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433301DialogEnableStanding at a vantage point, Gabriel looks at a map of the city. Red dots seem to be moving toward the city from every direction.
6553011GabrielNot only does it not work, it has also attracted vermins...1
766301GabrielThe signal jammer is functioning well. This underground facility is holding up better than I expected.1
877301GabrielNow that you have come this far, you might as well stay here for good.1
988301The ground quivers as Gabriel speaks. The Red Tide breaks through the sewers and erupts out of the ground.
1099301As the Red Tide rushes to the distance, Gabriel turns around and walks down the stairs.
111010301AniZhuanchangBeginGabrielNext... the final step.1
141312301AniZhuanchangEndOutskirts of City 075 ruins.
1615143011ChromeThis is Strike Hawk. We have arrived at the outskirts of City 075.1
171615301ChromeThe area looks clear at the moment. No sign of the Corrupted or Red Tide. We will begin searching for Huaxu's signal along the planned route.1
181716301Chrome keeps a finger on his comms device and gives a status report to Babylonia while reading the information on the screen.
2120193011KamuiCapt, how does it look?2
222120301ChromeCommunication has been unstable since we arrived. The closer we are to the city center, the stronger the interference gets. It's advisable to finish all preparations before we commence the mission.1
242322301KamuiSpeaking of which, Gray Raven should be in the area too, right?2
252423301ChromeWell, Gray Raven entered from the east while we came in from the west of the city. Since we can only narrow down Huaxu's location to a 5-10km radius, there may still be some distance between us.1
262524301KamuiThe other airborne units are also looking for Huaxu, right? I mean the Support Force, the Mountain Owls, and the Cerberus...2
272625301ChromeYeah. They all came in the city from different directions.1
292827301KamuiThen we can't let them beat us!2
302928301KamuiI know we're no match for Liv, but the Strike Hawk's radar is still outstanding, isn't it, Captain?2
313029301Chrome does not even raise an eyebrow at Kamui's sudden enthusiasm.
323130301ChromeThis isn't a game. Focus on the mission.1
343332301KamuiI know. I always treat my missions with utmost sincerity!2
353433301ChromeBesides, Huaxu isn't the top priority for the Strike Hawk. Our first and foremost task is figuring out the Red Tide's source and collecting samples.1
383736301Chrome takes out a cylinder shaped airtight device.
393837301ChromeWith this, we can extract Red Tide samples at a safe distance. Let's locate its source first.1
403938301A transmission rings on the comms.
414039301???Strike... Hawk... Do... you... copy...
424140301ChromeCopy. This is Strike Hawk. Is it President Hassen?1
4645443011Hassen...What's the situation now?2
474645301Hassen's signal is choppy but finally stabilizes at a recognizable level.
484746301ChromeWe are trying to locate the Red Tide and Huaxu along the planned route.1
494847301HassenYou have a new mission objective. From now on, locating Gray Raven is your priority.2
5150493011KamuiGray Raven? What happened to them?1
525150301Hassen...That's the problem. We have absolutely no way to find out their current status. A few minutes ago we lost all communication with them.2
555453301HassenThey may have encountered unexpected situations or even danger.2
565554301HassenOr—they may have already found their target, but interference is too strong around that area for them to reach out.2
575655301HassenConsidering the actual condition of this place and Gray Raven's capability, I think the latter is more probable.2
585756301ChromeWe shouldn't be more than 20km from the Gray Ravens. Try contacting them via shortwave communication.1
6261603011KamuiNothing... No answer at all. I called each of their channels, even the backup comms.1
636261301KamuiNo one answered.1
6665643011HassenI guess you'll have to look for them yourselves.1
676665301HassenWhatever situation they're in, Gray Raven could probably use our help.1
686766301HassenI've sent you their last known coordinates before we lost contact. We'll be counting on you.1
7473723011KamuiWe need to rendezvous with them ASAP... Wait, those coordinates... I remember that the Support Force headed that way, too!2
757473301ChromeLet's find the Support Force first and see what they know.1
7675743011AniZhuanchangBeginChromeStrike Hawk, move out.1