
36 KiB

433301DialogEnableAniZhuanchangBeginAnd there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.
655301AniZhuanchangEndLight pierces through the heavy, impermeable clouds. Birds rise above the empty church as a sudden gust blows across.
766301The gust soon grows into a gale that catches the attention of every living thing, from crouching humans to fighting Constructs, even the creatures who were bred from the Red Tide have paused their slaughter. They all look at the light.
877301From the light, she descends.
988301She first sees with her eyes, then feels the Punishing Virus with her frame. The virus is floating in the air, and also present in the M.I.N.D. of Constructs and the data within the Red Tide.
1099301The virus is entangled with infinite, noisy data. When she feels it, she also feels the agony and scream of thousands of souls.
111010301She waves the scepter, letting the Punishing Virus rush into her M.I.N.D. along with all her painful emotions.
121111301Her M.I.N.D. is immediately overwhelmed by the data torrent, but also infinitely extended. She floats in the space. Every satellite, every strain of the virus serves as her eyes. She is everywhere.
131212301Her actions are no longer guided by her mind and memory, but by a duty-like instinct instead. With her specialized frame running at an extremely high frequency, her body becomes more brilliant each time she waves her scepter.
141313301If the Punishing Virus is visualized, one may witness millions of the viruses form a tide in the air, rushing toward her like moths to a flame. She stands in the sky like a goddess of the sea, while the tide of Punishing surrounds her, engulfs her, then eventually disappears in her light.
161515301The crimson virus sweeps across her M.I.N.D.
323131301Agony, despair, remorse—almost all the emotions and memories that the virus has ever caused on this planet have flooded in like a furious roar from the abyss, along with the distortion caused by corrupted data.
333232301They turn into thorns that spread across her M.I.N.D., piercing into her heart like stakes.
343333301Vital fluid surges from her chest. As her artificial heart continues to beat, more fluid comes out of her mouth and nose. She cannot tell whether it is vital fluid or the Red Tide.
353434301Her vision starts to fade, but her consciousness is well awake. Unable to move, she can only wait for an ending like an angel crucified on rusty thorns.
363535301She takes in all the information too hastily and feels like she has drowned in the river of eternity. Every thorn spike carries multiple memories. All are transmitted to her within an instant.
373636301Countless lives are displayed in front of her. Memory data that belongs to different souls, related or unrelated to the Punishing Virus, has occupied her M.I.N.D.
383737301The chest of a Construct is penetrated by a Corrupted that was once her friend. A wandering Scavenger jumps into the Red Tide to respond to his love. Inside a smoking forest, a lost child hugs a Hetero-Sapien who keeps calling him while piercing his body with its arm.
393838301Every second is split into a thousand milliseconds, every millisecond is split into a thousand microseconds. She witnesses multiple lives within every unit of time. She stays with every soul on Earth.
403939301Liv looks up. As her vision blurs, she sees a color other than the red that devours the sky. A gray bird flutters and stops on a branch nearby.
414040301It tilts its head. Unlike other distorted data in her M.I.N.D., this bird feels like a living creature from the real world that accidentally ended up here.
424141301She cannot tell the breed of the bird. Suddenly, it chirps and flaps its wings, pulling her into a data stream.
626161301A magpie lands on a bush, but soon flies away as a hand waves.
636262301I bend down to pick up a hairband left on the grass. I let out a sigh, then shout out loud.
6564643011CalliopeMy young lady? Where are you?1
676666301A little head pops out of the bush.
696868301I walk over and see her sitting on the lawn, digging the soil with a mini shovel.
706969301I squat down and take out my handkerchief to wipe out the mud on her cheeks.
7372723011CalliopeWhat are you planting, my young lady?1
757474301She answers in a serious manner.
767575301??Because winter is over. I want to plant honeysuckles all over this place to celebrate the passing of winter.2
787777301MistressTime to come home, □□□. Dinner's ready. Don't make Calliope look for you in the garden every time.
