
38 KiB

544301DialogEnable1HassenCalculate expected loss.1
655301GestaltCalculation complete. Given an 87.1% casualty, the success rate of the mission is 28.4%.
111010301HassenAs expected, General Wells' proposal is the one with the highest chance of success.1
141313301RImgBg1Shake1Councilman AAre you kidding me?!1
151414301The councilman slams his fist on the desk, and the loud discussions in the hall immediately quiet down as everyone turns to look at him.
161515301Councilman AIf the minimum casualty rate of the Task Force is 87.1%, what's even the point of the plan, General Wells?1
171616301General WellsThis is the best I can do, given that you are not willing to deploy all of the Omega Weapons. If you have better suggestions, I'm all ears.
181717301Councilman AYou have to lower the casualty rate to at most 20%. Babylonia does not have that many soldiers to waste!1
201919301General WellsThen deploy all the Omega Weapons. I can guarantee you that the casualty rate will be even lower than that.
212020301Councilman CAhem...
222121301Councilman CWe've already discussed that. To prioritize securing the lunar base, we must reserve half of the Omega Weapons before we are certain what the infection rate of the moon is.
232222301General WellsBut no reconnaissance report has shown any sign of the Punishing Virus on the moon...
2524243011Councilman BFor now. The reconnaissance reports also show that less than 50% of the moon has been explored.1
262525301Councilman BIf there is a sizable concentration of the Punishing Virus in the remaining areas and we don't have enough Omega Weapons, humanity can wave goodbye to the lunar base.1
272626301General WellsThat is just a guess...
282727301Councilman BWe can't afford even a 1% chance! That is the lunar base! It is where we produce Omega Weapons! Are you going to gamble with humanity's future, General Wells?!1
292828301With that, the Parliament turns silent.
313030301AniZhuanchangBeginNo one dares to answer that question recklessly. Even the centrists have to phrase their words carefully.
353434301DialogEnable1HassenThank you, General.1
363535301General WellsYou too, President. It's up to you now.
373636301General Wells salutes Hassen before leaving. Watching Wells go, Nikola crosses his arms and sighs resignedly.
4140403011NikolaNot the result we were hoping for... We couldn't sway the centrists even when we brought in General Wells.2
424141301HassenThey are having second thoughts, at the very least. As long as we can get their support, the vote will likely pass no matter what Kurono does.1
434242301NikolaSend in the next person, then.2
454444301AniZhuanchangBeginNikolaSoldiers are fighting for their lives on the frontline. We can't hold back either.2
504949301DialogEnableThe ocean waves hitting the cliffside are red. The sound they make used to delight you, but now it unsettles you like a reflection of the things to come.
515050301You reported to the Parliament about how the Red Tide entered the ocean and what you expected the agent was planning half an hour ago. You suspected this was only their first step.
525151301But as the refugees were sent away, you were told to retreat instead of stopping the tide.
555454301After talking to President Hassen through other channels, the best they can offer you is an order to stand by instead of retreat.
5857573011CelicaKurono has disclosed the details of the battle to the Parliament. The situation is now out of the military's hands.1
595858302How's the meeting going?59
616060301CelicaWe're still fighting. It's a simultaneous display now. The Chief Commander needs to wait for the right time to call for another vote.1
626161301CelicaHah... It's the old gentleman himself... I'm sorry, I've got to go. I'll let you know as soon as there's an update.1
656464301Celica quickly hangs up. The situation seems to be quite chaotic on her side.
666565301Putting down your terminal, you turn your gaze back to the crimson sea.
676666301The Red Tide is devouring the ocean, gnawing at the cradle of life, and taking over the home humanity depends on.
686767301And the fighters who would give everything are now waiting by the sea, powerless.
706969301AniZhuanchangBeginThe wait continues.
747373301DialogEnable1CelicaExcuse me. Excuse me.1
757474301Celica is running down the hallway. Suddenly, someone stands in her way.
7877773011MurrayAre you going to the Parliament, Celica?2
797878301CelicaObviously! I don't have time to talk now... What's this?1
807979301He passes her a folded note and says nothing, only raising his index finger before his lips.
838282301Celica unfolds it and finds a data chip inside. When she looks up, Murray is already gone.
848383301Desperate for any help now, Celica inserts the chip into her terminal.
858484301As she scrolls through the information, her eyes widen...
868585301AniZhuanchangBeginCelica...President Hassen! President Hassen!1
908989301DialogEnable1Councilman BWhere does this intel come from?1
9291913011HassenIt's classified.1
9595953011NikolaIs this the time to discuss that? All you need to know is that it is extremely dangerous for the Red Tide to enter the ocean!1
989898301The quieter voices in the Parliament start to get louder.
