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Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 102 Chapter 1 Heart Of Gold Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/CommonLogo/BgLogo1.png
2 2 502 ThemeEnable
3 3 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory26.jpg
4 4 401 1 201
5 5 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStorySandNew.prefab 2
6 6 201 1 1021001
7 7 301 DialogEnable 1 Lucia This is it! Commandant, we've arrived at our destination. 1
8 8 302 It's an endless desert. 9 Let's confirm our assignment once again. 11
9 9 201 1 1031001
10 10 13 301 1 Liv We've gone through one sandstorm after another, and I thought we would see something different after we're through... But it's just more desert 1
11 11 201 1 1011001
12 12 301 1 Lee Right, we were sent here in such a rush, after all. 1
13 13 201 1 1021001
14 14 301 1 Lucia Alright, let me re-establish our mission parameters before we begin. 1
15 15 301 Lucia Our mission this time is to investigate the mysterious zone at the center of the sandstorm, the area nicknamed "Golden Vortex". According to our mission brief, we aren't the only team sent here from Babylonia. 1
16 16 301 Lucia Among the other teams are Goldfinch, the infiltration and intel collection experts, as well as the Purifying Force, and a Jointed Task Force that has gathered different personnel available in short notice. 1
17 17 302 What's so special about this place? 18
18 18 201 1 1011001
19 19 301 1 Lee It's the sand. The sand here looks identical to gold dust. 1
20 20 203 1 0.25 400
21 21 201 2 1021001 -400
22 22 301 1 Lucia Our mission can't be related to the sand. Babylonia wouldn't have sent us here for strange sand. 2
23 23 301 Lee This sand is everywhere. Something is moving them in secret... And to be able to cover such a large area, it must be a very huge device. 1
24 24 201 1 1031001 400
25 25 301 Lucia Liv, are we able to contact the Goldfinches? They would probably have better intel. 2
26 26 301 Liv (Shakes her head) We can't. I've tried multiple times, but nothing's come through. Maybe their comms equipment has malfunctioned? I'll keep trying... 1
27 27 201 2 1011001 -400
28 28 301 1 Lee Goldfinch doesn't have a lot of combat gears on them, but they should be equipped with state-of-the-art comms devices... 2
29 29 301 Lee I need to re-evaluate how dangerous this place is. 2
30 30 201 2 1021001 -400
31 31 204 1 7
32 32 301 Liv Commandant, something's approaching us at 12 o'clock. 1
33 33 204 1
34 34 301 Lucia Lee, weapons hot. 2
35 35 202 1 2 1
36 36 201 1 500028
37 37 301 PanelActor1Shake 1 Browning H-hold on... I'm not... not an enemy. 1
38 38 202 1 1
39 39 201 1 1021001 -400
40 40 201 2 1011001 400
41 41 301 1 Lucia Liv, protect the commandant. Lee, open fire if he so much as raises his arm. 1
42 42 301 Lee ...Multiple severe wounds detected on his body. 2
43 43 201 2 500028 400
44 100 401 2 1515
45 44 301 Browning ...AaAaArm... CaAaAn't... My apologies—something's wrong with my speaking module. I can't raise my arm even if I want to. 2
46 45 301 Browning My name is Browning, the captain of Goldfinch. My... M.I.N.D. ID can—c-confirm—m-my identity. 2
47 46 204 1 3
48 47 301 Lucia What happened? Where's your team? 1
49 48 204 1
50 49 301 Browning T-trapped. It's all my—f-fault—my fault... 2
51 50 301 Lucia Calm down and tell us what happened. 1
52 51 301 Browning They... c-came out of nowhere... Ambushed—i-it was a trap—my team... held them off to—s-save me... 2
53 52 204 1 3
54 53 301 Lucia "They"? The Corrupted? 1
55 54 204 1
56 55 301 Browning N-no... M-mechanoids—m-mechanoids. 2
57 56 301 Browning P-please... save the Goldfinches—I-I can't... I'm no match to them. 2
58 57 301 Lucia You need to hold on for your team! 1
59 58 301 Browning I-I'm so... useless... I-I've failed—t-the Goldfinches... 2
60 59 202 1 2 1
61 60 201 1 1011001 -400
62 61 201 2 1031001 400
63 62 301 1 Lee Commandant, come over here... 1
64 63 301 Liv Browning's condition is really bad... He doesn't seem to be able to forgive himself... 2
65 64 301 Lee Both the M.I.N.D. ID and frame model matches—he is Browning, no doubt. However... 1
66 65 301 Lee My instinct's telling me something's wrong with him. But I have nothing concrete right now. 1
67 66 301 Liv I also feel the same. But after what he's been through... Doesn't it make sense that something's off with him? 2
68 67 201 2 1021001 400
69 68 301 1 Lucia I'm very concerned with the mechanoids he mentioned. How are they different from the Corrupted? 2
70 69 301 Lee If we're going to rescue Goldfinch, we're definitely going to run into these mechanoids. 1
71 70 301 Lucia Commandant, rescuing the Goldfinches won't interrupt our original mission. We can even make use of the intel they have. 2
72 71 302 Then let's begin. 72 What sort of mechanoids attacked your team? 75
73 72 202 1 2 1
74 73 201 1 1021001
75 74 78 301 1 Lucia Roger, Commandant. Everyone, stay alert... 1
76 75 202 1 2 1
77 76 201 1 500028
78 77 79 301 1 Browning So many... of them—a-all kinds of models—a-all kinds of weapons... 1
79 78 201 1 500028
80 79 301 1 Browning (Watches the sand in the air) Golden Vortex... is actually a building... The closer we are to the building—t-the more mechanoids there are... We can't just walk—w-walk there... 1
81 80 203 1 0.25 400
82 81 201 2 1011001 -400
83 82 301 1 Lee Is it possible to take the route Goldfinch took to approach the center of the Golden Vortex? 2
84 83 301 Browning We used... u-used—motion distractors... to lure them away—b-before approaching the building. 1
85 84 301 Browning L-lost it when... I escaped—b-but... I remember where it is. 1
86 85 301 Lee I'll go look for it with you. 2
87 86 301 Browning N-no... The distractor requires two operators... T-the window of opportunity is very short, we must work simultaneously... Two outside—t-two inside... Your frame doesn't match... H-hers does. 1
88 87 201 2 1031001 7 -400
89 88 301 1 Liv Do you mean me, Browning? 2
90 89 204 2
91 90 301 Browning You're a Support-type Construct—r-right? So am I... You and I—w-we're in charge of luring from the outside. When the other two Gray Ravens enter the interior—p-pass them the operation command, and then we go in. 1
92 91 301 Liv Then I'll go. Operating devices is my expertise as well. 2
93 92 201 1 1011001 400
94 93 301 1 Lee I can't believe that Browning's also one of those who can come up with a plan of operation at a moment's notice. 1
95 94 201 1 1021001 400
96 95 301 1 Lucia Lee... 1
97 102 204 1 3
98 96 301 Lucia Are you sure about this, Liv? 1
99 103 204 1
100 97 301 Liv I am! I can do this! 2
101 98 301 Lucia Aright, but report your status all the time, and don't engage when you encounter enemies. Browning's frame is not at its best, so when you see anything dangerous, you can't... I'm pestering you, aren't I? 1
102 101 204 2 1
103 99 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Liv Lucia and Lee, you shouldn't overextend yourselves either. Don't forget that Commandant is by your side. 2