
179 lines
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Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory236.png
2 2 401 1 208
3 3 201 1 500230
4 4 301 1 Changyu East City's Xujiu Street... Wang's Pawn Shop, this is the last store. 1
5 5 202 1 1
6 6 301 Changyu is standing in front of a building and sifting through his memories. Seeing that it is still the same building as before, he enters the premises.
7 7 301 In the pawnshop, a middle-aged man is sitting behind the counter, looking down at the panel in his hand. In his other, an old copper coin is being absentmindedly twirled.
8 8 201 1 500230
9 9 301 1 Changyu Boss Wang? I saw that you're hiring, so... 1
10 10 301 Boss Wang Huh? But what's a kiddo like you doing here?
11 11 301 Changyu Age isn't a problem. I can do whatever it is you need. 1
12 12 301 Boss Wang Know your way around machines?
13 13 301 Boss Wang slowly raises his head and taps a coin on the table. His indifferent tone feels like a sharp knife to Changyu's ears.
14 14 204 1 14
15 15 301 Changyu I, um... No, I don't. 1
16 16 301 Boss Wang Then shoo.
17 17 301 Boss Wang You can't possibly think the KCC still has any use for elbow grease now, do you?
18 18 301 Changyu I... 1
19 19 301 Boss Wang Oh... I see. You're from the old parts down south. No wonder.
20 20 301 Boss Wang Well then, be on your way. I don't have any use for a kid like you.
21 21 301 Boss Wang waves his hand at the door, motioning for Changyu to leave. Hearing this, Changyu takes a step forward instead.
22 22 204 1 5
23 23 301 Changyu It's not like that. Some things are best left to people. 1
24 24 301 Boss Wang Oh? And what's that? I'm all ears.
25 25 204 1
26 26 301 Changyu Like... Pawning... You know, sales! 1
27 27 301 Changyu Machines might replace the need for people in the service, manufacturing, or entertainment industries because they are good at imitating humans. 1
28 28 301 Changyu But the one they can't do is barter! 1
29 29 301 Changyu Each customer is different. You need intuition and honesty to understand their needs to make money. 1
30 30 301 Boss Wang Hmm, I see your point...
31 31 204 1 1
32 32 301 Changyu Then— 1
33 33 301 Boss Wang However—
34 34 301 Boss Wang drags out his rebuttal to interrupt Changyu's rambling.
35 35 301 Boss Wang A person's speech and behavior are telltale signs of their thoughts. You speak with confidence, but your eyes darted four times over the place—indicating that you've been nervous this whole time.
36 36 301 Boss Wang Machines only have to pick up on this to simulate human emotion and adjust their sales strategy accordingly. That's not specific to humans.
37 37 204 1
38 38 301 Changyu ...But that type of machine doesn't exist. 1
39 39 301 Boss Wang Hmph, maybe you haven't heard...
40 40 202 1 1
41 41 301 Boss Wang remarks coldly. Just as he is about to continue speaking, Changyu suddenly steps forward and puts his hand on the copper coin resting on the table.
42 42 201 1 500230 5
43 43 301 1 Changyu Think I don't know about the Fuxi Crew's research into human simulation? 1
44 44 301 Boss Wang Oh? Looks like you aren't as naive as I thought.
45 45 301 Changyu I heard it from some big shot a long time ago. 1
46 46 301 Changyu But a machine like that isn't something normal folks like us can afford. 1
47 47 301 Changyu So this kind of job is best left to us humans for the time being. 1
48 48 204 1
49 49 301 Changyu Ain't nothing wrong with replacing us with machines. But until then, do you really think someone in your condition can look after the shop all by yourself? 1
50 50 301 Boss Wang How'd you know about my condition?
51 51 204 1 1
52 52 301 Changyu lifts his hand off the coin and smiles.
53 53 301 Changyu Hehe, my bro Chen at our theater used to have this problem. I was a bit hesitant when I walked in at first. I didn't want to say anything without a closer look. 1
54 54 301 Boss Wang Sharp eh, kid?
55 55 301 Changyu I'll take that as a compliment. 1
56 56 301 Boss Wang Hmph.
57 57 301 Hearing this, Boss Wang scoffs and leaves the store.
58 58 301 Boss Wang You work 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Six days a week. Salary is performance based.
59 59 301 Changyu So that means that I'm... 1
60 60 301 Boss Wang Hmph, you're starting tomorrow. Don't be late on your first day of work.
