. Time to pay a visit. 1
119 120 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory343.jpg
120 121 202 1 1
121 122 504 0.8
122 123 301 AniZhuanchangEnd No. 21 and Vera enter the cave and follow the dark corridor.
123 124 301 The corridor is strewn with broken limbs, and the ground is covered in a grimy liquid. They can't tell if it's blood or vital fluid.
124 125 201 1 500168 -400
125 126 201 2 500328 400
126 127 301 1 No. 21 Did you... do this? 2
127 128 301 Vera Sure did. I butchered the entire institute. Got a problem with that? 1
128 129 204 1 1
129 130 301 Vera hisses a laugh in the darkness.
130 131 301 Vera Look around. All of these are the remains of failed Constructs. Those Daedalus bastards couldn't even modify a single Construct. 1
131 132 301 No. 21 ...Not even one? 2
132 133 204 1
133 134 301 Vera Each failed attempt was placed in embalming fluid and stored here in the laboratory like specimens. 1
134 135 301 A chill crawls up No. 21's spine.
135 136 301 Even... No. 20...?
136 137 301 Vera These idiots are still looking for answers among complete failures... How pitiful. 1
137 138 504 0
138 139 301 1 Vera turns on her flashlight, and the cold, chilling light illuminates her face. Unlike her tone, there's no sign of jest on her face.
139 140 301 Vera It should be kept buried underground forever. Let sleeping dogs lie... 1
140 141 301 Vera It's just a mass grave. 1
141 142 301 At the end of the corridor, Vera turns left. Standing there, No. 21 turns around to look down the corridor.
142 143 202 1 1
143 144 203 2 0.25
144 145 301 How had she crawled all this way on instinct alone? This cold, rotten corridor is like a tongue sticking out of hell. It's sticky and moist, as if trying to devour all that enter.
145 146 301 A cold chill washes over No. 21. Standing in this place after living here for so many years... Only Vera's red frame offers any semblance of warmth.
146 147 301 AniZhuanchangBegin No. 21 quickens her pace to catch up with Vera.
147 148 202 2 1
148 149 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory275.png
149 150 301 AniZhuanchangEnd The door to the archive opens, and No. 21 steps in. Suddenly, Vera grabs her arm.
150 151 201 1 500168 -400
151 152 201 2 500328 400
152 153 301 1 Vera (Someone's here.) 1
153 154 301 Vera mouths the words and shines her flashlight on the ground, revealing a row of messy footprints stained by vital fluid extending into the depths of the room.
154 155 301 No. 21 ... 2
155 156 504 0.8
156 157 301 No. 21 nods and steps aside. Vera turns off her flashlight and leads the way.
157 158 301 A dim light shines in the dark recesses of the room. There's a rustling sound, like a mouse nibbling on a page.
158 159 202 1 2 1
159 160 301 As they approach, No. 21 hears a human mumbling.
160 161 201 1 500138
161 162 301 1 ??? Where is it... Where is it... 1
162 163 301 ??? Where... the hell... is it... 1
163 164 301 Vera takes out her blade and clenches it tightly. She flicks her eyes, gesturing No. 21 to go around the right side.
164 165 301 In the faint blue light of a flashlight, they see a man wearing a lab coat hovering over a drawer of files, searching for something. Stacks of documents and numerous empty cans are scattered on the ground beside him.
165 166 301 ??? ...Not here either... 1
166 167 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiHitNew.prefab 2 1
167 168 301 A moment later, a light flashes in the man's thick glasses and a blade appears at his throat.
168 169 301 PanelActor1Shake ??? Nghahhh!! 1
169 170 401 2 1546
170 171 504 0
171 172 301 1 The frightened man suddenly collapses on the ground. Right then, the lights to the archive turn on, revealing a disheveled man with glasses and a scratchy beard. His lab coat is splotched with blood stains.
172 173 301 ??? D-don't... k-k-kill me...! 1
173 174 203 1 0.25 400
174 175 201 2 500168 -400
175 176 301 1 Vera A Daedalus straggler, eh? How'd you manage to survive here so long? 2
176 177 301 The man tries to block the light on his face with his hands. He breaths rapidly, and the corners of his mouth tremble as if under duress. They can't tell if he's panicking or excited. He doesn't appear to have his wits about him.
177 178 301 ??? Are you... with Kurono...? 1
178 179 301 Vera Answer the question! 2
179 180 301 ??? I-I-I was... 1
180 181 301 Vera Do you have the rest of the data? 2
181 182 301 ??? D-data... Data! I couldn't find it. Did you? Where is it? Can you tell me? The data's crucial... I need it... 1
182 183 301 Vera Hmph... Lunatic. 2
183 184 301 No. 21, who turned on the lights, walks back over to Vera and looks at the man's worrisome face.
184 185 301 Vera Do you know him, No. 21? 2
185 186 201 1 500328 400
186 187 301 1 No. 21 No, I've never seen him. 1
187 188 202 1 2 1
188 189 301 Hearing the name "No. 21", the man suddenly looks up at her in disbelief. His lips tremble even more as he crawls toward her, muttering to himself incoherently.
