
14 KiB

655301DialogEnable1VeraCommandant, you want to live. Correct?1
877301AniZhuanchangBeginVeraConsidering I told you that little secret... I won't let you die. I promise.1
111010301AniZhuanchangEndRegaining consciousness, you are blinded by light.
121111301It is no gentle light. It is a little harsh, a little fierce, and even a little... dry.
131212301Light scatters and finally begins to take shape after quite some time.
141313301The light forms into the shape of a face.
151414301Vera's face fills your vision.
1918183011Vera【kuroname】. You're awake.1
222121301VeraTime to wake up. Any longer and I might just pull a prank on you.1
232222302What were you planning on doing?23
242323301VeraNow that's more like it. That's the sort of question I like to answer. Looks like you're recovering just fine.1
252424301VeraWhat if I were to say you already died and went to Heaven?1
272626301VeraBahahaha! Looks like you're outta luck. No angels await you in paradise—there is only Death.1
282727301Vera smiles to herself. She turns to sit beside you on the bed and casts a sideways glance.
292828302Where am I?29
313030301VeraI told you. You're in Heaven.1
343333301Vera...You're no fun. Fine. It's the field clinic. There were dozens of patients here before, but now there's just you.1
353434301VeraActually, that's not entirely correct. Before you woke up, there were in fact dozens of people in here. They were crowded all around you, and they only left after I told them to let you rest.1
363535301Listening to Vera speak, you turn your head and notice all of the footprints around your bed.
373636301A majority of the footprints are centered around the foot of your bed. You see several wildflowers scattered on the headboard, with dozens more on the ground nearby.
383737301For the people living in this new conservation area, this seems to be the best way for residents to express their concerns. Of course, most of them were cleared aside by Vera to avoid potentially exposing you to harmful bacteria.
393838301VeraSomeone sure is popular here.1
414040301VeraThey really care about you even though they've only known you for a few days. If this were Babylonia, they'd be seen as unsophisticated, wouldn't they?1
424141302...The people here are nice.42
444343301VeraIs that so?1
454444301Noncommittal, Vera twirls her hair with a finger as she sits next to you.
464545301Vera...Why didn't you want to use that reagent?1
474646301Suddenly, she puts down her finger and begins to speak quietly.
494848301VeraThat inhibitor dispersant. You didn't forget, did you?1
504949301VeraYou were surrounded by scrapped Constructs. If one or two are damaged, what's the big deal?1
515050301DialogDisableVeraYou wouldn't have needed surgery, considering how big of a crybaby you were from all the pain. And you wouldn't be lying here like a damn fool.1
525151302I wasn't a crybaby...52
535252302Also, I can't just use some random Construct's frame.53Also, I know you're just messing with me.59
555454301DialogEnableVeraPff... You actually believed all that?1
565555301Vera looks up at you. Her mouth is slightly cocked into a funny expression.
575656301VeraIf there really were such a magical elixir that could save humans, why would they hide it in a Construct's frame?1
585757301VeraField doctors aren't stupid. Not a single one would choose to hide it, let alone keep it a secret for this long.1
606060301DialogEnableVeraPff... Aren't you clever?1
616161301In all actuality, you have figured as much from the very beginning.
626262301In principle, any medicine that could save a human's life would be carried by them, not hidden in a Construct's frame.
636363301Not to mention, any technology that could bring humans back from the dead would have had its cover blown right after being used the first time. For as long as Construct technology has been around, there is no way it could be kept a secret this long.
656565301VeraThe inverse scale inhibitor dispersant or whatever it's called was just a dumb joke. The thing I showed you was really just a gift from the Scavengers. Looks like jewelry from their group. Liquid-filled... How romantic.1
666666302...Why joke about something like that?67
686868301VeraWhat's the matter?1
707070301VeraMaybe it's because some people don't fight their hardest to live on the battlefield. They have to pray for some higher power to save them. Damn idiots.1
727272301VeraIf they're so fond of being fooled, what's the harm in making up a stupid little story?1
737373302You ever pulled that on anyone else before?74
757575301VeraHeh, what do you think? Looking at the confused look on your face while I told that story was at least a little fun.1
767676301VeraI wasn't expecting your reaction to be even more boring than this story.1
777777301VeraI really was hoping you'd cry and beg others to give up their lives to save you.1
787878302I said I'd never do that.79(Remain silent)79
798181302...If I told you I wanted to live, what would you have done?82
818383301You suddenly ask her out of the blue.
828484301Vera's eyes widen as if caught off guard.
838585301Shortly after, her expression changes to a cold smile.
858787301VeraWell, then I'd save you.1
868888301VeraAfter all, I gave you that foolish ounce of hope. It's my duty to save you.1
878989301VeraNo matter where you are, no matter how troublesome the operation is, and no matter how you cry during the operation, I will save you.1
889090301VeraOf course, if you got reckless on the field because of this inhibitor dispersant, then you'd be really putting me on the spot. I'd have to dispose of your dumbass.1
899192301As she speaks, Vera raises a finger and draws a line across her neck.
909293301She speaks with determination, like a doctor taking an oath. But her expression is still cold and arrogant, sending a chill down your spine.
919394301This is quintessential Vera—always ruthlessly blunt and brutally honest about her feelings. Her heart is like a rose, making it hard for anyone to get past the thorns.
929495301But you seem to be making your way past the thorns, exposing the delicate stem.
949697301Vera...What's wrong? Scared? Well, stay in bed until the follow-up examination is complete. Don't want you dying on me after all of that. I took care of the Giant Corrupted. You can take a break now.1
959798301DialogDisableVeraAnyway, after this mission, you can go back to your lovey-dovey team and spill the beans to those dumb commandants.1
969899302Hold on!100
9799100302You've told this joke before?101
99101102301DialogEnableVeraOops... Guess the cat's out of the bag.1
100102103301Vera's mouth begins to raise into that peculiar smile again. You cannot tell if she actually let it slip or if she is just playing you again.
101103104301VeraWhat's wrong? I came up with a story. Of course I needed to tell it to others.1
102104105301VeraI don't know how many people I've told it to now, but none of the other commandants I've told the story to are still breathing... Psych! They're all alive and well.1
104106107301VeraBut they were all just like you... So boring I just wanted to knock them out.1
105107108302What'd they do?109
107109110301VeraOh... They all chose to take the initiative to forget this thing.1
108110111301VeraMaybe it's for self-protection or something. Anyway, when I talked about this thing, they'd all say that they wouldn't mention it to anyone and they would never use it.1
109111112301VeraThey kept it a secret even after some battle or disaster left them bedridden in a hospital. Hah, dumbasses. As boring as they come.1
110112113301VeraAs for why they didn't say anything? Well, several of them mentioned your name.1
111114115302That's... not a bad thing, is it?116
113116117301VeraHmph, of course not. It might be stupid. It might be boring. But it isn't bad.1
114117118301VeraAnd it ruins my fun.1
116119120301RImgBg1ShakeKa-CHA! Vera releases the top half of your bed, causing your upper body to fall all of a sudden. Feeling dizzy for a moment, you look up to see a dim yellow light and Vera's face shrouded in the backlight.
118122123301VeraWell, time for you to get some rest. Remain in bed and refrain from moving until tomorrow.1
119123124301VeraOf course, we're all out of pain medication. Be prepared, dear Commandant!1
122126127301A gigantic shadow towers you, followed by the sensation of smooth hair and the smell of medical equipment.
1231271283011AniZhuanchangBeginFollowing shortly after, you become disoriented and lose consciousness.