
145 lines
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Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 999999 102 Lost Chapter The Life of Tai'E Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/CommonLogo/BgLogo1.png
2 888888 502 ThemeEnable
3 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd 5000 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
4 2 401 1 201
5 3 401 2 1515
6 4 301 DialogEnable Power supply initiating self-test. Scanning active partitions. Loading program.
7 1001 401 2 1515
8 5 301 >>80%>>92%>>100%...... Entering system.
9 1002 401 2 1515
10 6 301 Receiving sound waves. Processing environmental data. Verifying program<<<<< Current status: Secure.
11 7 301 ——
12 8 301 For a moment, HNB1 finds itself unable to analyze the current situation. That is, until a heavy blow bonks it on the head.
13 1005 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
14 9 301 AniZhuanchangBegin The bonk causes its visual module flickers weakly, and the viewfinder screen resumes operation after going dark briefly.
15 11 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory83.jpg
16 12 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Appearing in the visual HNB1's visual field is a Tai'E unit—hanging upside down from above.
17 13 301 The Tai'E waves a blade in a very solemn manner.
18 14 401 2 1512
19 15 301 HNB1's rope snaps, causing it to crash to the ground.
20 16 301 As it falls, HNB1's vision adjusts back to being upright.
21 17 301 Scanning……Kowloong Chamber of Commerce - Tai'E……HBG3.
22 18 401 2 1515
23 19 301 Activating emotion module<<<
24 20 201 1 500231
25 21 301 1 HNB1 ...HBG3? Where am I? Why did you tie me up? 1
26 22 203 1 0.25 400
27 23 201 2 500233 -400
28 24 301 1 HBG3 I didn't do anything. You were hanging here when I found you. 2
29 26 301 The two machines with identical exteriors stand opposite of each other, the stauncher one of the two returns its blade.
30 29 301 HNB1 What's going on here? 1
31 30 301 HBG3 It's 4:44:23 p.m. on the 28th. We are located in an inspection facility 14 kilometers away from the main urban district. 2
32 31 301 HBG3 We were scheduled to return back to the factory for routine inspection 14 days ago. But for some reason, we were left in this unmanned facility. 2
33 32 301 HBG3 My faulty functions have also not been repaired. 2
34 33 301 HNB1 Strange. I can't reach HQ. 1
35 34 301 HBG3 Me too. According to KCC Pulao Crew regulations, we should report back to HQ. 2
36 35 301 HBG3 Article 1 of the KCC Pulao Crew regulations, Tai'E shall not harm humans, or by inaction allow humans to come to harm; 2, Tai'E must obey orders from superiors; 3, when an order expires, Tai'E must return and await... 2
37 36 301 HNB1 Hey, hey, hey, I know the regulations. They're hardwired into my brain. You don't have to repeat it line by line! 1
38 37 301 HBG3 I'm just reminding you. I am perceiving a 35% chance that you will use this opportunity to go elsewhere. 2
39 38 301 HBG3's speech stops HNB1 from fidgeting and looking around.
40 39 204 1 1
41 40 301 HNB1 I can't help it... Curiosity is "human instinct." 1
42 41 204 1
43 42 301 HNB1 What about the batch of Tai'E sent with us for maintenance? Have you seen them? 1
44 43 301 HBG3 I've been here since I was activated. I checked, but there are no other Tai'E or human beings here except us. The external power supply for the whole facility has been cut and we are locked in this inspection facility. 2
45 46 301 HNB1 and HBG3 were originally a part of the 7th Division, which is subordinate to the Pulao Police Force. The police force usually carries out security work in the city with squads made up of two Tai'E units.
46 47 301 G3 is the latest model developed by the Fuxi Department in the HB Tai'E series, specializing in strategic analysis. B1 is an HN series model with a human emotion module, making it more oriented to the masses.
47 48 301 A squad utilizing both Tai'E models is often seen as the optimal composition.
48 51 301 HNB1 It has been fourteen days. Didn't any of the guards notice that we were missing? 1
49 52 301 HBG3 Existing information is not enough to accurately assess the situation. It is possible that we are taken away by human beings through illegal means. 2
50 53 301 HNB1 You can just say that we're stolen. 1
51 54 301 HNB1 Them thugs in the lower city areas have a growing appetite, huh? It used to be just robbery and extortion, now it looks like they've shifted their focus to public property... 1
52 55 301 HNB1 Oh, by the way, check to see if there are any dents or scuff marks on me. I just got it painted a month ago... uh, I mean, two months ago! 1
53 56 204 2 10
54 57 301 HBG3 ... 2
55 58 301 HBG3 ...No dents or scuff marks. 2
56 59 204 2
57 60 301 HNB1 Good. But whoever stole me is still going to get it! 1
58 61 301 AniZhuanchangBegin HBG3 Let's go turn on the backup power first. Then we will leave and report for duty back at the KCC. 2
59 62 202 1 2 1
60 63 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory29.jpg
61 64 301 AniZhuanchangEnd ——
62 65 201 1 500231 400
63 66 201 2 500233 -400
64 67 301 1 HNB1 Hey, G3. I don't feel so good in here. 1
65 68 301 HBG3 Robots don't feel good. 2
66 69 301 HNB1 You don't get it. I mean, something's wrong here. 1
67 70 202 1 2
68 71 301 The two Tai'E units stand before the main control room. As HNB1 reaches out its finger and touches the door, a layer of dust falls down.