100100100301Councilman DIn that case, we need to deploy all the Omega Weapons immediately to eliminate this threat!
1031031033011Hassen and Nikola exchange a look as more councilmembers voice their support, but before they can even smile...
1061061063011Councilman BCalm down.1
107107107301The councilman stands up again, his arms stretched, trying to sway the others.
108108108301Councilman BAs immediate as this threat may be, it's just another product of the Punishing Virus.11
109109109301Councilman BOnce we secure the lunar base, we can produce an endless supply of Omega Weapons. Certainly, that will happen before this creature can destroy the world...1
110110110301Councilman AIs there something wrong with your terminal? President Hassen's intel has clearly shown how pressing the situation is...
111111111301Councilman BWe can destroy this threat inside its cradle!1
112112112301His sudden shout startles those who were planning to refute him.
113113113301Councilman BJust a little bit longer. Just a little bit.1
114114114301Councilman BThe production line on the lunar base will restart soon. Please, I beg you. Don't gamble with humanity's future before that, please.1
116116116301AniZhuanchangBeginWith that, the councilman sits down, and the Parliament reverts to the shouting match that it was.
119119119301DialogEnableBy the shore, your call with Celica is brief but shocking, surprising everyone with you.
1221221223011CelicaIn short, those councilmembers are not willing to deploy all the Omega Weapons.1
123123123302They're just going to let the situation here develop?124
124124124302Can we really deal with the Red Tide when it has fully entered the ocean?125
127127127301CelicaIf we can mass produce the Omega Weapon, it is theoretically possible. But it means that the surface will experience the most cataclysmic destruction before help arrives.1
128128128301CelicaWe will lose everything we have built and achieved in one fell swoop. The people living on the surface will also face the most devasting threat they have ever seen...1
130130130301CelicaI won't stop fighting. At least for me, I cannot accept this ending.1
133133133301The call terminates again. At the same time, a member of the Purifying Force approaches you, seemingly needing your help.
1351351353011Purifying Force MemberWe need a commandant's clearance to unlock this supply crate, Gray Raven Commandant.1
136136136302(Authorize to open)137
137137137301Purifying Force MemberThanks. I can take care of the rest.1
139139139301The Construct takes the parts from the crate and rushes toward the eastern shore. You can briefly hear him mumbling to himself.
140140140301Purifying Force MemberWe're busted if they attack from the east. Gotta reinforce that side.
141141141301Another Purifying Force member just opens a bottle of purified water and pours it down his head.
1441441443011Purifying Force Member AHey, don't waste it. We'll need it when we set up the defense later.1
145145145301Purifying Force Member BIt doesn't matter... We are about to retreat anyway.2
146146146301Purifying Force Member AWhat do you mean?1
147147147301Purifying Force Member BWhat do I mean? A friend in Babylonia just sent me a text saying the Parliament had no plan to stop the Red Tide from entering the sea. What can we possibly do other than retreating?2
148148148301Both of them turn to you, seeking an answer.
150150150301Purifying Force Member A...Gray Raven Commandant... Are we really just going to leave like this?1
151151151302I'll say that's highly possible...152
152152152301Purifying Force Member ASo many comrades lost their lives here. The agents are about to get what they want. Yet we are just going to leave like this?1
153153153301Purifying Force Member AOur comrades' bodies are still here! Are we just going to leave Captain Bianca alone, watch the Punishing Virus enter the sea and devour the entire world, while we hide in Babylonia like cowards?1
154154154301Purifying Force Member BCalm down.2
155155155301Purifying Force Member ACalm down my ***!1
156156156302Do you want to keep fighting?157
157157157301Purifying Force Member AOf course!1
158158158302What about you?159
159159159301The Construct tosses the empty bottle away and looks at you with firm determination.
160160160301Purifying Force Member BIf not for this bottle of water, I would already be cursing to the terminal.2
161161161301Lucia seems to have noticed the quarrel. She is heading this way.
162162162302I need to know what everybody thinks. Each and every one of you has the right to choose.163
163163163301If I may...
164164164301AniZhuanchangBeginI'd like to borrow your strength.
167167167301DialogEnableThe meeting continues. A scout team has sent a report from the lunar base.
168168168301GestaltLunar base investigation progress 51%. No signs of the Punishing Virus have been detected so far.
1701701703011Councilman BNice! Keep doing what you are doing. Once the lunar base is clear, we can try to resume the production of Omega Weapon.1
173173173301Quite a few Councilmen have started cheering quietly. They sound as if victory is imminent, and all they have to do is to keep waiting.
