
966 lines
91 KiB

Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory539.jpg
2 2 401 1 208
3 3 301 DialogEnable Holding on to a dandelion, you and Liv made it across the bubbling swamp...
4 4 502 RImgBg1DisableSlow
5 5 101 RImgBg2Enable Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory555.jpg
6 6 301 Making it through the grass maze was almost too easy with Liv's scanning radar...
7 7 502 RImgBg1DisableSlow
8 8 101 RImgBg2Enable Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory557.jpg
9 9 301 Crossing the rushing river was a breeze, too, with a river crab carrying you on its back...
10 10 502 RImgBg1DisableSlow
11 11 101 RImgBg2Enable Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory539.jpg
12 12 301 You and Liv came the entire way without breaking so much as a sweat...
13 13 302 These are true eye-openers, Liv... 14
14 14 301 The views around you seem to grow wilder still...
15 15 301 The further into the forest you and Liv travel.
16 16 201 1 500524 6
17 17 301 1 Liv P-please just stop... 1 100000516
18 18 301 With the views unfurling around both of you, Liv appears more embarrassed than nostalgic.
19 19 301 She covers her now blushing face—yet her equally red ears give her away.
20 20 202 1 1
21 21 301 When you and Liv reach an empty ground in the forest, you see a line of sheep lying on their side.
22 22 301 So furry that their bodies take the shape of a ball, they are, to your surprise, amazingly agile.
23 23 301 Right in the middle of the sheep is a saddle—and right when one of the sheep hops over the saddle...
24 24 401 680 2 100000680
25 25 402 100000680
26 26 301 Sheep Baa!
27 27 301 Then comes the next sheep...
28 28 401 2000 2 100000680
29 29 402 100000680
30 30 301 Sheep Baa! Baa!
31 31 301 Then comes a third one...
32 32 401 2 100000680
33 33 301 Sheep Baa! Baa! Baa!
34 34 301 Eventually, all the baas turn into a light, rhythmic lullaby.
35 35 302 I see you counted sheep in bed as a kid, huh? 36
36 36 201 1 500524 10
37 37 301 1 Liv Y-yes, I did... 1 100000517
38 38 301 Liv slowly regains her composure as she looks nostalgically at the sheep.
39 39 204 1 2
40 40 301 Liv I'd count them one at a time when I couldn't fall asleep. 1 100000518
41 41 301 Liv says with a smile as she recalls her childhood.
42 42 204 1 8
43 43 301 Liv And sometimes I'd end up having even more trouble sleeping because I was so focused on counting them. 1 100000519
44 44 204 1 2
45 45 301 Liv Have you ever experienced it? 1 100000520
46 46 302 Never. 47 Yes. 49
47 47 301 As a kid, you never had to do anything to have a good night's sleep because you always slept quite well.
48 48 51 301 But as an adult, you now spend more time trying to not fall asleep than coming up with ways to help yourself sleep.
49 49 301 You actually did have to count to help yourself fall asleep as a kid, what with all the pent-up energy in you.
50 50 301 But as an adult, you now spend more time trying to not fall asleep than coming up with ways to help yourself sleep.
51 51 302 Why sheep, though? 52
52 52 301 Everyone counts goats, no?
53 53 204 1 5
54 54 301 Liv Because sheep are cute. 1 100000521
55 55 204 200 1 8
56 56 204 1 6
57 57 301 Liv I... actually am a big fan of sheep, and we even had sheep back home when I was a kid. 1 100000522
58 58 301 You turn your gaze at the line of sheep—which stretches as far out as it possibly can along the horizon all the way from the west to the east.
59 59 302 (A real big fan... with a burning passion, too.) 60
60 60 301 You decide to keep these words to yourself so Liv wouldn't overheat from blushing.
61 61 202 1 1
62 62 301 You try to herd the sheep somewhere else—yet judging from the fact that none of them even bats an eye, you know your efforts are proving futile.
63 63 301 Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like you can move forward until you've figured out a different path.
64 64 302 And just look at this... 65
65 65 301 Looking up, you see that the skies have gone from their previous white and blue to their current tangerine—a telltale sign that nightfall is fast approaching.
66 66 201 1 500524 2
67 67 301 1 Liv Should we find a place to rest for the day, Commandant? 1 100000523
68 68 301 While everything happening so far has taken place within the projection of a M.I.N.D. shard, you feel every bit as worn out as though you've been going through the day in the real world.
69 69 301 DialogDisable There is, in fact, another reason to your making this decision.
