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5443011RosettaThe field survey mission is divided into several stages. We will need to make several trips, and even need to stay overnight in the wilds.1
655301After the mission began, Rosetta took you to a snowfield some distance from the ARU. Here, you see a vast expanse of snow adorned with several lonely-looking trees.
766301RosettaSo I was thinking, you should familiarize yourself with life in the Arctic.1
877302I have to survive out here?8I've read about it before in the files.9
98810301RosettaQuick on the draw as always, Commandant.1
1099301RosettaThat's not the same. True knowledge is acquired by applying them in the field.1
111010301RosettaSo, to better complete our mission... Our first step is to build a fire.1
121111301RosettaOut in the wild, one's ability to start a fire is the difference between life and death. I'm sure you get the gist, Commandant.1
131212302Yeah.13Starting a fire isn't that hard.14
14131315301RosettaDo you really? I'm talking about the primitive way of building a fire.1
151414301RosettaObviously, with the help of tools. But Forest Guards prefer to do it the natural way.1
161515301RosettaGenerally speaking, other than the basic materials, the Forest Guards gather tinder and firewood from the surrounding area.1
181717301At which point, Rosetta begins collecting branches and arranging them into a pile.
2019193011RosettaWhich reminds me, us Forest Guards have a custom for building a fire to welcome newcomers. You aren't exactly wet behind the ears, but let's not pass up the opportunity.1
212020301RosettaThink you can help me collect firewood, Commandant?1
222121302I have to help in my own welcome party?22Sure. I'm interested in this welcoming.24
24232325301RosettaThe Forest Guards aren't exactly some easygoing organization. A lot of things you still need to do yourself.1
252424301RosettaThanks. It's just another custom of ours. I'm not sure if it'll live up to your expectations, Commandant.1
302929301After searching the area, you find enough firewood to build a fire.
3231313011RosettaThese branches aren't exactly ideal for firewood, but they should still get the job done.1
333232301Ensuring the firewood is sufficiently dry, Rosetta clears away a patch of snow. To your puzzlement, Rosetta lets out a sigh of relief at the sight of dirt beneath.
343333301RosettaThankfully, it's not ice underneath...1
353434302You weren't expecting ice, were you?35Is there normally a lot of ice?36
36353537301RosettaNo, but that would've been just my luck. Just in case.1
373636301RosettaNo, but it always seems to be the case for me.1
383737301RosettaLooks like you might be my lucky charm, Commandant. Had I known this, I would've teamed up with you during the card game.1
393838302Why were you playing card games with them?39I don't really know how to play.40
40393941301RosettaBecause it's fun and I like the artwork, of course. But with my luck, I always end up drawing the wrong cards.1
414040301RosettaThe rules of the game are fairly simple. You'll learn them soon enough.1
424141301RosettaAnyway, let's get this fire started first.1
444343301Rosetta fishes out a flint rock and strikes it a few times to light up the lower layer of the firewood.
464545301The embers slowly grow into a flame as they eat up the firewood, converging into a warm bonfire shortly thereafter.
4847473011RosettaNow it's time for your welcoming.1
504949301Once the bonfire is burning at a steady pace, Rosetta gestures you to sit by the fire and slowly leans over.1
525151302Wha?!52Is this... the welcoming?53
535252543011RosettaCareful, you don't want to kick the bonfire.1
545353301RosettaYeah, I've never done this for an outsider. Guess I need some more practice.1
565555301Rosetta takes you by surprise as she approaches, but she does not seem to pay any mind.
575656301Rosetta continues, inching closer and closer, her breath almost palpable...
585757301But just then...
6362613011RosettaAn earthquake!?1
646362301The sudden tremors stop Rosetta in her tracks. Following the direction of the rumbling, you see a giant ten-meter tall snowball rolling your way.
656463302What's that?!64Run, Rosetta!65
66656466301RosettaI don't know, but let's get out of here!1
676665301RosettaRoger. Let's over to the trees!1
717069301Thanks to your quick reaction, you and Rosetta avoid disaster. However, the same cannot be said about your hard-earned bonfire which is swept away by the snowball, leaving not so much as a trace.
757473301Rosetta is taken aback by the strange happening. Shortly after, you hear familiar footsteps—hoofsteps—coming from the direction of the snowball.
7776753011DianaOh? Rosetta and 【kuroname】? What are you two doing here?1
787776302We were just starting a fire.77What are you guys up to?81
8079783011RosettaWell, I was going to give Commandant a small welcome before the mission began, but I wasn't expecting a snowball to come flying out of nowhere.1
828180843011DianaThat was probably a snowball we made for building a snowman. It didn't destroy your bonfire... Did it?1
8483823011DianaThe ARU is on holiday today, so I asked some members to build a snowman with me. But I didn't think the snowball would get so big that it'd roll away.1
858483301DianaWhich is why I'm here, looking for it. Did you see it go by?1
8988873011AniZhuanchangBeginRosettaIt really isn't my lucky day...1