174174174301But is that all?
1771771773011NikolaDo we have a loss estimate yet?1
178178178301GestaltA detailed loss prediction has been calculated. Estimated ground surface personnel casualty rates are... Shoreline and nearby area, 99%; coastal area, 98%...
179179179301The data causes a deadly silence, turning the entire meeting hall into a muted graveyard.
180180180301NikolaAs we all know, the production of Omega Weapon takes time. During this time window, numerous people will die. In other words, almost all humans living on the surface will be wiped out.1
181181181301NikolaWe can still make it if we throw all the available resources in now. The proposal jointly developed by our advisors and the Science Council has taken into account the time required for the transport, handover, deployment and activation of Omega Weapons.1
182182182301NikolaBut if we keep wasting our time here, this last chance would be lost. Once the Red Tide has developed to a certain extent, the available Omega Weapons we have cannot do anything to it.1
183183183301This the final attempt... All previous efforts were unable to make the situation any better. If the death count still does not work...
185185185301Councilman CExcuse me, President Hassen... What is the chance of success of this proposal you mentioned...?
1871871873011HassenClose to 90%, with a low estimated casualty rate for the Task Force.1
189189189301Councilman CI see... It doesn't sound too bad.
1911911913011Councilman BObjection!1
192192192301The deafening shout shakes many attendees awake from the overwhelming casualty count.
193193193301Councilman BPresident Hassen, this is nothing but a risky bet! You are betting the lunar base and the fate of mankind on your proposal!1
194194194301The Councilman rises up and points at Hassen. He looks very emotional.
195195195301Councilman BOmega Weapon is mankind's future hope! How are we going to fight against the Punishing Virus if anything goes wrong in the lunar base?! Are we going to sacrifice another two eras to find another solution?1
1971971973011NikolaWhat about the humans on the surface? Are you just going to let the Hetero-Creatures devour them?1
1991991993011Councilman BNobody wants that to happen!1
200200200301He slams on the desk, interrupting Nikola's question.
201201201301Councilman BBut I'm sure every single person who turns down that proposal only does so for mankind's future hope!1
202202202301The Councilman gazes around into every person's eyes. He ends up staring at Hassen.
203203203301Councilman BThis is the will of everybody here.1
205205205301After his speech, there is no other sound in the meeting hall. Everyone is unconsciously holding their breath.
206206206301The air feels heavy and dense. One after another, the burden of responsibility and future makes other Councilmen lower their heads.
208208208301The Councilman finally returns to his seat.
209209209301The silence has turned into an unspoken approval.
212212212301The projector in the center of the Parliament suddenly begins to make a coarse hissing sound.
2142142143011Councilman BWhat's going on?1
2162162163011HassenIt should be a message from the surface force. Now that the Parliament has taken over the decision-making of the surface operations, the military has forwarded all related correspondence to this meeting.1
2182182183011Councilman BThe surface force? Commander Nikola, haven't you ordered them to fall back yet?1
220220220301NikolaI don't recall that order in the decisions we agreed on earlier.1
222222222301Councilman BTsk. You're just dragging it on... How pointless.1
225225225301This is the Gray Raven Commandant, sending a timed communication to Babylonia.
230230230301The projected video becomes less blurry.
2332332333011A face appears on the screen, followed by many Constructs standing behind.
234234234301As the Red Tide starts to enter the sea, we anticipate the Hetero-Creatures converted from contaminated sea animals will land here soon.
235235235301We will therefore set up defense here to buy more time. We hope the HQ can support our operation and find a solution during this time.
2422422423011Councilman BThere is no solution! Just fall back and wait for the production of Omega Weapons.1
2442442443011CelicaUm, Mr. Councilman, this is just a recording. They probably can't hear you from over there.1
2462462463011Councilman BThen tell them what I just said...1
2522522523011We cannot abandon the innocent survivors on the surface. Many are yet to be evacuated.
253253253301The video continues to play, as if the recorders had already seen this coming.
254254254301Following a path opened by those who had fallen, we were able to reclaim our homeland. That is why I cannot easily tell others to retreat.
255255255301If we allow the Red Tide to continue entering the sea, the damage will be irreversible. Even Omega Weapons cannot help.
2622622623011Councilman BDo I need to go through the Science Council's report again?1
268268268301To his surprise, the human just clenches the right fist and knocks it a few times on the chest, right where the heart is beating.
269269269301Indeed, the sea can be purified. Once the Omega Weapons enter mass production, the clean, blue sea will return one day.
270270270301Buildings can be repaired. When the disaster is over, new buildings will rise again. People will build one after another along the ruins.
271271271301But something can never be brought back again once they are damaged.
