
15 KiB

433301DialogEnableThe next morning, all the remaining soldiers of Base 068 safely arrived at the nearest depot.
544301I risked being demoted and gave my commander a guarantee to put together a Construct army toward Base 068.
655301I told him we left lots of supplies that needed to be retrieved. There might also be survivors who didn't manage to retreat in time.
766301I honestly don't believe it myself. What creature can survive a legion of Corrupted for one night on a deserted battlefield?
877301AniZhuanchangBeginIf there is a miracle, no matter how late, I would like to witness it.
1099301AniZhuanchangEndI gesture to the soldier to keep moving.
1211113011Construct SoldierPush forward!1
141313301The scattered team continues to move forward. Suddenly, a soldier holding a detector stops and looks to the front in suspicion.
1716163011Construct SoldierWait... Isn't this area already abandoned? Why are there so many life signals?1
232222301I quickly take over his detector. It beeps louder as I walk forward.
252424301AniZhuanchangBeginI walk to a mostly collapsed wall and pull the scrapped door open.
282727301AniZhuanchangEndThe sun shines into the cramped space. Dozens of wounded soldiers lie exhausted in this room. Some have lost limbs or suffered great trauma, some are already showing signs of infection after the CPF stopped functioning. But they are all alive.
3029293011Construct SoldierReporting to HQ, we've found...1
323131301The still-conscious soldiers turn to me. A ray of sunlight shines upon their faces. I see hope in their eyes.
3635353011SoldiersIt's real... Someone has come for us...1
373636301Gloomy Face is also there. He slumps on the ground ahead, still holding a half-empty bottle of hemostatic potion—he was probably helping to treat the other soldiers. The medic huddles among the soldiers. She is dead quiet, I can't even tell if she is still alive.
383737301Gloomy FaceShe's alive...3
403939301He makes that annoying smile again.
4241413011YelenaHelp them! Hurry!1
4443433011Construct SoldierRoger that! One heavily wounded medic, and... 35 treated soldiers...1
454444301Construct SoldierPlease send in the medical unit ASAP!1
464545301Construct SoldierThey were all... treated by this one medic?1
474646301Construct SoldierQuick... We have to save her.1
494848301The Construct soldiers immediately start moving. I ask them to move out those with less severe injuries first.
5150503011YelenaLeave her alone for now. She's got multiple compound fractures.1
535252301She seems to have heard me as her eye lashes move slightly. I quickly squat next to her.
545353301Medic...Officer... Yelena? Is that you?
565555301Yelena...You're a fool. This is a serious violation of discipline.1
575656301She barely pulls a smile. Her eyes are still closed.
585757301Medic...It's so good... to have you here...
605959301She becomes silent again, but I can still detect her life signals. I stand up again and notice Gloomy Face on his feet already, holding crutches. I walk straight to him and pull him out of the door.
6362633011YelenaWhy did you run?1
646364301Gloomy Face...2
656465301YelenaWhy did you run?1
666566301He looks away and his lips start to tremble. I already know the answer.
696869301I release his collar. He stumbles.
706970301YelenaThen why did you let her save your life? Aren't you ashamed?1
717071301Gloomy FaceI'm sorry...2
727172301YelenaThis is a war. It doesn't need your apology.1
737273301I want to keep my promise and shoot him. He starts to sob like a coward, his head buried between his shoulders. He then starts to stammer with great determination.
747374301Gloomy FacePlease, execute me... I'm a deserter. I would have died back there if not for her...2
757475301Gloomy FaceI will... take responsibility. I don't want to run again...2
777677301I close my eyes and inhale a deep breath.
8079803011Yelena...All deserters will be expunged from the army and must never enter any jurisdiction of the World Government. Now, get lost before you piss me off further.1
818081301Gloomy Face...Why?2
828182301YelenaShe risked her life saving you. Twice. I respect her decision as a medic.1
838283301I watch him burst into tears apathetically.
848384301Gloomy FaceSorry... I'm so sorry...2
868586301He clumsily bends down to pick up his crutches.
878687301After getting back on his feet, he wipes his face and looks me in the eye for the first time.
