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433301DialogEnable1The base is just an hour of snowmobile ride away. It is surrounded by a wall fortified with cannons, with warships docked offshore.1
6543011???...Quite the reinforcements, Babylonia! They're all wounded!1
765301After dismounting the snowmobile and entering the base, you see a disgruntled man accompanied by guards blocking the way.
876301Looks like all of the rescued soldiers were settled here.
111073011AtielThey just need some minor treatment before returning to battle. We're built different!2
12118301As if unable to detect the man's dissatisfaction, Atiel explains in her usual bubbliness.
13129301AtielAnyway, enough about that. I brought the last commandant over. Our forces are all here now.2
151410301???The boss you've been talking about, eh...? Must be the one behind... Ah!1
181712301???Y-you're... Rosetta... Why are you here?!1
191813301The man panics at the sight of Rosetta. He takes a few uncontrollable steps back, but realizing that he is in public, he forces his legs to a halt.
212014301RosettaIt's been a while, Captain.2
222115301Rosetta's expression is unreadable. She merely follows with a light sigh.
232216301RosettaCommandant, this is Captain Staessen of the Arctic Route Union. He was the one who requested reinforcements.2
24231006302Hello, Captain.17Between you and Rosetta...18
2524173000301StaessenAhem... Hello... You must be 【kuroname】.1
2625183000301StaessenNot with Rosetta, the Forest Guard... There's no way I could be as calm and collected as you when facing those sinners.1
2928193011AtielWell, now that we've got the self introductions over. Captain, Could you give a sitrep to our boss?1
3130203011StaessenAlright... I don't know how much Rosetta has told you, but I'll give you the run down from the beginning.1
323121301StaessenThe ARU is on the verge of collapse. We've treated this tide too lightly.1
3534223011RosettaOn the verge of collapse... How could this go belly up so quickly?2
363523301StaessenPah, isn't that obvious? All because the Forest Guards can't hold the line.1
373624301StaessenThe bionics blitzed the shore, then captured our warehouse and energy pipeline. It'll be our death sentence if we continue to go on without supplies.1
4039253011AtielThe worst part is not knowing where the bionics came from. Correct?1
44431015302Where did the bionics come from?27How long has it been going on?28
4544273001301StaessenI don't know... Who knows why the bionics are suddenly appearing in droves?1
46452829301StaessenTwo months...1
47462930301RosettaYou mean you've kept this in the dark for two months... You waited until the last minute to inform Babylonia. Is that right?2
515031301StaessenYou over there, bring me the map!1
525132301Staessen orders another guard to activate the projection terminal. The entire Arctic Route Union and its surrounding terrain manifest as a holographic map.
535233301StaessenSee the circles on the map? Those are the regions taken by the bionics. We need Babylonia's help in recovering them.1
545334301StaessenEnemies are sure to be in greater number there. Likely at least 60 bionic units per region.1
555435301StaessenI'm not trained for combat, so I'm not much use to you out in the field.1
5958363011RosettaSpeaking of... Where are Diana and the others?1
605937301SimonThe Forest Guards are out conducting guerrilla warfare. We decided on this tactical direction during our last meeting.2
616038301Finally recovering from his motion sickness, Simon indicates several of the Forest Guard's patrol routes on the map.
626139301SimonI'm sure Captain Staessen has brought you up to speed now, Boss. Why don't we split up?2
63621020302A squad each?40We're not going together?41
64634042301SimonYeah. The occupied areas are interconnected. Even if we retake part of the pipelines, it would be pointless without all of them recovered.2
65644142301SimonWe won't cover as much ground together. Considering we're not up against the Corrupted, splitting up seems like our best bet.2
666542301RosettaI see... An astute command. You speak just like a commandant.1
676643301SimonUm... Well, I am a commandant, Rosetta.2
686744301The suddenly dependable Simon rouses Rosetta's suspicions. After all, he was doubled over with motion sickness when they first met.
7069453011AtielSimon might not look all that reliable, but his tactical decisions are on-point! Well, it's decided then. We'll take the right. You guys take the left.1
717046301AtielLet's recover the territory ASAP and restore peace to the ARU!1
7473473011RosettaSeems doable, but before that, I need to make preparations for you, Commandant.1
75741024302What preparations?
7776483011AniZhuanchangBegin1RosettaYou need protection.1