
109 lines
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Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory385.png
2 2 401 1 53
3 3 401 2 1513
4 4 301 DialogEnable Despite not knowing what is happening, Lucia seems to have sensed the impending danger, and she follows her mother's instructions and takes Luna to the second floor.
5 5 302 What's wrong?
6 6 401 2 1513
7 7 301 You ask, perplexed, but Lucia does not answer. You can only follow closely behind.
8 8 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory365.png
9 9 401 1 36
10 10 401 100 2 1546
11 11 401 2 1516
12 12 301 You two run into the bedroom at the end of the corridor. Lucia closes the door before running to the window and checking on her mother.
13 13 201 1 500032
14 14 301 1 Lucia Mom... 1
15 15 301 AniZhuanchangBegin She sees the end of the world.
16 16 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory367.png
17 17 202 1 1
18 18 401 1 50
19 19 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Outside the window, people are crying and whimpering. Everyone in town is trying to hide from the unknown terror. They are all trying to escape the house toward the woods, toward the sliver of hope to survive.
20 20 301 They rush to the gate outside Luna's house. Someone is banging on the door angrily—fear and rage have twisted all their faces, turning the familiar neighbors into strangers.
21 21 301 The Punishing Virus, meanwhile, floods into every corner of the town. The scarlet Corrupted chase down and toy with the armless humans like starved zombies.
22 22 301 You see "your" father attempting to come through against the tide of people, but he is too far away. So far that you cannot even tell whose name he is shouting.
23 23 301 But the thinly dressed man has barely shouted before being caught up by the "sheriff," whom he once proudly fought side by side. It opens its gaping metal jaw and crushes his head like a roaring flame devouring the land.
24 24 301 The waning faces you once saw in the hazy light in the M.I.N.D. suddenly clear up, like tearing a wound open, revealing the blood and flesh within.
25 25 301 "Your" mother, her hands trembling, is trying to move everything she can find in the garden behind the gate, hoping to keep the mechanical monsters on the other side.
26 26 301 She is such a kind mother—she always brings daisies from the market and gives them to the young girl in the wheelchair on the street, who was busking because she could not afford a mechanical prosthetic.
27 27 301 During Thanksgiving, the elderly people who live alone in the town will always receive cookies she bakes herself. She always has "you" help out in order to teach you to be kind and strong.
28 28 301 Her hands should be dancing on the piano, carrying a bouquet, or holding a bowl of hot soup.
29 29 301 Not drenching in blood, shaking, desperately trying to keep the gates closed.
30 30 301 She has to keep the others out, even those innocent and helpless. She watches them as the monsters strike, despite her husband being among them just a moment ago.
31 31 301 But all is futile.
32 32 301 The Corrupted and blood-soaked hands of pleading humans reach for her from the spaces between the bars, and with the most harrowing screams, they try to drag the poor woman into the abyss.
33 33 301 Mom ——
34 34 301 The last thing between the monsters and her daughters is her. She turns her back to the gate, pushing back, shaking from their unrelenting force. She looks toward the window on the second floor, where you are standing.
35 35 301 Tears cover her face. She leaves her last words as she weeps.
36 36 301 Mom —Lucia, protect your sister.
37 37 301 Mom —Run.
38 38 301 AniZhuanchangBegin A terrifying mechanical arm pierces her chest, the blood pouring out of her scorches warmer than every embrace she has given... You cannot tell if those who tear her apart are monsters or broken humans after that.
39 39 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory365.png
40 40 201 1 500032
41 41 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Lucia ...Run, Luna. Run. 1
42 42 301 The young girl's voice trembles. Her small, delicate hand tries to grab ahold of yours, only to find nothing there.
43 43 301 That is when she turns toward you. You see tears rolling down her cheeks, but she is not crying. She shows no expression, and you wonder if she registers what is happening at all.
44 44 301 This time she grabs your hand tightly, the feeling of her warm and soaked grip uncomfortably realistic.
45 45 202 1 1
46 46 301 Then she drags you and runs.
47 47 301 Run. But where to? What are those things? She knows her parents are gone, and no guardian angels are here to save them. Do they not deserve it? Have they done something wrong? Mom never told her. Where should she go?
48 48 301 Your eyes are soaked. Lucia has grabbed one of your hands, so you use your free arm to wipe your eyes. Nothing has ever poured out of you like this, save for vital fluid in previous battles.