9089903011Gloomy FaceI will live on... She saved my life...2
919091301Gloomy FaceI'm a coward... but the words she told me gave me the courage to live...2
979697301He limps out, mumbling to himself.
9998993011YelenaHey, Gloomy Face.1
10099100301I stop him again.
101100101301YelenaWhat did she say to you?1
103102103301Gloomy FaceWhen she was treating me, she said...
104103104301He tries to recite every word she said last night.
105104105301AniZhuanchangBeginGloomy FaceHumanity was bred from such destruction...
107107108301MedicI thought about it for a long time.
108108109301MedicI am just as lost as you, with no place to go back to, and do not know where to go either. I'm just drifting about in the doomsday.
109109110301MedicBut when I was looking at the stars tonight, I suddenly understood...
110110111301Medic...Humanity was bred from such destruction.
111111112301MedicWe are all unique. No matter how hard life treats you, you will have your own way to shine.
112112113301MedicThere is always hope, as long as we are alive.
113113114301AniZhuanchangBeginMedicSo my answer is, please try your best to live every day to the fullest. I may not have a home to go back to, but other soldiers still do... The things and people they love are still waiting for them.
115115116301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBeginGloomy Face...That was her answer.
117117118301AniZhuanchangEnd...It all makes sense. How could I not understand?
118118119301Didn't she give me hope when she first stepped on the battlefield?
119119120301When she reaches out to every badly wounded soldier, isn't she spreading her faith?
120120121301When I pulled the door open, I saw light on the faces of those soldiers. It was their resurrection.
121121122301No matter what vessel holds her soul, her spirit cannot be concealed. She is a light that shines in the darkness, a spark in this dark and desperate age.
122122123301AniZhuanchangBeginI watched him leave. An egret lands on the top of the ruins under the sun, making a long and peaceful chirp.
124124125301AniZhuanchangEndThe hope she gave me is still passed down through the troops I lead. Most of the soldiers she rescued managed to survive, and they continue to follow me.
125125126301Later on, the World Government began to implement Construct technologies on a large scale and established formal Construct armies that reported to the World Government directly. I had been assigned to the Task Force.
126126127301I never met her again, but I heard that she had also become a Construct in the end.
127127128301I still talk about her in front of the rookies. But this time, she is still alive, fighting for mankind somewhere in this world.
128128129301As the Punishing Virus continued to evolve, mankind faced even greater challenges. I hate to admit, but when my squad was sent to the Pulia Forest Park Ruins, that battle was the most difficult one I had ever fought.
129129130301Each time, after my squad suffered a great loss from Hetero-Creatures, I would be re-assigned to another squad that had lost their captain. The cycle continued indefinitely.
130130131301When my body finally failed to function, I was overwhelmed by Hetero-Sapiens. Somehow, I started to miss that medic in my blurred M.I.N.D.
131131132301AniZhuanchangBeginIt's been too long, and I have fought too many battles. I feel like I have seen her, but she is nothing like what I remember.
134134136301I try to endure the agonizing pain and call her name. It's slightly comforting knowing that at least I'm not quoting her name as one of my deceased soldiers... But not much better. I think I'm dying.
135135137301She is right above me, glowing like a goddess that descends from the sky. I see a compassionate smile with a hint of sadness on her face. Just like one of those symbolic statues in churches. She gazes upon me like a sacred mother looking at her newborn, so devout, loving, and kind.
136136138301I feel a little confused. Is that her? Or am I seeing an angel because I'm dying?
137137139301She gently waves her scepter. A soothing wave flows over my M.I.N.D., drawing away the pain, as well as the raging, desperate scream of my soldiers.
138138140301I no longer feel desperate or painful. If this is what death is, I must thank the God for making it so peaceful, though I have never seen him.
139139141301YelenaIf you are an angel... Please, save my soldiers too. And that medic... Please bless her so she can survive.
140140142301I mutter to myself as I think of my soldiers. Those brave and poor souls... The scenes of their deaths gradually fade away in my vision. I feel like I have returned to my hometown, surrounded by family and friends. We drink and build a bonfire on the snow while fending off wild bears from the forest.
1411411433011AniZhuanchangBeginI close my eyes and indulge myself in deep, comforting dreams with peace of mind.