
2.0 KiB

5443011Rosetta, who should have been ahead to clear the way, is instead waiting for you and the others on the snowfield.1
655302What's the matter?6
766301RosettaWe're almost there, so I've been waiting here for you.1
877301AniZhuanchangBeginRosetta points her spear off into the distance through the misty snowfield, following her spear tip, you see familiar port facilities at the edge of the snowy forest.
111010301AniZhuanchangEnd1Kyaranta's liaison greets you warmly. However, upon hearing the intention of your visit, he gives you a snide look.
121111301LiaisonOh, the Moses class you say?1
131212301LiaisonGo further north from here. They're located at the abandoned dock over there.1
141313301LiaisonBut... If you expect to just sail 'em out right away, I'm afraid that won't be so easy.1
161515301LiaisonBut let me tell you, Kyaranta has no objections to this. Take them if you want.1
1716163011AniZhuanchangBeginLiaisonI'm sure you must all be tired from your voyage. Why don't you rest here for the night?1