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544301DialogEnable1CelicaSir, the Gray Raven Commandant has arrived.1
655301Inside the large laboratory, only Asimov is there debugging various machines.
766302Are you alone again?7
10993011AsimovThe others have gone to bed since they've been working all night.2
111010302What about you?11
121111301Asimov...I'm not tired.2
141313301CelicaAsimov! I told you and your team not to overwork yourselves, remember?1
151414301AsimovSure... Anyway, remember that I entrusted you with testing the CUBs?2
161515302I do, but...16
171616301AsimovRegarding the project, there has been some... how to say...2
191818302Sorry, I need to go. I just remembered that I've got a meeting...19
212020301The smiling Celica swiftly closes the door to the lab unexpectedly, blocking your way out.
2322223011CelicaYou must've misremembered. I've checked, and you don't have any meetings today.1
242323302Of course you have.24
262525301AsimovI guess I'll carry on then... We've received two pieces feedback, one of which is not good and the other is bad. Which one do you want to hear first?2
272626302Isn't that the same thing…?27
282727301AsimovWell, not exactly. You know, the tests and preliminary data collection for the CUB are done...2
292828302That's good news!29
302929301AsimovSure, but we've noticed that its AI is lacking without the support of a database, so it can't adapt to complex situations on the battlefields.2
313030301AsimovThough it doesn't require a perfect AI performance, some combat patterns are needed as a data reference.2
323131302That's tricky... but I don't think I can help.32
333232301CelicaJust wait and let Asimov finish what he has to say.1
343333301AsimovBut we can solve this by simulating encounters with different enemies in different environments—although we have already run out of time on that.2
353737302So... it's a game?38
363838301AsimovTechnically, you could say so.2
373939302Is it... safe?40
384040301Asimov points to the coffee in his hand.
394141301AsimovSafe…? It's at least safer than this cold cup of coffee.2
404242302That's not bad news.43
414343301AsimovIt's not. I haven't mentioned the bad news.2
424444302You haven't?45
454747301AsimovThe real bad news is that the main rule designer of the simulation program is the one standing beside you. Celica.2
464848302What?!49I've got to go!49
485050301CelicaWait! Take a look at my design! You'll be fascinated, I promise!1
495151301AsimovJust so you know, I'm only responsible for the data collection. I haven't tampered with the content of this program yet...2
505252301CelicaMr. Asimov, enough talking... Sit down here, Commandant. I'll teach you how to do it!1
525454301Celica pins you down with a surprisingly strong forearm and activates the test program.
545656301CelicaI'm sure you'll enjoy it!1
5557573021AniZhuanchangBeginFingers crossed...