
145 lines
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Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory103.png
2 2 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStorySnowNew.prefab 2
3 3 401 1 201
4 4 301 DialogEnable The blizzard gradually obscures the sunlight on the snowy mountain. Rosetta continues onward in the dim, harsh environment.
5 5 301 —Unable to see where she is going.
6 6 301 —Where should she go?
7 7 301 Darkness. Fear. Loneliness.
8 8 301 —Just like countless times before.
9 9 201 1 500214
10 10 301 1 Rosetta But I'm a knight sworn to protect my comrades. 1
11 11 202 1 1
12 12 301 —Guarding them is her mission.
13 13 301 —But how should she protect them?
14 14 301 —Who is there to guide a knight?
15 15 201 1 500214
16 16 301 1 Rosetta What should I do? 1
17 17 301 —Only by sharpening one's blade and growing stronger can one protect everyone.
18 18 301 Phweeee—
19 19 301 This time, it is not her whistle. Rather, it is a familiar sound she hears in the snowy forest.
20 20 301 Rosetta There you are. 1
21 21 301 Rosetta Hurry, let's go back. It's too dangerous being here on the mountain in this kind of weather. 1
22 22 202 1 1
23 23 301 Rosetta quickly walks toward the CUB. She grabs it by the rein and turns to go back.
24 24 301 However...
25 25 201 1 500214
26 26 301 Rosetta Huh? Where did I just come from? 1
27 27 301 The blizzard has already covered her tracks. Any potential markers are lost in the flurry. Right now, they are surrounded by infinite darkness cast by the violent snowstorm.
28 28 301 Rosetta Regardless, we have to get off the mountain first. 1
29 29 202 1 1
30 30 301 RImgBg1Shake However, Rosetta stumbles onto the ground after just a few steps.
31 31 301 Even as a Construct, she finds that her mobility in such treacherous weather has become greatly hindered.
32 32 301 Rosetta tries to stand up with the help of her spear, but the snowstorm throws her to the ground once more.
33 33 301 But just as she is about to fall into the snow, a sturdy strength suddenly rises from beneath her.
34 34 201 1 500214
35 35 301 1 Rosetta What are you... 1
36 36 201 1 500332
37 37 301 1 Without receiving any orders, the CUB catches her fall and tosses her on its back.
38 38 301 This sudden move, however, causes Rosetta's spear to collide with the CUB's body.
39 39 301 Despite receiving quite a number of scratches from the spear, the CUB pays no mind. After firmly placing Rosetta on its back, it takes a few steps forward.
40 40 301 Rosetta can sense clearly that the CUB is moving at such a slow pace from having to carry her exhausted frame.
41 41 201 1 500214
42 42 301 1 Rosetta Enough. We'll both be stuck here at this rate. 1
43 43 301 Rosetta Now's not the time to be capricious. If you keep this up, you'll... 1
44 44 301 —Expire.
45 45 301 However, Rosetta cannot say that word out loud.
46 46 201 1 500332
47 47 301 1 The CUB ignores Rosetta's order and continues to carry her through the blizzard, unyielding.
48 48 201 1 500214
49 49 301 1 Rosetta Why... 1
50 50 301 Rosetta Why do you still carry me when you know what might happen? 1
51 51 201 1 500332
52 52 401 1 36
53 53 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Darkness gradually invades Rosetta's vision as she closes her eyes. In the last gleam of light, she sees the CUB by her side in the harsh blizzard.
54 54 202 1 1
55 55 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStorySnowNew.prefab
56 56 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
57 57 401 1 206
58 58 301 AniZhuanchangEnd While the dim light around her just manages to illuminate the road, all light eventually diminishes. Rosetta has to feel her way through the darkness alone.
59 59 301 Rosetta always knows that she does not have the best luck.
60 60 301 She brings trouble and misfortune to her comrades. If her comrades continue onward with her, they will only be met with pain.
61 61 301 That was why she chose to face Alpha by herself back then. Why she has to bring an end to the Corrupted alone.
62 62 301 Perhaps, none of her comrades will be hurt because of her anymore when they no longer stand at her side in harm's way.
63 63 301 That is why she must take the helm. That is why she must fight with every fiber of her being. Anything to protect her comrades.
64 64 301 It does not matter if such lengths are excessive. As far as Rosetta is concerned, this is all she can do.
65 65 301 AniZhuanchangBegin But...
66 66 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory54.jpg
67 67 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStorySnowNew.prefab 2
68 68 401 1 203
69 69 201 1 500214
70 70 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Rosetta ! 1
71 71 201 1 500332
72 72 301 1 Suddenly waking up, Rosetta finds herself still riding on the CUB, but the snowstorm has subsided significantly.
73 73 301 Gradually, she is able to identify a few familiar landmarks and realizes that the CUB is moving toward the camp.
