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544301DialogEnable1Camu quickly opens the box you handed him. Inside is a necklace with an abstract, metallic bird-shaped pendant.
655301While you explain what the pendant represents, you also tell Camu the stories of the Double Seventh Festival.
766301CamuDo you enjoy this kind of convoluted plot?1
877301CamuI wouldn't be able to wait a whole year if I wanted to see someone. He better shows up before me immediately.1
988301Camu...What's that expression?1
1099302I just suddenly realized that we haven't seen each other for a while.10
111010301DialogDisableCamuI came to see you twice, but you were busy, so I left.1
131212302I feel like I should apologize...13
141313301DialogEnableCamuHuh? Cough—don't misinterpret my words! We can see each other whenever we want.1
161515301CamuNow that you're free, I'll bring you to the restaurant I wanted to take you last time.1
1716163011AniZhuanchangBeginCamuI believe the place is in... that direction. Stop daydreaming! Let's go!1