189 190 201 1 500138
190 191 301 1 Daedalus Researcher? No. 21... You're No. 21? 1
191 192 301 Daedalus Researcher? My dear, my sweet dear— 1
192 193 301 The man stretches out his dirty hands to hold No. 21's leg, but the Co-Bot and Vera's blade stand in his way.
193 194 201 1 500328 5
194 195 301 1 No. 21 steps back. She gives him a fierce glare and lets out a quiet, threatening growl.
195 196 201 1 500138
196 197 301 1 Daedalus Researcher? Don't you remember me? Don't you know who I am? I'm your father! 1
197 198 201 1 500168 -400
198 199 201 2 500328 3 400
199 200 301 1 No. 21 ...Father? 2
200 201 301 Vera Sorry? 1
201 202 301 Vera raises her eyebrows and looks at No. 21, speechless.
202 203 301 Vera This lunatic is your pops? 1
203 204 301 No. 21 I don't know... I... 2
204 205 301 No. 21's mood becomes chaotic again. Strange feelings collide in her chest. She feels a lack of oxygen again. She opens her mouth, and finally says—
205 206 301 No. 21 ...I don't know him. 2
206 207 201 1 500138 -400
207 208 301 1 Daedalus Researcher? No. 21, No. 21! Your mother and I came here when she was pregnant with you. You were born here in the institute. Y-you were in poor health since you were a child... 1
208 209 301 Daedalus Researcher? There were complications with the pregnancy... You weren't going to make it... That's why we brought you here... 1
209 210 204 2
210 211 301 No. 21 Mother... Really? But I... 2
211 212 301 Daedalus Researcher? O-of course, it's true! We watched you grow up and become big and strong thanks to all the operations... We had to do it... But... Your mother's gone now... I'm all that's left. D-don't let your father die, too... Don't kill me—please! 1
212 213 301 No. 21 Gone? Did she die? 2
213 214 301 No. 21 repeats indifferently. Hearing this news, she doesn't know how to react to the stranger in front of her.
214 215 201 2 500168 400
215 216 301 1 Vera Tch... 2
216 217 301 Daedalus Researcher? I was the one who performed your modification surgery! I wanted you to finally be healthy, my child. It was me who... 1
217 218 301 You performed... my modification surgery... to make me healthy...
218 219 301 Vera Enough. 2
219 220 301 Vera can't take it any longer. She interrupts the man's incessant pleading.
220 221 301 Vera If she's your kid, why doesn't she have a name? 2
221 222 301 Daedalus Researcher? Name? She... She does... When you were born... we called you... Aurora. 1
222 223 301 Vera's expression contorts in disbelief.
223 224 301 Daedalus Researcher? If you... If you don't believe me... I have proof. Proof that I'm your father. Are you with... Kurono now? Just let me go... I won't get in Kurono's way anymore... Here's my proof... 1
224 225 201 2 500328 400
225 226 301 1 No. 21 I don't need it. 2
226 227 301 No. 21 says blankly. She breathes hard, trying to stifle an inexplicable feeling clogged in her chest. This isn't what she wants. It's not what she had once imagined.
227 228 301 No. 21 My name? My name is a designation. No. 21 is my designation. 2
228 229 201 1 500168 -400
229 230 301 1 Vera ...Hear that? My partner says she doesn't want it. 1
230 231 301 Vera points her blade at him again.
231 232 301 Vera You have two choices: get out of here or let my blade see some bloodshed. 1
232 233 202 1 2 1
233 234 201 1 500138
234 235 301 1 Daedalus Researcher? ...I-I'll leave. 1
235 236 202 1
236 237 401 2 1513
237 238 301 The man hurriedly staggers to his feet, knocks down a stack of documents on the table, and rushes out of the archive.
238 239 201 1 500168 -400
239 240 201 2 500328 3 400
240 241 301 1 Vera Hmph, stupid rat. What a waste of time. 1
241 242 301 Vera sheaths her blade, then casts a sideways glance at No. 21.
242 243 301 Vera You're not gonna cry, are you? 1
243 244 301 No. 21 ... 2
244 245 301 No. 21 shakes her head.
245 246 204 2
246 247 301 AniZhuanchangBegin No. 21 I have no family. I'm not sad. 2
247 248 202 1 2 1
248 249 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory82.jpg
249 250 504 0.7
250 251 201 1 500329 -400
251 252 201 2 500342 400
252 253 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 No. 20 How can you be so indifferent...? You and the other test subjects are all the same! Just a bunch of heartless monsters! 2
253 254 301 AniZhuanchangBegin No. 20 ...A killing machine like you... Even if you do get out of here, there's no way you can have a life of your own! 2
254 255 202 2 1
255 256 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory275.png
256 257 504 0
257 258 201 1 500328
258 259 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 No. 21 ...I just want to complete my mission. 1
259 260 201 1 500168
260 261 301 1 Vera glances at her with a conflicted expression, then looks over at an advertisement on the ground. In colorful text, it says: "Gen. 3 Aurora Frame - Product of Universal Toys".
261 262 301 She realizes that when he mentioned No. 21's name... his eyes wandered over in this direction.
262 263 301 How sickening...
263 264 301 Vera Come on. Yarha's intel says that the remaining data should be under here. 1
264 265 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Vera We need to find another way in. 1