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544301DialogEnable1LeeI've used the terminal to clear some of the caches. I'll do a more thorough checkup later, so just stay here and don't move.1
655301LeeRegardless of what Commandant thinks, you've been pushing yourself too hard recently, Liv.1
766301LeeYou carry everything on your shoulders—combat, preparations, even Commandant's documents were taken care of by you.1
877301LeeI know we're Constructs, but we still need some time off for ourselves. The way you've been going...1
10993011LivI can take care of myself!1
131212301LeeRight, Commandant, I'll leave this to you.1
141313302Are you leaving?14I'll try my best.15
15141416301LeeThis is a tactical retreat...1
161515301LeeDon't let me down.1
1817173011LivI'm sorry... for losing my temper in front of you, Commandant. I'll write a review report...1
191818302What is this actually about?19Why are you forcing yourself to work?19
212020301LivI don't want you to think of me as someone weak... b-but...1
222121301LivI'm scared that the war will end...1
232222302Isn't the ending of the war a good thing?23Do you want the war to continue?24
24232325301LivOf course it's a good thing. There will be no more deaths, no more crying...1
252424301LivOf course not... but I'm scared...1
262525301LivSince the Punishing Virus appeared and the war broke out...1
272626301LivI've been in a repeating cycle of loss and gain, and gradually, I've started to get used to this loop...1
282727301LivAnd every time I'm by myself, I'll close my eyes, and I'll wonder...1
292828301LivWho will I be when the war is over...? If I don't stop working, I won't need to question myself...1
302929302We'll think about that when the time comes.30We'll search for the answer then. Together.30
313030301LivBut when the time comes...1
3332323011LuciaCommandant's right. We might have been created for war, but we don't have to stay in it forever.1
343333301LuciaBut it's still too far away to think about where we'll go when the war ends...1
353434301LuciaInstead of the distant future, I'm more interested in what we can do, what we want to do, here and now.1
363535301LuciaSo, Liv, what do you want to do at this moment?1
3837373011LivI... I...1
3938383011AniZhuanchangBeginLivI... want to stay by Commandant's side.1