
16 KiB

544301DialogEnable1PulaoAfter getting off the ship, walk to the north, and you'll see the Big Fish.1
766301PulaoUp north, down south... Alright, I'll take the upper route.1
877301The time passes so fast that Pulao could not even remember the outline of the ship before arriving at the destination.
988301After getting off the boat, she walks north and sees exactly what Simpie had described.
1099301She sees a mountain, but it has no vitality of mountains. She sees a sea, but it has no surging waves.
111010301Only the clink-clank of the sword and bottle on Pulao's back can be heard. The mountain peaks and the sea remain silent.
121111301PulaoIt's so quiet.1
131212301AniZhuanchangBeginPulaoEverything goes so smoothly, just like the dream last night...1
161515301AniZhuanchangEndPulao shakes her head, trying to cast the nightmare away. She raises her hand to block the sun and gazes toward the horizon.
1817173011PulaoNo, it can't be. I must give it a try at least.1
191818301PulaoMr. Big Fish— Where are you—1
201919301PulaoMr. Big Fish—1
222121301PulaoCould it be...1
242323301A few drops of water splash on Pulao's frowning face. She looks up hurriedly and sees a pillar of water in front of her.
252424301Neon-like colors loom around the water pillar. Pulao wipes the water drops on her face and finally sees the root of the pillar through the misty clouds. There is an azure whale.
2726263011???Hello. What can I do for you?1
302929301PulaoAre you Mr. Fish?1
3231313011Big FishYeah, it's me.1
3433333011PulaoCould you please...1
3736363011Big FishSorry. No can do.1
4039393011PulaoBut I haven't even said it...1
4241413011Big FishFor thousands of years, almost everyone who came to this eastmost land was after my tears.1
434242301Big FishI don't mind giving them out, but I'm way past the age when I felt like crying all the time. In fact, I have not wept for almost a hundred years.1
4544443011PulaoWhat? Then what did Mr. Simpie bring back?1
4746463011Big FishOh, that muscular guy. The tear he took was preserved when I was still young.1
5151513011Big FishYeah. Only kids get to cry whenever they want and do whatever they want.1
525252301Big FishTears are a sign of frailty. Adults don't need them.1
535353301Big FishI bade farewell to my vigorous, passionate childhood and youth.1
545454301Big FishBefore I realized, I could no longer shed any tear.1
555555301Big FishIt's not that I don't want to help you. I am no longer able to cry.1
5757573011PulaoWhy has it become like this...1
5959593011Big FishIf you ask this question, you won't be able to understand it right now.1
606060301Big FishBecause there is still passion in you. You probably have been like this all along.1
616161301Big FishYou do what you want to do, and say what you want to say.1
626262301Big FishYou have a lot of emotions. Of course you can cry whenever you feel like to.1
636363301Big FishBut my heart has withered. Even if you beat me up, I won't be able to cry.1
646464301Big FishI can only accept everything in silence.1
656565301Big FishOnce passion is gone, only pale voidness remains.1
6869693011PulaoI just feel that... It's not that you don't want to cry. You are just unable to cry.1
7071713011Big Fish...Feel? That's too vague.1
7273733011PulaoUm... My feelings aren't always right, but I still want to trust my instinct!1
737575301PulaoJust like all the adults I met before. No matter how difficult their lives were, they could not cry, because they had families, friends and loved ones that relied on them...1
7577773011Big FishIt is impossible for people to really understand and empathize with one another. Those were just your personal feelings.1
7779793011PulaoMy mother once told me that eyes were the windows to the soul. People use their eyes to express emotions.1
788080301PulaoWords may lie, but eyes cannot.1
798181301PulaoWhen I looked them in the eye, I could understand... Everybody was living their own life. Every life was parallel to others, and they would never cross.1
8183833011PulaoThey lost tears, and their fragile selves... to not get hurt, or for some other reasons... Sob...1
8385853011Big FishYou came for my tears. Why are you crying yourself?1
8587873011PulaoBecause... I don't know why. I think I'm not making any sense.1
868888301PulaoBut I just feel so sad. My tears won't stop.1
8890903011Big FishSigh... You mentioned parallel lines. I think it's a very good metaphor. Everyone lives on a parallel line, yet every now and then, we reach out and our lines cross.1
899191301Big FishBut you never know how much information the other party can receive from this one-sided communication.1
909292301Big FishThey may appear to be very passionate or empathic, but you never know how much they have really understood.1
919393301Big FishInvesting too much emotion only gets yourself hurt.1
929494301Big FishSo why not just shut your heart and freeze all emotions?1
939595301Big FishI too have questioned this way of living. I was lost. But in the end, I chose to do things this way just like everyone else.1
949696301Big FishDreams, money, love... People have too many things to consider in life. There is no time and energy left to hesitate or cry.1
959797301Big FishWhat I did was rational and correct... You get something, you lose something.1
9799993011PulaoRight... Everyone just keeps stacking the problems together... Putting shackles on themselves...1
98100100301PulaoEveryone has their own shackles. Even when they are already badly hurt, they have to act like nothing happened and pretend to be strong in front of others.1
99101101301PulaoBut... wouldn't that make them even sadder?1
100102102301Pulao is in tears. Big Fish does not know what to do.
