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Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory107.png
2 2 401 1 201
3 3 201 1 500105
4 4 301 1 Luna Speak. 1
5 5 201 1 500101
6 6 301 1 Gabriel Miss Alpha has completed her mission perfectly. Shome is moving just like we expected him to. 1
7 7 203 1 0.4 400
8 8 201 2 500008 -400
9 9 301 1 Roland As for me... The hunting grounds are ready. He should have no qualms dying with the funeral we've prepared him with. 2
10 10 202 1 2 1
11 11 201 1 500105
12 12 301 1 Luna You all know what to do. Yes? 1
13 13 202 1
14 14 201 1 500101 400
15 15 201 2 500008 -400
16 16 301 1 Roland Obliterate Shome. 2
17 17 301 1 Gabriel His death shall deter his savior. 1
18 18 202 1 2 1
19 19 201 1 500105 13
20 20 301 1 Luna Good. Do so. 1
21 21 401 2 1516
22 22 301 With that, Roland and Gabriel turn and depart. Luna's brows are still furrowed after they take their leave.
23 23 301 Luna Lamia? 1
24 24 203 1 0.4 400
25 25 201 2 500165 -400
26 26 301 1 Lamia Yes, Miss Luna. 2
27 27 301 Luna Tell me the results of your recon mission. 1
28 28 301 Lamia Yes, Miss Luna. That person seems to have sold his "foster son" out... 2
29 29 301 Luna Oh? 1
30 30 301 Lamia Back in po-pan when he was still human, he was a man of many titles. "Downtown Tyrant", "Agent of Death", "Behemoth"... 2
31 31 301 Lamia He's involved in all sorts of underground stuff... Even for humans, he's the most despicable sort... 2
32 32 301 Luna ...Your words are making me distrust humans even more. 1
33 33 301 Lamia Ah... Well... That's why we... took on such forms, right? 2
34 34 204 1 13
35 35 301 Luna Indeed... 1
36 36 301 Lamia S-so, Miss Luna, how should we deal with him and his proposal? 2
37 37 204 1
38 38 301 Luna We'll see. Let's get an idea of what he wants from "us" first. 1
39 39 204 1 13
40 40 301 Luna If he wishes to have a go at the "filtering," allow him to. 1
41 41 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Lamia O-okay. 2
42 42 202 1 2 1
43 43 401 1 10
44 44 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory148.png
45 45 301 AniZhuanchangEnd A few weeks ago...
46 46 201 1 500008
47 47 301 1 Roland An interesting fella came visiting. 1
48 48 301 Roland He's saying a "strange Ascendant" showed up and is conducting some sort of research. 1
49 49 301 Roland But, well, he's likely got deeper ties to that Ascendant than he shows. 1
50 50 301 Roland He's got that Ascendant's trails figured. There's convincing evidence too in the files he provided us with. 1
51 51 201 1 500105
52 52 301 1 Luna But, why would he betray that Ascendant? 1
53 53 201 1 500008
54 54 301 1 Roland Who knows? 1
55 55 301 Roland And, quite frankly, this Ascendant can only be "her" work. The one that's been showing up nearby. 1
56 56 301 Roland Apparently she's just the same as before, finding people that can be saved. 1
57 57 201 1 500105
58 58 301 1 Luna ...This is getting troublesome. 1
59 59 301 Luna If we let her run wild, our work as agents of the Ascension-Network will be hindered. 1
60 60 201 1 500008
61 61 301 1 Roland So—what do we do? 1
62 62 201 1 500105
63 63 301 1 Luna Give me the files that the "interesting fella" gave you. 1
64 64 301 Luna I'll decide after I have a look. 1
65 65 201 1 500008
66 66 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Roland Very well, Miss Luna. 1
67 67 202 1 1
68 68 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
69 69 201 1 500105
70 70 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Luna "Shome", huh... 1
71 71 301 From the history of this person, he should not have lived through the "filter."
72 72 301 But if the files are true, then he must have gained protection by the network through certain means.
73 73 301 And, he is now using the power from the Ascension-Network to conduct dangerous research.
74 74 301 If there's anyone to "save" this kind of person, "she" is the only possible candidate.
75 75 204 1 13
76 76 301 Luna Sigh... You're an agent, and yet you keep causing such troubles... 1
77 77 301 To assimilate other agents to our side, we'll need a display of power.
78 78 301 And for this, we need a scapegoat—one we know who will never stand on our side.
79 79 301 ——Which, as far as we can tell, leaves only "her."
80 80 301 Luna Though I'd prefer not to provoke other agents before the time is right... 1
81 81 301 Luna But you're showing up in our grounds and messing things up... We have no other choice... 1
82 82 204 1 21
83 83 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Luna After all, this is an agent's duty. 1