272272272301The pride of mankind, the faiths that people once believed in.
273273273301If we give up all of them for a false dawn, what can mankind possibly remember years later under the shelter of new buildings?
2762762763011Task Force Member AHQ, it's okay if there are no reinforcements. We just need ammunition and energy.1
277277277301Task Force Member BWith the equipment and manpower available, we can hold the tide for approximately 5 days.2
2802802803011Purifying Force Member BHey, you there! Help me ask the chief commander. Do they want us to run away like cowards and abandon everyone else?! ****!1
281281281301Purifying Force Member AHey, calm down! No vulgarities. We agreed on this.2
283283283301Purifying Force Member BJust let me finish...1
285285285301One Construct seems to be pulled away by another. Still, everyone else on the screen does not seem to be distracted. They are still standing tall and firm, like an indestructible wall.
286286286301We are not forcing Babylonia to make a decision. This is just a declaration. Whatever the final decision is, someone needs to sacrifice here for the sake of something more important.
287287287301For the victory of mankind, to reclaim the Earth, we have made this choice.
288288288301This declaration has been jointly signed by all the Task Force and Purifying Force members here.
289289289301【kuroname】, the Gray Raven Commandant.
2912912913011After finishing the speech, the commandant moves aside. Another Construct with red and black colors on her frame steps up to face the camera.
292292292301LuciaCaptain of Gray Raven, Lucia.3
294294294301Followed by a Construct with a poker face...
2962962963011Purifying Force Member APurifying Force, Arthur.1
2992992993011Another Construct, covered in mud...
300300300301Task Force MemberTask Force, Rick.1
3033033033011Purifying Force Member BPurifying Force...1
311311311301DialogEnable1...One by one, all the frontline members have left their footage and names in the projected video.
316316316301GestaltA headcount of the signatures indicates that 90% of the personnel dispatched in the mission have signed on the declaration...
317317317301GestaltThe remaining 10% are all confirmed to be killed in action, apart from the missing Captain Bianca of the Purifying Force.
318318318301Another moment of silence—albeit completely different from the previous one—has caught the Parliament.
319319319301But the silence is completely torn apart by the next footage.
3273273273011Scout Team MemberThis is an emergency communication from the lunar base scout team. What's the percentage...?1
330330330301Engineering Force CrewTch, just give it to me. You keep going... This is an emergency communication from the lunar base scout team. We have investigated 90.5% of the lunar base. The remaining section will be completed within the next few hours.2
331331331301The Councilmen who are aware of the related information are all shocked.
332332332301The speed is incredible, way faster than the previous estimate. No matter how hard they work, such efficiency should not even be attainable.
333333333301Soon, a Councilman has realized something. He immediately stands up and shouts.
334334334301Councilman from the Engineering DepartmentHold on! Why aren't you driving an engineering machine?! And you! You're not even a Construct! Go back to the safe area now!
335335335301The Engineering Force crew scratches his head...
337337337301Engineering Force CrewWell, those big things are just too slow, and we have to waste time preparing the road for them. We discussed in our team, and all of us felt it would be faster just going in by ourselves...2
338338338301Councilman from the Engineering DepartmentAre you out of your mind? The lunar base is a total mess. Even if you don't run into the Punishing Virus, you could have easily been killed by a gas leak or gravity distortion without an engineering machine.
339339339301Engineering Force CrewWell... The frontline forces are risking their lives. We can't just sit back and stay safe.2
340340340301Leaving no chance for the Councilman to interfere, he just smiles at the camera and salutes in the low-gravity environment.
341341341301Instead of the Councilman, he is looking at Chief Wales in the back row.
342342342301Engineering Force CrewThis is our decision, made from our own free will.2
343343343301Councilman from the Engineering DepartmentWho?! Who told them the information?!
349349349301Nobody answers him. The communication from the scout team has also been cut off.
350350350301The Councilman can only collapse back to his seat, gazing blankly at the front. He seems lost in thought.
351351351301The projected video disappears. Chief Wales reaches into his pocket and grabs a badge so hard that the sharp silver hawk has pierced into his palm.
3533533533011NikolaIf our weapons are lost, we can make more. If our base is gone, we can build another one.1
354354354301NikolaWe have come a long way even when all the old technologies were lost.1
355355355301Nikola raises his arm and points at the screen where the video was playing.
356356356301NikolaBut some things will never come back: the willpower that makes them fight until the last moment, the faiths that make them never falter. Once the pride of mankind shatters, it can never be reclaimed!1
3573573573011AniZhuanchangBeginNikolaAs the Chief Commander, I hereby propose a revote of the previous decision!1