1021041043011Big FishUm... Maybe I'll give it a try... So I can give you some tears?1
105107107301PulaoI won't force you to give me tears anymore, Mr. Big Fish.1
106108108301Pulao wipes off her tears. She finally calms down after a few deep breaths.
1081101103011PulaoThe pains and stresses from growing up are already placing a heavy load on you, as well as every other adult.1
109111111301PulaoI can't force you to do things just for my own purpose.1
110112112301PulaoThe world is vast. There must be another way to save Master, apart from your tears.1
111113113301PulaoI just don't believe there isn't another way to get rid of Punini!1
112114114301Big Fish has seen numerous kids over thousands of years. Pulao is no different from them; he has no idea if she is going to cry or laugh the next moment.
113115115301PulaoIt must have been tough, Mr. Big Fish.1
114116116301PulaoThank you for everything.1
115117117301She was in tears moments ago, but is smiling now.
1191211213011Big Fish...1
120122122301Big FishAren't you also pushing yourself?1
121123123301Big FishYour eyes are all swollen. Still, you are smiling at me.1
122125125301Big FishMany people said the same to me.1
123126126301Big FishI don't know whether they meant it, were just flattering me, or being sarcastic…1
124127127301Big FishBut what's so special about your words?1
125128128301Big FishSuch simple words... But they just feel so different...1
126129129301Perhaps it is their simplicity that makes them sound so heavy.
1281311313011PulaoMr. Big Fish, your eyes have been shouting out loud just like everyone else.1
129132132301PulaoThey are screaming the loneliness inside you.1
130133133301AniZhuanchangBeginPulaoThat's why I just wanted to say it to you...1
133136136301AniZhuanchangEndBig FishPerhaps.
134137137301Big FishI have a childhood panda friend, but we seldom talk after growing up. Every time we contacted each other, there was a purpose. It was either for his elixir, or helping him to buy bargained goods.
135139139301Big FishI live the same life every day. But when someone asked about me, I only wanted to escape and stay by myself.
136140140301Big FishThere may be many fish around me, but I always keep my distance when they try to enter my heart.
137141141301Big FishThis life... is like a silent hell.
138142142301Big Fish closes his eyes as he tries to recall every little detail of life.
139143143301Big FishThere is no god in hell...
140144144301Big FishThe god descends from heaven and saves people from hell... That's only a fairy tale.
141145145301Big FishPerhaps...
142146146301AniZhuanchangBeginBig FishHmm?
147151151301AniZhuanchangEndBig Fish feels something on his head. He opens his eyes and sees Pulao in front.
148152152301She is smiling at him. Without a word, she gently pats his head.
149153153301Maybe a listener who is always willing to stay around can motivate people more than illusionary redemption.
150154154301The warmth of Pulao's palm circles Big Fish's body and strikes his heart.
151155155301Her innocent eyes and warm touch make Big Fish recall his dusted memories. The last time he was being treated like this was when his mother tended to him after he got hurt as a child.
152156156301PulaoYou've already done great.
153157157301Big Fish feels like he has returned to thousands of years ago. He loses the hardened armor crafted over years and becomes a child again.
154158158301There is no need to think or worry, for the person in front is giving him all the attention and care. She only wants to cast away his sorrow, and is not seeking anything in return.
155159159301PulaoIt must have been tough all these years.
156160160301A ray of sunlight pierces through the darkness in the heart, leaving tiny sparkles in it. Although they're not enough to warm up the cold heart, they still bring back the long-lost warmth.
157161161301Big FishThank you...
158162162301A small drop of tear slides down Big Fish's eye.
1591631633011AniZhuanchangBeginFor a split second, Big Fish has reunited with his past.