797878301She immediately gets up hearing the Mistress' voice. I quickly put the hairband on her, so the Master won't rant about the importance of being presentable.
8281813011Young MistressI forgot to check the time again... Thanks, Callie.2
838282301Thanks to the Mistress' teaching, she is always very polite. I can't help but pat her on the head seeing her shy smile.
848383301CalliopeMy young lady, you should go eat now. I will keep watch the sprouts and make sure they aren't eaten by the sheep.1
858484301Young MistressIs that okay?2
868585301She is a little hesitant.
878686301Young MistressBut I want Callie to eat together with us... If Bell eats my flower, I will take her dinner away!2
898888301The Young Mistress loves gardening, so the Mistress lets her grow all sorts of plants in the back garden. Bell is the name of a sheep we saw in the market. It was going to be slaughtered, but the Young Mistress begged me to bring it back. The Mistress let her keep the sheep in the garden.
908989301Somehow, I feel like my life is similar to this old sheep's.
919090301My grandmother was a believer. She disregarded the advanced technologies in bionic machines and believed a devoted heart would prevail. Over time, our family fell behind the world, but she held on to the pride of the family until the very end.
929191301Still, piety alone could not save a large family on the brink of collapse. After losing our home, we began wandering. I could not even find a job in a world full of amazing machines that I could hardly imagine. Nobody wanted to hire a person with zero knowledge about modern technologies.
939393301AniZhuanchangBeginI think I have met one with a beautiful soul.
959595301AniZhuanchangEndA few months ago, I was desperate in the bleak winter. Mistress saw me in the market and took me home. She offered me a job as a maid in this mansion.
969696301AniZhuanchangBeginDespite not using cutting-edge technologies, the mansion is well decorated like a well-preserved time capsule from many years ago. Sometimes I even have the feeling that my religious grandmother would come out of a room all of a sudden, calling me by my nickname.
989898301AniZhuanchangEndBut when I cast the illusions off, I always see a smiling Mistress instead of the family that I remember.
1011011013011Young MistressCallie?2
102102102301CalliopeYou say it every time.1
103103103301I take her hand and walk toward the Mistress.
104104104301Young MistressI really mean it this time! Bell, don't eat my flowers!2
106107107301AniZhuanchangBeginI realize that spring has come.
109110110301AniZhuanchangEndThe Young Mistress is crying on the grass when I find her.
1111121123011CalliopeMy young lady! What's happening...?!1
114115115301Under the moon, I see her struggling to hug Bell with her arms open. She has tears in her eyes and has to bite her lips to not cry out.
115116116301I rush over and realize Bell is chewing her hair. Her face turns red from the pain, but she stays still as the sheep mistakes her hair for hay.
1181191193011CalliopeBad girl! Stop it!1
119120120301I quickly force the sheep to let go and shoo it away.
120121121301CalliopeWhy didn't you call me?!1
121122122301Young Mistress...Sobs...2
122123123301Young MistressBut Bell has not eaten anything for two days... Will she get better if she eats my hair...?2
123124124301She rubs her eyes. I see tears running down her cheeks.
124125125301I don't know what to say.
125126126301Bell is too long in the tooth. Most animals lose appetite in hot summer, why would an old sheep be any different? She has been very worried and keeping it company over the past few days.
126127127301But how can I explain life and death to a kid of her age? All I can do is wipe her tears in silence.
127128128301CalliopeBell is just tired... It's preparing for a new journey. It just needs some good rest.1
128129129301Young MistressA new journey...? Where is she going? Is she going to leave me?2
129130130301CalliopeIt can't stay in one place forever. My young lady, it's late now. Mistress would be worried if she can't find you. Can we go back first?1
130131131301Young MistressIs Mother awake?2
131132132301She lets go of her hands. Tears are still on her lashes. She starts to ask about her mother.
132133133301Young MistressWhy is she always sleeping? Is she very tired?2
133134134301Calliope...She has been exhausted. She also needs to rest.1
134135135301That is all I can say to her.
