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544301DialogEnable1Liv...Did we do it?1
766301Lucia's last strike has hit the exposed Hetero-Core. The Polyphage lets out a screeching, distorted scream, its attacks clearly slowing down.
9883011LeeIs there no stopping it even when we wrecked the Hetero-Core?1
111010301The Polyphage bellows in an odd and twisted way, and you can see the damaged parts of the Hetero-Core repairing itself.
1312123011LivIf we don't destroy its entirety, is it just going to keep fixing itself...? We might not be able to stop it the way we stopped the Rail Heterozygote.1
1514143011LuciaIf we don't wipe it out completely, it'll keep repairing itself indefinitely.1
1817173011LeeDespite both being the products of the Hetero-Core, there is one difference between the Polyphage and the Rail Heterozygote.1
191818302Luna.19An Ascendant in its center.19
202020301LeeIt seems that... the only way to defeat the Polyphage is to incapacitate this puzzle piece.1
2323233011LuciaSo it is.1
242424301Everyone there understands the weight of her words. Lucia clutches her sword as everyone else falls silent.
252525301LuciaCommandant... If I may.1
272727301LuciaI am a Construct, a human's blade to reclaim Earth. The Ascendants are our enemies.1
282828301LuciaIf I try to help Luna, I'll be helping an enemy.1
292929301LuciaAnd yet...1
303030301Lucia takes a deep breath, and puts her right hand in front of her chest, as though she is attesting to her decision.
313131301LuciaEven if it's baseless... Even if it sounds ridiculous, even to me—I want to believe her.1
323232301LuciaI want to believe that deep down... she is still the Luna who's afraid to be alone, who is waiting for someone to hold her hand.1
333333301LuciaAfter remembering my past, I've been wondering that, had I held onto my sister's hand a little tighter, had I been a little bit more decisive, a little bit braver, maybe things would turn out differently.1
343434301LuciaBut I can't change my past. I can only move forward.1
353535301LuciaMove forward, and find a way to end this war, to save all of us, even when we're on opposite sides—to find that impossible answer.1
363636301LuciaWill you still support me, Commandant... when I won't stop believing?1
3737373029550I will.40I told you I'll respect your decisions.42
404040301LuciaThank you, Commandant... for believing the capricious me.1
41414145301Lucia slightly relaxes her grip. She breathes a sigh of relief before raising her head and gazing, on her face a familiar look of determination.
424242301Lucia...Thank you, Commandant.1
434343301LuciaIt... really is a very naive thought. I'm sorry that all of you have to indulge me all this way.1
444444301Lucia's expression is familiar—the smile she has forced herself to wear since one bygone day.
464646301LuciaI... fear that my choice will put you all in danger, so I want you to leave first, please.1
474747301LuciaI want to see Luna again and ask her so many questions... I want to find out with my own eyes if she is still the Luna I remember.1
484848301LuciaIf she isn't, I am prepared to strike her down. I will not let anyone get hurt because of her again.1
494949301LuciaBut if it is between taking her down or saving her...1
505050301LuciaI... still want to save her.1
5252523011LeeIf we can get to the top of the Polyphage and try to separate Luna from it, we might be able to greatly weaken it, to the point where it can be destroyed.1
535353301Lee...The way I see it, this has never been a path of pure destruction.1
5858583011LeeIf it were me, I would also want to believe in my family.1
595959301LeeWe might have become Constructs, but to me, our bonds don't change just because our bodies do.1
606060301LeeIt's as good as any reason to fight.1
616161301LeeWhether speaking as a Gray Raven, or just speaking for myself... I'll support you.1
636363301LivI've always believed in you, Lucia.2
646464301LivBecause you are strong, and you are kind.2
6969693011LivIf Gabriel wasn't lying about the Polyphage fusing with Luna... then it'll be too late when it completely devours her.1
707070301LivStopping it is all we can do right now.1
727272301LivSo, Lucia, please don't carry this burden by yourself. Whatever trouble is ahead, we will face it together.1
747474301Lucia nods at Liv, as you all stand side by side.
7878783011LeeThe Polyphage will recover its mobility soon. We have to act quickly.2
797979301LivI have everyone's back... and you have my support!3
808080301LeeLet's get ready and board the Polyphage. Try to approach where Luna is.2
828282301LuciaWe'll be exposed to the enemies' attacks if we get any closer. Commandant, at your orders!1
838383302Charge!84Our target is the Energy Core at the top of the Polyphage.84
8484843011AniZhuanchangBeginLuciaGray Raven, take flight.1