
13 KiB

433301DialogEnableDozens of minutes have passed since you arrived at the rendezvous point.
544301And you are still alone.
655301No matter how many times you try to contact the other person through the device, there is no reply.
766301In situations like this where all connection is lost, it's not hard for your mind to wander to the possibility of a worst-case scenario.
877301Should you leave first and call for backup? Or should you follow your planned route and try to find the other?
988301After a bit of thought, you make up your mind.
1099301There's a certain distance from your current location and the exit, and you don't have a firm grasp on the number of Corrupted there are. But the longer time passes, the higher the possibility that the other person gets in danger.
111010301Not to mention you've said things like—
121111302We'll get out of here together.12I won't leave you behind.14
131212301You may be strangers, but it is thanks to your cooperation that you're currently here. If you were alone, you would probably be in even more trouble right now.
14131317301The other person may be in grave danger in this very second, of course you cannot just leave.
151414301You are suddenly reminded of something the other person had said during your interactions.
161616301Which makes it even harder to leave them here.
171717301That is when you realize that you don't even know their name.
181818302If we really do meet...19
191919302AniZhuanchangBeginI'll need to ask for their name first.21
232323301AniZhuanchangEndThe human runs down the dark corridor.
242424301A gray-haired shadow follows from the floor above.
252525301The human is reflected in a pair of heterochromia eyes. Roland can see how exhausted the figure was, but the gun in their hand never wavered, each step is taken with determination.
262626301Roland has already lost count on how many times he has been surprised in this short period of time. He thought that person would've just left.
2828283011RolandYou really never fail to amaze me, Commandant.1
292929301RolandYou make me want to see your reaction... when you're betrayed.1
303030301RolandWhen you finally realize the person you're risking your life to save is actually the enemy... I wonder what expression you'll show me.1
323333301He traces the human who refuses to give up with his eyes. The device keeps receiving new messages.
333434301The human is heading toward the area with the most Corrupted in the prison. If they get surrounded, it would be impossible for them to escape on their own.
363737301AniZhuanchangBeginRolandHow troublesome.1
404141301AniZhuanchangEndComms DeviceThat's enough.
414242301The device suddenly lights up with a new message after searching in the third area.
424343302Where are you?44Are you okay?44
434444301Comms DeviceThe thing you are searching for did not exist from the start.
444545302Who are you?!46I don't understand.48
454646301Comms DeviceI'm just someone passing by, resolving the problem for you.
46474750301Comms DeviceThat person from before is your enemy, I'm just here saving you time.
474848301Comms DeviceNeed I explain further?
484949301Comms DeviceIf the one you want to save is your enemy, would you still save him?
505151301Comms DeviceThat's right, the enemy. But don't worry, I've already taken care of him for you.
515252302Forgive me for not trusting your one-sided statements.53
525353301Comms DeviceYet you trust a stranger you've never even met before?
535454302I trust my own judgment.55
545555302And I will leave together with the one I'm trying to find.56
555656301Comms DeviceWhy?
565757301AniZhuanchangBeginYou don't know under what pretense the person on the other end is asking this question. After some thought, you send your answer.
585959301AniZhuanchangEndComms DeviceBecause I said I wouldn't leave them behind.
596060301Comms DeviceEven if they are the enemy as you've said, it does not affect my decision to save them in this moment.
606161301Comms DeviceI trust myself to make the correct judgment.
616262301Comms DeviceAnd if they really are the enemy then there's more the reason for me to find them as they may be the target of my mission.
626363301Word by word, Roland reads the replies received on the device. He covers his eyes with the back of his hand and laughs.
6465653011RolandHa... Haha...1
656666301He laughs so hard that his shoulders are shaking.
666767301RolandAs expected... Gray Raven Commandant.1
676868301RolandWho would've thought after all this time... I'd be able to hear something like this...1
686969301AniZhuanchangBeginRolandPft... Hahaha...1
707171301AniZhuanchangEndRoland finally stops laughing after some time.
727373301AniZhuanchangBegin1RolandNow this—really is interesting. It's going to be a shame to let you die here.1
757676301AniZhuanchangEndSilence resumes after you sent your last reply.
767777301You may be full of questions right now, but there is no time to waste here.
777878301No matter if you'll find a dangerous enemy or a friend in need, you'll confirm for yourself once and for all.
787979301You are currently in the cell area for felony offenders. The security is even tighter here, with an obvious increase in the number of bionic guards. There are currently four Corrupted loitering in the corridor as if on patrol.
798080302I need to do something about them.81
808181301Looking around, you lock on to the cell in the middle.
828383301You take out a distress flare, ignite it and then throw it toward the cell. It leaves a bright trace of light as it lands in the middle of the cell.
838484301The bright light and heat attract the attention of the Corrupted. They all turn and enter the cell.
858686302(Shut the cell door!)87
878888301With the help of the exoskeleton, you close the heavy door, trapping the Corrupted inside the small cell. They stopped crowding over the flare and start to bash the door with their weapons.
909191301The alarm sounds as the door is hit.
919292301System voiceMalicious attack to the facility detected.
929393301System voiceBegin scan—Guard T8760, Guard T8761, Guard T8763, Guard T8764 confirmed.
939494301The red laser moves on to you after scanning the four mechanoids.
949595301System voiceUnidentified life form detected. You have violated the prison regulations, activating enforcement system.
959696301System voiceExecution target locked.
979898301You look down at the red dot on your chest, impending doom fills your heart.
989999301Your body reacts first, taking a step back toward your left, but the red dot immediately follows. You also see a thin red laser reflected in the dust in the air.
99100100301Tracking the laser to its origin, you notice a red light flash across the upper left of your peripheral vision. You immediately point your gun in that direction and pull the trigger.
104105105301If you didn't hear wrong, two shots rang out, almost at the same time.
105106106301The execution device in front of you is destroyed by your bullet, while the other gunshot originated from behind you.
106107107301Turning around, you find a Corrupted guard standing in the shadows a few ten meters away.
107108108302When did it get there?!109(Raise your gun and shoot)109
108109109301Before you could launch your next attack, the Corrupted falls forward as if it is thrown.
109110110301That is when you notice the other silhouette in the shadows behind the fallen mechanoid.
110111111301But before you had a chance to get a good look at the figure, you see something rolling out from the Corrupted's hand.
111112112301At the same time, you hear a ticking sound.
112113113301—A flash grenade!
1181191203011AniZhuanchangBeginThe explosion reverberates through the narrow corridor. You could still feel the light blinding you even though you have your eyes closed.