70 70 302 Well, it's not just because the sun is setting, though. See... 71
71 71 302 AniZhuanchangBegin I'm sure you heard a lot of spooky stories as a kid, right? 72
72 72 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
73 73 401 1 36
74 74 202 3000 1 1
75 75 401 1 51
76 76 201 1 500525
77 77 502 DialogEnable
78 78 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 It listens, it chases, and it preys...
79 79 301 It's the most feared predator in the dark forest, ready to prey on all souls alive.
80 80 301 Listen—as its drool burns through the ground, having fallen from a mouth so big that it takes up over half of the monster's body.
81 81 301 Look—it will never let you go once it has its murderous eyes upon you.
82 82 301 So run. Run as far as you can...
83 83 301 Until you've reached a place that can shelter you...
84 84 401 1 208
85 85 202 1 1
86 86 201 1 500177
87 87 301 1 ??? I'm going to eat every last kid that refuses to sleep. Owooooo...! 1 100000675
88 88 302 (I thought it'd be something scarier.) 89 (Holy, that's creepy with a capital C!) 89
89 89 301 To your surprise, however, the "predator" isn't some terrifying monster—rather, it's an adorable plushie.
90 90 301 ??? I'm not scary at all, but I still eat kids who refuse to go to sleep. Owoooo...! 1 100000676
91 91 202 1
92 92 301 Seeing the shark plushie leaving, you and Liv poke your heads out of the bushes.
93 93 302 Was that something that scared you when you were a kid? 94
94 94 201 1 500524 5
95 95 301 1 Liv Wait, did that happen to you, too? 1 100000524
96 96 302 Well, sort of. 97 I've heard stories like that. 97
97 97 204 1
98 98 301 Monsters that claim to eat you up if you don't go to sleep on time, huh...
99 99 301 Seems like it's an all-time classic.
100 100 301 The only difference is that a scary monster is what you usually get in these stories rather than an adorable plushie.
101 101 301 You approached it because it seemed harmless enough—except it put on a hostile front the moment it sensed your presence.
102 102 302 It wasn't scary at all, though. 103
103 103 301 Liv Are you talking about the plushie just now? 1 100000525
104 104 301 Nodding your head, you start telling Liv about all the tricks the grown-ups used to fool you around with from when you were a kid.
105 105 302 (Green octopus with a menacing face) 106 (Ball of fire that burns on and on) 106 (Muddy monster with eyes all over it) 106
106 106 301 Liv Did you ever feel scared? 1 100000526
107 107 302 I'd hide away under a blanket. 108 I always felt okay when I turned on the light. 108 They ain't got nothing on me. 108
108 108 202 1 1
109 109 401 1 36
110 110 301 Right then, you hear a voice coming from behind you—a voice that you know.
111 111 301 ??? There you are! Kids who refuse to go to sleep! 100000677
112 112 302 Run! 113
113 113 401 1 203
114 114 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLineSpreadNew.prefab 1
115 115 301 There is no point in turning around—because you know exactly where it is from its footsteps and shouts.
116 116 201 1 500524 3
117 117 301 1 Liv I think we should split up, Commandant... 1 100000527
118 118 301 Running away from the shark plushie, Liv once again makes the same suggestion.
119 119 302 No. 120
120 120 301 And once again, you turn down her suggestion.
121 121 204 1 19
122 122 301 Liv But I'm only dragging you down the way I am now. 1 100000528
123 123 301 And you know exactly what Liv is talking about—her wings, with the fluorescence, make it almost too easy for the plushie to spot them in the dark.
124 124 302 We can't just keep running, though... 125
125 125 301 Right then, something lands on your shoulder with a squeak.
126 126 302 The chipmunk from before? 127
127 127 301 About to flick it off, you stop just in time. With the fluorescence coming off Liv's wings, you take a good look at the chipmunk.
128 128 301 And that's when you see yet another chipmunk on Liv's shoulder.
129 129 204 1 7
130 130 301 Liv Hurry up and hide yourselves... Where are you trying to take us? 1 100000529
131 131 301 One of the chipmunks points its claw in a certain direction.
132 132 202 1
133 133 502 RImgBg1BlowUp
134 134 401 2 1513
135 135 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 800 Nodding at each other, you and Liv run in the direction the chipmunk just pointed.
136 136 401 1 36
137 137 101 1000 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory300.png
138 138 505 RImgBg1BlowUp
139 139 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLineSpreadNew.prefab
140 140 401 2 2623
141 141 301 AniZhuanchangEnd ??? Gone... They're gone... Owoooo...! 100000678
142 142 301 Passing you by, the cry of the shark plushie disappears into the distance.
143 143 401 1 208
144 144 302 This place seems safe. 145
145 145 201 1 500524
146 146 301 1 When you open the "door" of the shelter, Liv pokes her head out from the other side. You are now hiding with Liv inside two gigantic pea pods.
