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323301DialogEnableForsaken Base, Oasis. 4:00 pm.
544301After noticing a surprise assault on Oasis by some wandering Corrupted, Watanabe leaves you right where you are by yourself.
655302Guess I'll stay put.100I should go and see if I can help.100
876301Soldiers in Oasis are nervously preparing for the incoming attack.
10983011Human SoldierBuild up a defense line at the back!1
1211103011Construct SoldierWatch your surroundings! Beware of the Corrupted breaking through from the sides!1
131211302...12Do you need any help?12
1514133011Human SoldierAh? Aren't you the person next to Mr. Watanabe earlier?1
161514302H-hello there...15That's right.15
171615301Human SoldierRelax. Those Corrupted come every once in a while. We're already used to it.1
181716301Human SoldierThey might be scary, all these bloodthirsty, mindless Corrupted...1
191817301Human SoldierBut with Mr. Watanabe and the many Constructs here on our side...1
201918301Human SoldierNo harm will come to you! So just stay here and relax!1
212019302Thank you.I believe in him too.
222120301Human SoldierBut once you're done resting, remember to contribute to Oasis as well!1
232221301Human SoldierI should get going and assist them!1
252422302Alright. Now, let me contribute as well!23
2625233011AniZhuanchangBegin—Transmission connecting.