74 74 301 Despite being covered in snow, the CUB continues to trudge onward while trying to shelter Rosetta from the storm.
75 75 201 1 500214
76 76 301 1 Rosetta You're still here... 1
77 77 301 Rosetta reaches forward to touch its cold, metallic body. Her fingertips feel a faint sense of warmth.
78 78 502 200 PanelActor1Shake
79 79 505 PanelActor1Shake
80 80 301 Suddenly, she notices a faint trembling. However, this is not from the cold but something far more terrifying—the snow mountain is rumbling.
81 81 301 Looking back, she sees a destructive tide of snow tumbling down from the mountaintop.
82 82 301 The trees and stones along the way are submerged in an instant.
83 83 301 An avalanche.
84 84 301 Rosetta pushes herself up, but all she can do is sit on the back of the CUB. As if noticing the approaching danger, the CUB launches into a full-on sprint.
85 85 301 But no matter the speed, the avalanche is gaining on them.
86 86 301 Rosetta At least it can... 1
87 87 502 400 PanelActor1Shake
88 88 505 PanelActor1Shake
89 89 301 Rosetta is about to leap off the CUB, but right as she prepares to jump, the CUB lowers its center of gravity and interrupts Rosetta.
90 90 204 1 5
91 91 301 Rosetta What are you doing?! We'll both get caught in the avalanche! 1
92 92 502 400 PanelActor1Shake
93 93 505 PanelActor1Shake
94 94 301 Rosetta tries to jump again—only to be stopped by the CUB once more. She has no choice but to stay on its back.
95 95 204 1
96 96 301 Rosetta ... 1
97 97 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
98 98 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory105.png
99 99 301 Rosetta stares at the impending disaster behind her and suddenly feels as if time begins to slow down.
100 100 301 Quickly scanning her surroundings, she realizes that they are approaching the gorge she struggled to cross when pursuing the CUB.
101 101 301 With the cliff already right before their eyes, she should be able to easily clear such a wide berth with the CUB's help in a single bound.
102 102 301 However, the avalanche is already overhead before they can reach the other side.
103 103 301 Rosetta You really are... stubborn as a mule. 1
104 104 202 1 1
105 105 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStorySnowNew.prefab
106 106 401 1 36
107 107 301 Right as the avalanche is about to engulf Rosetta and the CUB, they are overcome with momentary silence.
108 108 301 Rosetta and the CUB, the impending disaster, the roaring blizzard—all become quiet.
109 109 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLouDianNew.prefab 2
110 110 301 RImgBg1Shake Suddenly, the deafening silence is broken by a bright beam from her electromagnetic blast.
111 111 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLouDianNew.prefab
112 112 401 2 10007502
113 113 301 RImgBg1Shake The beam of light carves a path through the avalanche above them, causing the avalanche to fall at their sides and into the abyss.
114 114 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStorySnowNew.prefab 2
115 115 401 1 211
116 116 301 The silent, slow progression of time returns to normal amid the thunderous roar of the avalanche.
117 117 301 With that, Rosetta and the CUB breathe a sigh of relief.
118 118 301 The CUB lands safely on the other side of the gorge. Rosetta sits up and looks back to see the avalanche continuing to surge down the cliff. The CUB gently rears up on its hind legs, then continues down the mountain.
119 119 201 1 500214
120 120 301 1 Rosetta We made it out all thanks to you. 1
121 121 301 Hearing this, the CUB shakes its head.
122 122 301 Rosetta You mean... it wasn't just you? 1
123 123 301 Rosetta You and I... together? 1
124 124 301 The CUB refrains from answering and continues onward silently. Rosetta places a hand on its crest. This time, she does not sense the same fierce resistance as before.
125 125 301 Rosetta I see... 1
126 126 202 1 1
127 127 301 —So that is how it is.
128 128 301 —To guard is not just to give. Sometimes you need to take.
129 129 301 —It is not refusing help and carrying the burden alone.
130 130 301 —Rather, it is understanding and accepting each other.
131 131 301 —It is having each other's backs and relying on each other for support, guarding each other against the wind and rain, and protecting what you share.
132 132 301 —A guardian also needs to be protected, too.
133 133 201 1 500214
134 134 301 1 Rosetta Neither of us would've escaped that disaster on our own. 1
135 135 301 Rosetta We worked together so that neither of us would perish... 1
136 136 301 —There is no need to walk alone. The future requires understanding and acceptance. It requires everyone to walk side-by-side.
137 137 301 Rosetta In the past... Not only did I never think of it, but I also refused the help of others. 1
138 138 204 1 1
139 139 301 Rosetta Thank you for being so stubborn. You've taught me something new. 1
140 140 201 1 500332
141 141 301 1 CUB Neigh. 1
142 142 202 1 1
143 143 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin As the blizzard subsides, Rosetta pats the CUB's head and walks slowly toward the camp.