
14 KiB

544301DialogEnable1???Who can doubt that in times to come, when the true history of my famous deeds comes to light, the wise man who compiles them, when he begins to recount my first sally so early in the day, will write in this manner—1
655301???No sooner had rubicund Apollo spread over the face of the wide and spacious earth the golden strands of his beauteous hair, no sooner had diminutive and bright-hued birds with dulcet tongues greeted in sweet, mellifluous harmony the advent of rosy dawn...1
766301???...who, forsaking the soft couch of her zealous consort, revealed herself to mortals through the doors and balconies of the Manchegan horizon, than the famous knight...1
988301Flipping the page, he finds the rest of the notebook blank, the rough pencil marks coming to an end. The fate of the notebook's owner is unknown, much like the rest of the story transcribed.
1099301Roland turns around and looks at the scorched earth behind him. Perhaps a group of Hetero-Creatures or some powerful Corrupted swept across this crimson land, destroying everything but this small notebook.
111010301Finding a burnt tree trunk, Roland sits down and tears off a piece of blank paper from the book. After some thought, he quietly places a small object above the paper before folding it...
121111301A girl walks out of the shadow, curious about how Roland keeps folding the paper in his hand.
1514143011CinderelikWhat are you doing?2
171616301Roland smiles and gives the paper one final press before standing it up on a burnt branch in front of him—it is an origami rabbit.
181717301RolandCan't you tell...? It's a rabbit. Do you know what a rabbit is?1
191818301Cinderelik looks at the paper bunny and frowns.
201919301CinderelikI know what it is, but is this a rabbit...?2
212020301RolandI think I did a pretty good job. It's small and white with big eyes and long ears... Isn't it adorable?1
222121301CinderelikAdorable... How can a creature so weak be adorable? I don't understand why you made it.2
232222301Roland stands up from his tree trunk and stretches.
242323301RolandMaybe... I was bored.1
252424301Cinderelik has no idea what the man before her is thinking, but she does not need to know. It was Mister's idea to keep him with them, and Mister is never wrong.
262525301CinderelikMister is looking for you. Come... He told me it's your reward.2
282727301Roland's gaze shifts just a little bit, his expression remaining the same as if he is performing the role he has always been playing with ease—someone whose thought is inscrutable.
302929301RolandOh? Well, then, I should probably go and claim it quickly.1
3332323011Following Cinderelik, Roland takes one last look at the origami rabbit on the branch before he departs this wasteland, and he retracts his mocking smile.
383838301AniZhuanchangEnd1CinderelikMister... I've brought him here.1
404040301The man facing away from Cinderelik is looking at the night sky, seemingly deep in thought. Hearing her, he nods and turns around.
4343433011RolandHello, Mr. Vonnegut. It seems like you haven't forgotten our deal.1
444444301VonnegutOf course not. A fair exchange is key to any partnership. Your work has earned you your reward.2
454545301Roland smiles and gives Vonnegut a gentleman's bow.
464646301RolandDon't mention it. It was what I do best... Still, I can't help but wonder about the two... monsters created by the Hetero-Hive Mother. It took so much effort, but Babylonia's new weapon seems to have kept them at bay.1
474747301VonnegutThat is arguably the best answer humans can come up with given how desperate they are... After all, they do possess an ace up their sleeve.2
484848301Vonnegut looks at Roland, awaiting his reaction.
494949301RolandHa... so they do have Luna with them. That would explain why they didn't kill her. The secrets one can learn from an agent are too valuable.1
505050301VonnegutBut they certainly haven't learned all of them. Otherwise, they wouldn't have created that imperfect Construct—but the more they learn, the closer they are to their demise.2
515151301Roland shrugs, unconcerned. He leans on a random tree that looks steady enough, asking the question he cares about the most while pretending to be indifferent.
525252301RolandSo—our dearest Luna... Where is she?1
535353301Vonnegut seems to have expected Roland's question, and he has an answer prepared.
