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544301DialogEnable1MekaOkay, everybody, time to go! Today, we are going to—1
766301ChildrenVirtual Center! Virtual Center!...
9883011MekaAlright, alright. Who leaked the information...? It's Virtual Center!1
111010301ChildrenOh yeah!!
1312123011Ayla...Oh, so it's true.1
141313301AylaI don't want to play those boys' games. There should be something else, right?1
181717301AniZhuanchangBegin1MekaHmm... It takes about 10 minutes to drive from the Education Center to the city. Don't fall asleep!1
2322223011AylaSo many people here... Let me find an empty corner first.1
252626301Excited VoiceHuh—? How can you actually like this kind of stuff? I was wrong about you. We don't have the same taste after all!
262727301Arrogant Voice...I never said I had the same taste as you. This is a real masterpiece. Do you even understand art?
272828301Excited VoiceArt? Art is all about being cool! The popularity is what really matters. You're just playing a game, nothing more! Are you out of your mind?
282929301Arrogant VoiceI-I don't want to waste time arguing with you!
3132323011AylaGame? Art? They're not the same thing at all. How upsetting.1
3435353011MekaAyla? Why are you here alone?2
353636301AylaOh, ma'am, there are too many people around. I wanted to take a break.1
363737301MekaYou haven't found anything that interests you, have you?2
373838301MekaMany came here for the virtual games, but there are other hidden gems around.2
383939301MekaA few years ago, when I last came, I watched a virtual theater play.2
394040301AylaTheater play? Do those still exist?1
404141301MekaIt was done in a very interesting way. I remember it was a story about Emperor Nero.2
414242301AylaI know! One of the books you brought me mentioned him. Emperor Nero loved arts!1
424343301MekaWow, you even know that... Virtual reality can be used in a lot more places, not just games.2
434444301MekaSo, what do you think? Do you want to continue exploring these hidden gems?2
444545301AylaI got it! Thanks, ma'am!1
454646301MekaSure. Just don't get lost, okay?2
4849493011AylaHidden gems, huh... I saw virtual aircraft piloting, virtual science experiments... But none of them is what I wanted.1
515252301Sarcastic Voice...Hey, what's wrong with that one? There's no one there at all.
525353301Complaining VoiceI just took a glance. It was a super boring and old-fashioned story-telling machine. Who's gonna listen to those stories nowadays?
535454301Complaining VoiceWe should go. I want to find those exciting virtual weapons!
5556563011Ayla...Wait, a story-telling machine?1
5960603011AylaIs this the one...? Tempest: Prince & Maiden...?1
606161301AylaIs this Selena the author? Looks quite interesting. Anyway, let me try it first!1
626363301... (Electronic sounds)
646565301Gentle Female Voice—Welcome, to this fantastic and beautiful world, but at the same time, twisted and filthy—
656666301Gentle Female VoiceThe story took place in a brilliant era.
666767301Gentle Female VoiceThere was a peaceful and prosperous kingdom. Like in a fairy tale, people lived in harmony with ample resources.
676868301Gentle Female VoiceThe king promised his people that all persons living on the land were equal, and had the right to pursue a good life.
686969301Gentle Female VoiceDeeply believing in his promises, the people cheered for their king all the time.
697070301Gentle Female VoiceBut they seemed to forget that the wise king had an inglorious past.
707171301AniZhuanchangBeginGentle Female VoiceIt all started two years ago, on a lonely island—
727373301AniZhuanchangEndFerdinandAh, what a desolate place this is? I, the proudest son of the King of Naples, find myself upon this foreign field!
737474301FerdinandThat damned and sudden tempest, frightening to behold, overturned a mighty galleon thirty decks in height!
747575301FerdinandIt uprooted the stout mast and shredded a hundred sturdy sails. I don't even know if my brilliant father, the blessed King of Naples, is still alive!
757676301FerdinandWhat sin has been committed for beloved father and son to be so cruelly torn apart?
767777301Servant 1Your Majesty, I am sure your father will be safe.
777878301Servant 2Majesty, I fear the King has been shipwrecked on another island just as we have.
787979301FerdinandThen what are we waiting for? Naples cannot last one day without its King, nor can I last one day without my beloved father!
798080301FerdinandPass me my sword! No treacherous wood nor wild beast can stand in my way!
8081813011AniZhuanchangBeginServantsYes, Your Majesty. We will lay down our lives for you!