61 61 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Changyu Alrighty! 1
62 62 202 1 1
63 63 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory236.png
64 64 201 1 500230 1
65 65 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Changyu Five thousand, here you are. Come again! 1
66 66 202 1 1
67 67 301 After seeing off the last customer, Changyu returns to the pawnshop and carefully seals the pawned item he just received.
68 68 301 Boss Wang Hey, kiddo. Clean up and get ready to call it a day.
69 69 201 1 500230
70 70 301 1 Changyu Huh, why so early today? 1
71 71 301 Boss Wang It's not like I want to. I just received a notice from the Chiwen Crew. No business after 5 p.m.
72 72 301 Changyu How come? 1
73 73 301 Boss Wang It probably has to do with the news report released by the World Government. Some experiment failed, and there was some sort of repercussion.
74 74 301 Changyu You mean zero-point energy? 1
75 75 301 Boss Wang Yeah, that thing. But the only repercussion is our loss of business!
76 76 301 Changyu No wonder the customers are all so sour-looking recently. 1
77 77 301 Boss Wang Hmph, you can say that again.
78 78 301 Boss Wang By the way, I also saw the notice that the celebration was postponed—the one you mentioned earlier that your theater's playing at.
79 79 301 Changyu What? It was postponed?! 1
80 80 301 Boss Wang Can't help it. Hosting a celebration right now would be a slap in the face for the World Government.
81 81 301 Changyu Ugh... At least it's not cancelled. We'll just have to wait for this all to pass. Then everything will be back to normal. 1
82 82 301 Boss Wang We can only hope so. The sooner the curfew ends, the sooner we can open normally. I'm going to head out. Be sure to lock up once you're done cleaning.
83 83 301 Changyu Yeah, got it. 1
84 84 301 After Boss Wang leaves, Changyu returns to the counter. He turns on his data panel and begins to flip through the calendar.
85 85 204 1 1
86 86 301 Changyu It's delayed... But that's not necessarily a bad thing. 1
87 87 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Changyu That gives me more time to prepare for the performance. Director, just you wait... 1
88 88 202 1 1
89 89 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory236.png
90 90 401 1 201
91 91 201 1 500230
92 92 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Changyu Boss Wang, what's going on today? I've seen Pulao soldiers patrolling the streets. 1
93 93 301 Boss Wang The whole city is under a curfew. The zero-point thingamajig failed and created some virus. Apparently, a machine will go haywire if it becomes infected.
94 94 301 Boss Wang Now the soldiers are recycling machines, androids, and even all the police bots in the city—the uh, Guardians and Tai'E, I think? Anyway, they're all gone. Heard they're roundin' them up and disposing them all at once.
95 95 301 Changyu No wonder the Glazed Arch Theater next door has been so deserted recently. I thought they were upgrading the androids in preparation for something big during the celebration. 1
96 96 301 Boss Wang Alright, enough chit-chat. Throw this out for me.
97 97 301 He throws Changyu a palm-sized robot from behind the counter. The electronic brain is hanging sideways, with indentations obviously caused by a blunt object. Several broken wires are also poking out of its casing.
98 98 301 Changyu Isn't this the robot you bought to wipe the cabinet? How did this happen? 1
99 99 301 Boss Wang The soldiers don't recycle these lil' gizmos. Hmph, but who's to say it won't get infected and wreck the shop?
100 100 301 Boss Wang Don't just stand there. Get this eyesore out of here!
101 101 301 Changyu ... 1
102 102 202 1 1
103 103 301 Changyu picks up the broken pile of scrap metal and walks to the trash can in the alley around the corner.
104 104 301 ...And he sees a trashcan filled to the brim with an assortment of mechanical parts—electronic terminals, carrier drones, and other household gadgets.
105 105 301 The tools that once brought many conveniences to mankind were now completely destroyed and randomly discarded in the dark recesses of trash cans, mixed with foods scraps and other garbage.
106 106 201 1 500230
107 107 301 1 Changyu Pah... That's the way humans got their jobs back, huh? 1
108 108 202 1 1
109 109 301 Changyu shakes his head as he walks out of the alley. He sees several strange devices in the street erected by the Baxia Crew.
110 110 301 Hearing the news, Boss Wang pokes his head out from the doorframe of the pawnshop and looks down the street.
111 111 301 Boss Wang The KCC... is about to change.
112 112 201 1 500230
113 113 301 Changyu Indeed... 1
114 114 301 Boss Wang "Indeed"? What does a kid like you know?
115 115 301 Changyu That's not what I meant... 1
116 116 301 Boss Wang Here, take this.
