
99 lines
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Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory1.jpg
2 2 401 1 201
3 3 201 1 500155
4 4 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
5 5 301 DialogEnable 1 Chrome I've sent you the enemy's route. 1
6 6 302 Thank you. 7 Is it really safe to stay that long in a Corrupted zone? 8
7 7 12 301 1 Chrome Don't mention it. 1
8 8 301 1 Chrome Yep. After my Inver-Device was upgraded, my Mind Beacon became less sensitive than Gray Raven's. In other words, I can operate independently for longer periods of time than other Constructs. 1
9 9 302 Sounds impressive. 10 But you still need to be careful. 11
10 10 12 301 1 Chrome Just trying to better complete the mission. 1
11 11 12 301 1 Chrome As the leader, I know what I'm doing. Don't you worry about me, Commandant. 1
12 12 301 1 Chrome How's Kamui doing? Still sticking to the plan, I hope? 1
13 13 302 He's doing fine. 14 For now, yes. 14
14 14 301 1 Chrome That's good then. 1
15 15 301 1 Chrome ...Well, Commandant, I've got some business to take care of. 1
16 16 301 1 Chrome I'll end the connection here then. 1
17 17 302 Okay. 18 Stay safe. 18
18 18 202 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 1
19 19 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
20 20 201 1 1021001 400 1
21 21 201 2 1031001 -400 1
22 23 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Liv Commandant, strong energy fluctuation at eleven o'clock! 2
23 24 301 1 Lucia Prepare for combat with the intel from Strike Hawk leader. 1
24 25 302 Stick to the plan. 987
25 987 202 1 2
26 22 201 3 1011001 1
27 26 301 1 Lee Commandant, don't you feel like something's missing here? 3
28 27 302 What? 28 Where's Kamui? He's supposed to be back from recon. 31
29 28 301 1 Lee Kamui's physical presence has become as elusive as his intellect. 3
30 963 202 3
31 602 201 1 1021001 400 1
32 603 201 2 1031001 -400 1
33 29 204 2 7
34 30 32 301 1 Liv ...Oh! Where did Kamui go? 2
35 605 202 1 2
36 606 201 3 1011001
37 31 32 301 1 Lee I suggest we tread carefully before we find him. There's no telling where the next bullet we fire will end up. 3
38 607 201 1 1021001
39 32 301 1 Lucia Commandant, can you connect with Kamui now? 1
40 33 302 Let me try. 34
41 34 301 ??? Ha!!
42 35 202 1 2 3 1
43 36 401 2 1508
44 37 502 RImgBg1Shake
45 38 302 Looks like there's no need to look for him. 39
46 39 301 A greatsword flies out from a window in a nearby building, drawing an arch in the air before planting itself deep in the ground. The next moment, a familiar-looking figure leaps down and lands steadily next to the sword.
47 40 201 1 1081001 2
48 41 301 1 Kamui Commandant! Guys! There you are! 1
49 42 202 1 1
50 43 201 1 1031001 -400 1
51 44 201 2 1011001 10 400 1
52 45 301 1 Lee ... 2
53 46 301 1 Liv C-Commandant, the fluctuations in the area are gone... 1
54 47 202 1 2 1
55 48 201 1 1081001 2
56 49 301 1 Kamui Oh, I just took care of all of the Corrupted ahead. How about that! 1
57 50 302 Great job. 51 Prepare to get an earful. 52
58 51 54 301 1 Kamui Heh heh, with Commandant backing me up, I have nothing to worry about! 1
59 52 204 1 17
60 53 54 301 1 Kamui Huh? 1
61 54 201 1 1011001 10 1
62 55 301 1 Lee Chrome must have nerves of tantalum to stand having Kamui in his squad. 1
63 56 201 1 500155 1
64 57 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
65 58 301 1 Chrome Commandant, I just detected Kamui's signal along the enemy's route. What's going on? 1
66 59 302 Ahem... 60 He took care of all of the Corrupted. 63
67 60 301 1 Chrome ...Are you safe right now? Where's Kamui? 1
68 61 301 1 Chrome I'll be there in five minutes. Hold on. 1
69 62 302 We're fine. 65 Kamui has dealt with the threat. 67
70 63 301 1 Chrome In a... conventional manner? 1
71 64 302 You could say that. 67 Tangentially speaking. 67
72 65 301 1 Chrome Are you sure? As the commandant, you should report the situation as it is. 1
73 66 302 Don't worry. Kamui has taken care of the enemies. 67
74 67 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
75 68 201 1 1081001 1 1
76 69 301 1 Kamui Commandant, put in a good word for me! 1
77 70 201 1 500155 1
78 71 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
79 72 301 1 Chrome Please ignore him. 1
80 73 302 He fought bravely. 74 You're too hard on him. 75
81 74 76 301 1 Chrome Are you sure he acted according to the mission plan? 1
82 75 76 301 1 Chrome It's for his own good and for the good of Strike Hawk. 1
83 76 301 1 Chrome But since you put it that way, I'll give him the benefit of doubt. 1
84 77 301 1 Chrome I'll admit it. Kamui is good at handling certain situations. 1
85 78 302 I agree. 79 You know your team members well. 80
86 79 82 301 1 Chrome Yes, so that I can make the best use of their talent. Given the right command, Kamui can do his job well. 1
87 80 301 1 Chrome Leadership is about getting the right people to do the right job. 1
88 81 82 301 1 Chrome And so do you, am I right? 1
89 82 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
90 83 201 1 1081001 8 1
91 84 301 1 Kamui Haha! I! Rock! 1
92 85 203 1 0.25 -400
93 86 201 2 500155 400 1
94 87 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 2
95 88 301 1 Chrome Pride goes before a fall. Try to draw lessons from what happened today. 2
96 89 301 1 Kamui Don't forget your promise, leader! 1
97 90 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Chrome I won't. 2