545454301VonnegutLuna is kept by humans in a place we can see but cannot touch.2
565656301RolandWhat is that? A riddle...? Sigh. I wasn't expecting you to make it difficult for me... Wait a minute...1
575757301Roland quickly realizes that what Vonnegut said was not a riddle but a fact—a fact Roland sees every day but ignores.
585858301Roland looks to the sky. The Moon shines, casting light on his face.
595959301RolandThe Moon... Luna is on the Moon?1
606060301Pleased, Vonnegut nods and turns his gaze toward the Moon as well.
616161301VonnegutShe is currently locked inside Babylonia's lunar base. It was once a research center for Babylonia's main engine.2
636464301Roland rubs his chin and ponders. He glances toward Cinderelik on the side and smirks, having come up with an idea.
646565301RolandI don't know how you find out about this information, and I have no way to prove it. If you say Luna was under the Mariana Trench, I wouldn't be able to go there either. Isn't that right?1
6667673011CinderelikMister won't lie to you. If he says she's on the Moon, then Luna is on the Moon. As for how you get there...1
676868301Cinderelik takes a look at Vonnegut, and he nods in return.
686969301VonnegutVoodoo... Maybe you should explain.2
798282301RImgBg1Shake1Voodoo?To play! Played with him until he spilled his secret! Then blood!12
8487873011Voodoo's voice suddenly becomes metallic and sharp. There seems to be some form of personality breakdown due to the M.I.N.D. defect of a humanoid-hybrid Construct.
858888301VoodooThere is an intact space shuttle underneath the ruins of that city. Those people are trying to board it to return to Babylonia—I believe that model is capable of traveling to the Moon.1
8790903011RolandI see. If we can get to the ship first, we can easily go for a joyride to the Moon.1
889191301Vonnegut turns back toward Roland. Roland cannot tell how Vonnegut feels underneath his mask.
9093933011VonnegutLuna is currently blocked by the Ascension-Network. She has lost the power of an agent, but not her status as one... It is a most peculiar situation.1
919494301VonnegutHer survival has certainly given humans an opportunity to cheat, which would hinder the Ascension-Network. That is why I want you to rescue Luna from the humans. And if she can't be saved...1
929595301Vonnegut nods at Cinderelik, signaling her to take out the prepared sealed case.
939696301VonnegutLuna cannot be allowed to exist—not her body, not her mind, not even the idea of her.1
949797301Roland takes the case and opens it. Inside, he finds a container that is filled with crimson liquid, within which submerges a slice of constantly-mutation pale flesh.
9699993011CinderelikThis is the remaining stem cell of the Hetero-Hive Mother who birthed the twins. It can grow infinitely by devouring all kinds of matter and energy.1
981011013011VonnegutAn unexpected byproduct, I'd say. It's not very intelligent, but it can tell friends from foes when controlled. That's good enough.1
1001031033011RolandYou want me to use this thing to remove Luna?1
1021051053011VonnegutYou're correct. When you believe you cannot save her, or...1
103106106301Vonnegut's golden pupils stare straight at Roland as he stresses his remaining words.
104107107301Vonnegut...when you believe Luna, as an agent, is no longer worth saving.1
105108108301Roland chuckles, putting the container back inside before holding the case.
1071101103011RolandWhen do I leave, then?1
108111111301Roland asks Vonnegut, pretending to sound casual, but he is surprised to find Voodoo answering him.
114118118301AniZhuanchangEndThe white origami rabbit stands out in its charred surroundings. A hand gently lifts and carefully unfolds it, revealing the microscopic vessel of an encrypted message inside the paper.
117121121301The message is quickly read through. The vessel is then gently crushed by the hand, becoming one with the ashes on the ground.
120124124301She glances in the direction where the somewhat fresh footprints disappear before making her way east in haste.
121125125301Meanwhile, the unfolded origami is placed back onto the branch, its form once again a rabbit—
1221261263011AniZhuanchangBeginBut perhaps the folds will never look as they once were.