69 72 201 1 500231 400
70 73 201 2 500233 -400
71 74 301 1 HNB1 Is this an abandoned factory? 1
72 75 301 HBG3 This inspection facility closed down four years ago. 2
73 76 301 HBG3 ...You can access this information in your own database. 2
74 77 301 HNB1 I know, but that takes the fun out of detective work. 1
75 78 301 HBG3 You're strange... 2
76 79 301 HNB1 How can you say that? I'm your predecessor! 1
77 80 301 HBG3 I don't have the concept of "predecessor." 2
78 81 202 1 2
79 82 301 HBG3 stops scanning the surrounding environment, then crosses in front of HNB1 and steps into the room.
80 83 301 There are some supplies scattered on the ground. On the workbench, there is a half opened toolbox and a bag of moldy bread.
81 84 301 Unknown Creature Squeak—
82 85 301 A gluttonous rat hops down from the workbench and skitters away from HBG3's feet.
83 86 301 HNB1 seems to be right about the factory being abandoned. It is as if the workers all decided to go on a smoking break and never came back, leaving all the tools in the same place.
84 87 201 1 500231 400
85 88 201 2 500233 -400
86 89 301 1 HNB1 What happened here? 1
87 90 301 HBG3 We don't have enough information. 2
88 91 301 HBG3 But I suggest turning on the backup power first. 2
89 92 202 1 2 1
90 93 401 2 1507
91 94 301 ——
92 95 401 2 1515
93 96 301 System Emergency backup power restored. Preparing to execute command.
94 97 201 1 500231
95 98 301 1 HNB1 Command? What command? 1
96 100 301 The room suddenly lights up. The power seems to be gradually restoring, and the factory systems begin to operate.
97 101 201 2 500233
98 102 301 1 HBG3 Come take a look at this. 2
99 103 202 1 1
100 999 401 2 1509
101 104 301 A stand-alone device on the table projects a topographic map covered with massive patches of glowing red blots.
102 105 301 The terrain in the image quickly switches. The distribution of red patches in each area is different, indicating different levels of danger.
103 106 301 The final picture is a comprehensive analysis diagram, which rapidly flashes red, like a burning sea of fire.
104 107 201 1 500231
105 109 301 1 HNB1 Where is this? 1
106 108 201 1 500233
107 110 301 1 HBG3 Near the Kowloong Chamber of Commerce. 1
108 111 202 1 1
109 112 301 ??? ...governs East Asia. It stands independent even from the World Government...
110 113 301 The bold voice of a young women broadcasts from the loudspeaker.
111 114 301 ??? The cities fall, one by one. But why are we still standing?
112 115 301 ??? Because countless brave warriors fought for Kowloong. It is the will of Kowloong that they bear. They fight against the virus, they prove to the world. Those red-eyes will rot and rust on Kowloong grounds.
113 116 201 1 500231
114 117 301 1 HNB1 That voice... 1
115 118 203 1 0.25 400
116 119 201 2 500233 -400
117 120 301 1 HBG3 The KCC Leader. 2
118 121 301 HNB1 ...Qu. 1
119 123 301 Qu We bear the same pride. We hold the same beliefs.
120 124 301 Qu Kowloong is a crystal, nucleated from history. Kowloongers do not fear war, because war cannot break the will of Kowloong.
121 127 301 HNB1 What's she talking about? Is there a war? 1
122 128 301 HBG3 If my receiver isn't broken, yes. 2
123 130 301 Qu War is always fraught with sacrifices. But as long as one last Kowloonger stands, until the moment that we all backup our minds—then victory will be ours.
124 131 301 Qu And from then on, there will be no sweeter victory than this one in the annals of Kowloong.
125 132 301 Qu The Kowloong Crew is the protector of the KCC. Every Corrupted we destroy, is another step toward our victory.
126 133 301 Qu They will pay for setting foot on the sanctum that is Kowloong. We will prove here that the virus can be defeated. Kowloong will live on, until the end of the world.
127 134 301 Qu This is a KCC city. Kowloongers, let us show those... pathetic—machines—
128 135 301 The broadcast stops, and the machine runs out of power.
129 138 301 HNB1 ... 1
130 139 301 HBG3 ... 2
131 140 301 HBG3 This broadcast took place while we were deactivated for fourteen days. During this time, Kowloong City has erupted into war. We must leave now. 2
132 141 301 HNB1 A war? Broke out in just half a month? 1
133 142 301 HBG3 At present, my analysis has found no discrepancy in the audio. I have the highest level of analytic capability in Kowloong. The possibility of error is 0.3852%. 2
134 143 301 HBG3 I am designed for strategic analysis. According to an analysis based on previous data, the possibility of a war between humans breaking out is 12.252%. No matter the case, we must report for duty. 2
135 144 301 HNB1 Yes, I know. But who are we fighting against?! She just mentioned the "Corrupted", didn't she? 1
136 145 301 HBG3 She mentioned "Corrupted" and "Punishing Virus". 2
137 146 301 HBG3 No matter what enemies we need to confront, us Tai'E units will destroy them. Tai'E were born to fight for Kowloong. 2
138 147 301 HNB1 Alright, of course. 1
139 148 301 HNB1 Okay then! I'm ready. Let's report back to the KCC. 1
140 149 401 2 1501
141 150 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiSHanshuoNew.prefab 3
142 151 301 System DANGER—Intruder alert! DANGER—Intruder alert!
143 152 301 HNB1 !! 1
144 153 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin HNB1 What could that be? 1