117 117 301 Having no intention of arguing with Changyu, Boss Wang interrupts him by throwing him a data card.
118 118 301 Changyu Huh? Didn't you already pay me this month? 1
119 119 204 1 1
120 120 301 Changyu A cheapskate like you is giving me a bonus?! 1
121 121 301 Boss Wang Who are you callin' a cheapskate? It's called running a well-managed business. You should take some notes.
122 122 301 Changyu Whatever you say boss. As long as you keep paying me. 1
123 123 301 Boss Wang Still playing the poverty card? Get out of here. I'm closing up shop.
124 124 301 Changyu Alright, alright. Quit pushing me. I was just on my way out. 1
125 125 202 1 1
126 126 301 Boss Wang pushes Changyu out as he speaks and impatiently motions him to hurry home.
127 127 301 After Changyu boards the shuttle back to the South City District, Boss Wang returns to the shop.
128 128 301 Boss Wang Pah, I've been crunching numbers my whole life. This might be my last bit of generosity.
129 129 301 AniZhuanchangBegin With that, Boss Wang takes off the weathered plaque to the door of the shop and firmly closes the pawnshop door.
130 131 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory233.png
131 132 401 1 202
132 133 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Broadcast Up next, an emergency statement from the Kowloong Chamber of Commerce.
133 134 301 Broadcast The Kowloong Chamber of Commerce is still under curfew. Please remain at home as much as possible and report any emergencies to the nearby Kowloong Crew immediately.
134 135 301 Broadcast Large machinery throughout the city has been recycled. Do not panic. This situation must be handled rationally. Now, let's listen to Lord Danhao, the Bian Crew official to...
135 136 201 1 500230
136 137 301 1 Changyu ... 1
137 138 301 ...
138 139 201 1 500229
139 140 301 1 Director Changyu, where are you going? 1
140 141 201 1 500230
141 142 301 1 Changyu Hehe, I'm just goin' out for a bit. 1
142 143 201 1 500229
143 144 301 1 Director Didn't you hear the broadcast? Are you really going out with all that's happened? 1
144 145 201 1 500230
145 146 301 1 Changyu I'm just one last step away from fixing all the props. Just wait a bit longer, Director. 1
146 147 201 1 500229
147 148 301 1 Director How are you still thinking about the celebration at a time like this? 1
148 149 201 1 500230
149 150 301 1 Changyu The celebration isn't what matters. I just want to get the Kowloong Theater up and running again. 1
150 151 201 1 500229
151 152 301 1 Director Changyu! 1
152 153 301 Changyu quickly drags the props out of the theater and leaves the nagging director behind.
153 154 201 1 500230
154 155 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Changyu Almost there. 1
155 156 202 1 1
156 157 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory237.png
157 158 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Broadcast Up next, an emergency statement from the World Government on the Punishing Virus.
158 159 301 Broadcast We face an unprecedented disaster in human history. The Science Council has launched a comprehensive investigation, and the Star of Life is actively seeking a cure.
159 160 301 Throughout the streets, the World Government's updates on the Punishing Virus is being broadcasted in real-time. The once prosperous KCC is now long gone. Only a few pedestrians are watching the broadcast on the street.
160 161 301 The broadcast echoes throughout Kowloong. Changyu quickly shuttles between the road with the props in hand.
161 162 201 1 500230
162 163 301 1 Changyu Made it. 1
163 164 301 Changyu What! It's closed... 1
164 165 301 Changyu starts to grow flustered at the sight of the locked repair shop.
165 166 301 Changyu What should I do now? It was open yesterday. 1
166 167 301 Changyu Damn it! There aren't any shops nearby that can repair our old equipment. 1
167 168 301 Gangster A Hey, punk. Today's our lucky day.
168 169 204 1 5
169 170 301 Changyu You guys again? 1
170 171 301 Changyu Who are you calling a punk? 1
171 172 301 Changyu Leave me alone. I'm not in the mood for this right now. 1
172 173 301 Gangster A What are you sayin', tough guy?!
173 174 301 Gangster B Don't you know? I've got a bone to pick with you. I'm going to make you suffer today.
174 175 301 Gangster B Most of the police cyborgs have been disposed of, and the Pulao Crew are busy with the plaza and the East City District. Who can save you now?
175 176 301 Suddenly, the deafening sound of a broadcast plays in the distance, cutting through the air.
176 177 301 Changyu **** you. I don't need anyone's help to take care of you guys. 1
177 178 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Changyu Don't you wanna fight? Bring it! 1