49 49 202 1 1
50 50 301 RImgBg1Shake Approaching the bedroom door, you trip on a doll and fall.
51 51 301 Your visuals drop. Time seems to dilate at that moment, and you notice that the doll that tripped you is an ugly stuffed frog, with its glass eyes and bright-red lips sewn on its woolly fabric.
52 52 301 "I've seen it before."
53 53 301 AniZhuanchangBegin "It looks fluffy and soft, unlike the first time I saw it."
54 54 401 2 1512
55 55 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
56 56 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Those thoughts occupy your mind as you are about to fall to the ground, but someone catches you. You land instead in a tender, somehow briny, embrace.
57 57 302 What happened? 58
58 58 301 You know what happened, but the owner of these memories is so frightened and lost. Her confusion takes over you, and you cannot help but ask.
59 59 302 DialogDisable Dad and Mom were bleeding so much... 60
60 60 302 Everyone was... 61
61 61 301 DialogEnable Lucia holds you in your arms, trying to warm her sister with her own body's warmth. She takes a deep breath next to your ear—your face is buried in her arms, so you cannot tell her expression.
62 62 301 Lucia ...Luna, do you remember the two of us sneaking on Dad's terminal?
63 63 302 Yeah... 64
64 64 301 Lucia We watched a scary movie with many horrifying monsters, and they ate a lot of people.
65 65 301 Luna seems to have remembered something, and you tremble even more intensely. Lucia holds you closer.
66 66 302 It was scary... There was a lot of blood... 67
67 67 301 Lucia Someone is making a horror movie like that in our town. I forgot to tell you.
68 68 302 How did you know? 69
69 69 401 2 1503
70 70 301 You hear a loud, dull thud from downstairs. It spreads to your ears like a raindrop falling from a petal into the mud.
71 71 301 Lucia is breathing harder now.
72 72 301 Lucia Dad told me, and he said not to tell you. He wanted to scare you.
73 73 302 ...Really? 74 I don't believe you... 74
74 74 301 Lucia It's true! Luna, I'd never lie to you. If I do, I'm a... I'm a rat!
75 75 302 You scared me! 76
76 76 301 More tears roll down your face. You can feel a comfort soothing your fear, despite the real you knowing that this is a lie underneath.
77 77 301 Lucia I'm sorry, Luna... but you're part of the movie as well. They can only shoot it once, so you have to listen to me and perform well, okay?
78 78 302 But I don't want to... I just want to find Mom and Dad... 79
79 79 401 2 1503
80 80 301 AniZhuanchangBegin The sound downstairs is getting closer—the clear and hollow, metallic but dull echos.
81 81 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory365.png
82 82 201 1 500032
83 83 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Loosening her hug, Lucia instead grabs your shoulders and looks straight at you. The tears on her face have almost dried, and she has never looked so serious.
84 84 301 Lucia You're a grown-up now, Luna. You have to be strong. Even when Mom and Dad are not here with you, you have to be strong. 1
85 85 302 Will you be here with me the whole time? 86
86 86 301 Lucia I will. Now, you have to act brave. You're going to waste everybody's effort if you don't. 1
87 87 302 ...Okay. Will it be scary? 88
88 88 301 Lucia A little bit, but you don't need to be afraid. I'll come back for you. 1
89 89 301 Lucia You're the best at hide-and-seek, aren't you? 1
90 90 302 ...I am! 91
91 91 301 Lucia Don't let the monsters catch you. 1
92 92 301 Lucia stands and pulls you up.
93 93 301 Lucia Hide in the basement, now! 1
94 94 302 Come with me... 95
95 95 301 Lucia The monsters are inside already... If someone doesn't distract them, we'll both get caught! 1
96 96 302 But... 97
97 97 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Lucia I'll come back for you. 1
98 98 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
99 99 201 1 500032
100 100 301 AniZhuanchangEnd AniZhuanchangBegin 1 "I'll come back for you." 1
101 101 201 1 500328
102 102 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 No. 21 looks at the girl before her, her promise so unwavering. 1
103 103 301 Never in her life has she heard a promise like that, whether as a human in the research institute or a Construct in Cerberus. 1
104 104 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Affected by this memory, an unknown strength spreads through her body. She genuinely believes everything the girl before her has said, and No. 21 cannot tell if it comes from the memory or herself. 1
105 105 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory365.png
106 106 202 1 1
107 107 301 1 AniZhuanchangEnd AniZhuanchangBegin The two girls look at each other and nod. That is the last communication between them.