135136136301CalliopeBut Mistress is awake now. She misses you a lot and wants to see you.1
136137137301The medics in her room are probably gone by now.
137138138301Young MistressI miss her too. I want to ask her what to do when Bell doesn't eat! I'm sure she knows.2
139140140301She becomes motivated again.
140141141301AniZhuanchangBeginWithout a word, I take her hands, but deep in my heart, I am praying. Dear God, I devote my life to serving you, please treat these kind people nicely. How I wish the world can be restored to its former shape before the summer ends.
144145145301AniZhuanchangEndThe grievous news arrives on a gloomy autumn day.
145146146301AniZhuanchangBeginMistress was a fighter. She stayed with us for several summers, but nobody thought she would be taken by an accident instead of the sickness.
147148148301AniZhuanchangEndWhen I rush to the hospital, I see Master sitting on a bench in the corridor, pulling his hair in anger and pain. Their marriage wasn't filled with a fiery passion, but I know how much they love each other after witnessing it for so many years.
148149149301I know what happened when I see his face and his tears. I feel dizzy as pain grips my heart.
149150150301AniZhuanchangBeginStruggling to hold my grief, I stagger inside the ward.
151152152301AniZhuanchangEndThe Young Mistress is sitting there, holding the Mistress' pale, slim hands covered under a white cloth. The very hands that took me out of winter, but left me in autumn. The pain is excruciating. I have to gather all my strength to not cry my heart out.
152153153301But another more excruciating pain strikes me the moment I see the Young Mistress' face.
153154154301I have never seen her so helpless. She tightens her grip on her mother's hand for one instant, then gives up as if she wants to wake her up, but does not want to interrupt her sleep.
154155155301She opens her mouth slightly, pale lips trembling. I see dried tear stains under her eyes. This child has lost her soul and does not know what to do for the rest of her life.
155156156301I only find out later that the Mistress lost her life in an accident on the way to the hospital when she tried to protect her daughter.
156157157301I cannot imagine what impact it could have on this kind, innocent child who loves her mother so deeply. Just thinking about it kills me inside.
157158158301The Young Mistress hears the noise I made. She turns around and sees me. She looks lost.
1591601603011Young MistressCallie...1
160161161301I see her mouth move as if she is about to burst into tears. But she holds it back and bites her lips instead. God, please bless this girl. She is unfortunate yet so strong.
161162162301She finally manages to ask me a question after a short pause. I hear her voice trembling.
162163163301Young Mistress...Is Mother not going to wake up again? Just like Bell...?1
163164164301I burst into tears and almost begin to hate myself for being not able to do anything.
164165165301I cry so hard that I cannot talk properly, but she seems to learn the truth anyway. She lowers her head, her hands clenching the white bedsheet hard.
165166166301Young Mistress...Callie... Sorry... I couldn't take care of Mother...1
167168168301She wipes her eyes with her sleeve, sobbing.
1701711713011CalliopeNo! Don't say that! No way this is your fault...1
171172172301I'm so shocked by her words and immediately argue back. Still sobbing, she looks up at me and forces herself to put up a smile.
172173173301Young MistressSorry... Callie... I will take good care of you and Father...2
174175175301The sorrow in her words, along with her fear that I would also leave one day, make me speechless.
175176176301In the name of God, I will never leave you... I want to make a thousand promises. I want to walk up and hug her, so she can let down her guard and cry it all out. But somehow I see Mistress in her miserable smile through my vision blurred by tears.
176177177301I don't know if it is an illusion, or if God really has heard my prayer. I see Mistress again. This great, beautiful lady descends into the ward, as kind and brilliant as when I first met her.
177178178301AniZhuanchangBeginSmiling, she puts her arms around the Young Mistress and kisses her on the forehead. She then disappears in the air, as if she had never been here.
