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4323011PilotAs you can see through the porthole, we're close to the mission location.
543302Gazing out.4
6543011It's an island.
7653011Technically, a corner of an island.
8763011An enormous white tower stands on the cape, casting a long shadow on the surface of the sea.
1111103011CelicaIt may be called a tower, but it's actually a deep-space rocket that never got launched.1
1212113011CelicaJust one of the many things that got disrupted by the virus.1
1313123011CelicaThe liaison will fill you in on the specifics.1
161615301AniZhuanchangBegin1PilotHold on tight. Landing on a makeshift airstrip can be a little rough!
171716301AniZhuanchangEndAs you descend from the aircraft, the giant tower, which looked like a white column from up in the air, becomes an imposing colossus.
1920193011LuciaSo big...1
2224233011LeeI never imagined I'd see it with my own eyes... It's enormous...2
232524302AniZhuanchangBeginLet's go.25
252726301AniZhuanchangEnd1You enter a dilapidated building that harks back to the Golden Age.
2628273011The hallway and lobby are filled with tents and makeshift structures that look at odds with the simplicity of the building housing them.
2729283011???You came!
283029302And you are?30?30
2931303011???Uh, Miss Celica should have already told you. I'm Sagawa! The liaison for the Towerfolk!
3134333011???Sagawa, we have a situation!
3235343011SagawaWhat is it, Fujiko?1
3337363011SagawaOh, that's not good... I know this is a bit sudden, but we need your help!1
343837302A little more detail, please.38
353938301AniZhuanchangBegin1SagawaYeah, yeah! Sorry, stupid me! Here's what happened...1
364039301AniZhuanchangEnd1Sagawa...That's about it.1
3741403011SagawaGet to the stranded recovery team as fast as you can and bring them back, and then...1
3842413011Sagawa(Whispers) Perhaps I need to force my dad's hand this time...1
4044433011AniZhuanchangBegin1SagawaOh, never mind! That was an unrelated matter. Off you go then!1