179180180301AniZhuanchangEndThe Young Mistress used to have so many quirky dreams. She wanted to become a forest ranger, open a flower shop that keeps all sorts of animals or be a shepherd that helps soaked sheep stand up after rain. She never talks about them again.
180181181301The Master has a family business to pass down. The Mistress, who used to kindly preserve her naive dreams, is no longer around.
181182182301She starts to read books in her room all day and night. I have a vague feeling that the death of Mistress has given her a new direction.
182185185301I want to tell her that none of this is her fault. She should never blame herself.
183186186301But when I see her beautiful and loving eyes, they remind me of her mother. I know I cannot change anything.
184187187301I can only do my best to make her life more comfortable. I suggest her to write letters to the Mistress. It does make her happier, and I'm glad it works.
185188188301But as time goes by, things are not getting better. When winter falls, the chill seems to also have impacted the mansion.
186189189301AniZhuanchangBeginIt starts snowing early in the morning. The Young Mistress has not seen snow for a while, so I wake up early and take her to the garden. I finally see her innocent smile once again.
188191191301AniZhuanchangEndBut Master summons me to his study. He stammers with an embarrassed look, telling me that he wants to order the most advanced management AI. I have a bad feeling about it.
1911941943011CalliopeSir, you don't need to pay me. I just want to stay here and look after you and Young Mistress.1
192195195301MasterWe can't stay in the old days forever... Science has changed the world.2
193196196301CalliopeBut you liked it that way when the Mistress was around, didn't you?1
194197197301I panic and speak without thinking, but soon realize the mistake when his face darkens.
195198198301Calliope...I'm sorry, Sir. I'm just concerned about you and Young Mistress...1
196199199301MasterWe're fine now. Besides, we need some time of our own...2
197200200301The Master keeps looking away. It suddenly comes to my mind that he has been coming home late recently. I then recall the grayish-brown hair that I often found in his laundry, along with other signs...
198201201301I understand what he is trying to say.
199202202301CalliopeI see...1
200203203301I look outside and see the Young Mistress making the shape of a sheep with snow in the garden. How I miss her smile.
201204204301Bell was buried right there. The Mistress and Young Mistress made her tombstone. I guess it's my time to embark on a new journey.
202205205301CalliopeSir, she is a good young lady.1
203206206301I can't think of anything more intelligent to say.
204207207301CalliopePlease take care of her.1
205208208301The Master seems to be relieved and nods with a smile. Seeing him recover from the death of his wife is the only thing that can make me feel slightly better.
206209209301AniZhuanchangBeginMasterI will. Thank you, Calliope... It's been many years.2
209212212301AniZhuanchangEndSorry, my young lady... I have failed to keep my promise. But as long as you and Master can live on happily...
210213213301AniZhuanchangBeginI return to the winter that I came from.
213216216301AniZhuanchangEndI find a casual job not far from the mansion. The pay is far from decent, but I'm still concerned about the Young Mistress and want to be able to go back occasionally.
214217217301Life is never easy for ordinary people. Another season has passed when I have finally settled in.
215218218301One spring morning, I find the honeysuckles along the street blossoming on my way to work. The memory of the Young Mistress hits me so hard that I put down all the tools and rush through the entire neighborhood, heading toward her home.
216219219301I just want to see her from afar. I wonder how she is doing? Has her winter passed?
217220220301AniZhuanchangBeginThe sun is high in the sky when I finally arrive outside the mansion. I wait anxiously, hoping to see her through the fences of the garden.
219222222301AniZhuanchangEndThank goodness I don't have to wait too long. I almost shout out in excitement when I see her walking to the garden with a pot in her hands.
2212242243011CalliopeOh my... The Young Mistress... She has lost so much weight...1
222225225301Sorrow grips my heart once again. I want to take her hand, wipe the mud off her face and give her a warm hug.
224227227301She no longer skips around. Her hairband is tied up properly. It has been only a few months, but I feel like she has grown so much. The innocent child is gone.
225228228301I gaze at the Young Mistress, trying to remember everything about her at this very moment. But I must not let her see me, for she would blame herself again after seeing me in dire straits—I told her I received a better job offer when I left.
226229229301She squats down next to the garden bed and starts digging with the same old mini shovel. I realize the garden has been renovated. All the flowers that she once grew are now gone, replaced by neat green foliage and automatic robot gardeners.
227230230301She continues to dig the soil. Her face looks as serious as before, but there is no longer mud on it.
228231231301I watch her move honeysuckle from a pot to the garden bed.
2302332333011??Hey, is breakfast ready?1
231234234301A girl that I have never met shows up in the window on the second floor. The Young Mistress looks up, slightly nervous.
2332362363011Young MistressYes, it's in the kitchen... Father starts work early today, so I only cooked for three people...1
2352382383011??Why are you still digging the mud? We're going to eat first.1
237240240301Her face flushes red.
2392422423011Young MistressSure, sister. You can have it first...1
241244244301The window is slammed shut.
242245245301I am beyond shocked. There are so many questions I want to ask. Why does Young Mistress have to make breakfast? Who is that girl?
243246246301She lowers her head and continues planting the seedling. She looks lonely and saddened.
248251251301AniZhuanchangEndBut what can I do? Confront the master of the mansion when I am no longer part of it?
249252252301Unable to do anything, I feel suffocated by the sense of guilt. I spend hours wandering outside the fence, but I could not gather the courage to step into the mansion. Ever since that day, I have never stopped regretting that I did not talk to the Young Mistress.
250253253301Every time I see her lonely look in my dream, I feel the urge to see her in person. But I never get to meet her again.
251254254301AniZhuanchangBeginThe letters I sent to the Master were never given replies.
253256256301AniZhuanchangEndAfter a few years, I finally settled down and opened a flower shop. It doesn't make a lot of money, but enough to keep myself fed.
254257257301I never hear anything from the Young Mistress. Still haunted by the guilt and uncertainty, I rarely go back to look for her again. Maybe she has already found her new family and friends. Maybe it was all just my misunderstanding.
255258258301Still, I put many of her favorite flowers in the window on the day my shop opens, hoping that one day she may come by.
257260260301Life is finally getting better. I am already looking forward to a day that I can go back and visit her. But doomsday comes soon after.
263267267301AniZhuanchangBeginI believe the Master will protect the Young Mistress. I can only think that way.
266270270301AniZhuanchangEndI go to her mansion one last time when I pack up my bags and prepare to head to the shelter.
267271271301From a distance, I see a military vehicle driving past the gate. Are they here to protect her? She will be fine.
268272272301I gaze at the now desolated garden. It is nothing like what I remember. Finally, I find the honeysuckle that Young Mistress planted many years ago.
269273273301AniZhuanchangBeginIt has completely dried up on the gray soil and looks more like a piece of a specimen. A white dove lands next to it, then chirps and flies away.
271275275301AniZhuanchangEndI have lost all sense of time in the wandering journey. Pain and suffering in the post-apocalyptic world have turned me into a numb and dull walking dead. Only memories can remind me of my life in the past as a human.
272276276301When I was a human, I could endure the pain. But in a world of the Punishing Virus, we are no longer humans, but animals that would do anything just to live another day.
273277277301Can I really see my loved ones here? That's the first thing that comes to my mind when the Red Tide devours my camp.
274278278301When other Scavengers scream and run, I only close my eyes, waiting for miracles to happen.
275279279301...I don't know if it is my illusion, or if God has actually descended.
276280280301I feel like I have seen the Mistress... I cannot see her face, but she gently puts her arms around me like an angel.
277281281301I open my arms to embrace her. This is my final relief. But when I see the angel's face, I know it must be a miracle, for she is not the Mistress, but a grown-up Young Mistress.
2782822823011AniZhuanchangBeginI know somewhere in the world, she must have become the person she always wants to be. I shed happy tears at the last moment of my life.