147 147 301 Liv How did the chipmunks find us, though? 1 100000530
148 148 302 I... think they probably found us with the fluorescence coming off your wings. 149
149 149 301 You point at the chipmunks, which are now chasing fireflies.
150 150 301 The fluorescence might be what's catching all the monsters' eyes in the dark, but it also stands as an inviting beacon to friends.
151 151 301 Liv What would you have done, though, if they had never shown up? 1 100000531
152 152 302 I would have come up with something before we tired ourselves out. 153 I've got plan B. 153 I would have fought back. 153
153 153 204 1 9
154 154 301 Liv ... 1 100000532
155 155 301 Without saying anything, Liv changes the subject somewhat awkwardly.
156 156 301 Liv This place seems perfect for rest. 1 100000533
157 157 302 Yup. You should get some rest, too, Liv. 158
158 158 204 1
159 159 301 Liv Oh, I think I'll just... 1 100000534
160 160 302 Correct me if I'm wrong, but... 161
161 161 302 You're supposed to rest on time as part of the rehabilitation process for your M.I.N.D., right? 162
162 162 301 You cut Liv off before she finishes speaking.
163 163 301 Liv I can't just rest whenever I want to inside my M.I.N.D... 1 100000535
164 164 301 The opening on the pea pod that Liv is in faces that of yours. Lying down, she meets you in the eye.
165 165 204 1 2
166 166 301 Liv But I'll still try to get some sleep, Commandant. 1 100000536
167 167 301 The moonlight is cold and anything but bright, but it shows you perfectly in Liv's eyes.
168 168 302 ... 169
169 169 302 (Refuse to look away) 170 (Close eyes) 195
170 170 301 You don't want to look away—because you know that the moment you do, you lose this "game."
171 171 301 Besides, you and Liv are already used to being around each other, having been through all that you've been through together over the years.
172 172 301 Liv Having a hard time falling asleep, Commandant? 1 100000537
173 173 302 Never had an easy time falling asleep away from home. 174
174 174 301 Liv But you fell asleep in the crater in that mission we went on together. 1 100000538
175 175 302 Oh, I remember that mission... 176
176 176 202 1 1
177 177 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
178 178 504 0.7
179 179 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory60.jpg
180 180 301 You actually don't usually get to sleep in your own bed because of all sorts of accidents.
181 181 301 Ruins that can only block off the wind, tight craters, and abandoned cars—these are the kind of places you usually find yourself sleeping at.
182 182 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
183 183 504 0
184 184 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory300.png
185 185 201 1 500524 1
186 186 301 DialogDisable 1 The pea pod you're in proves to be a lot more comfortable, except...
187 187 302 It's got nothing to do with this place. 188
188 188 302 And you? Still trying to get used to this place? 189
189 189 301 DialogEnable Liv I haven't recalled a thing, but I find this place familiar and am very used to it. 1 100000539
190 190 302 That's fine. I'm sure you'll remember everything... 191
191 191 302 When we find the M.I.N.D. shard. 192
192 192 204 1 2
193 193 301 Liv Yup... So, what was your childhood like, Commandant? 1 100000540
194 194 210 301 Following the course of the subject, Liv asks you curiously.
195 195 301 DialogDisable Her eyes are as gentle as they've always been—yet at this very moment, you can feel a certain feeling bubbling up from deep within you.
196 196 302 Ahem, look, Liv... 197
197 197 302 You need to close your eyes before you can fall asleep. 198
198 198 204 100 1
199 199 204 1 8
200 200 301 DialogEnable Liv Alright, then. 1 100000541
201 201 301 Apparently picking up on your uneasiness, Liv closes her eyes like a good kid. With her stare gone, all that's left around you is the quiet air.
202 202 301 Then, a few moments later, Liv asks you quietly.
203 203 204 100 1 8
204 204 204 1
205 205 301 Liv Having a hard time falling asleep, Commandant? 1 100000542
206 206 302 I have never for the life of me dreamed of sleeping in the forest of a fairytale. 207
207 207 204 1 2
208 208 301 Liv The forest of a fairytale, huh... So, what was your childhood like, Commandant? 1 100000543
209 209 301 Liv's curious voice lingers by your ears.
210 210 302 (Tell her everything about your childhood) 211 (Tell her about part of your child) 212 (Make something up) 213
211 211 214 301 You don't remember ever telling anyone about your childhood since you rarely ever even talk about your life before coming to Gray Raven. You decide to take advantage of this chance to have a good chat with Liv.
212 212 214 301 You can't be 100% sure whether all the things you believe are part of your childhood are really part of your childhood, so you decide to go with what you're more certain of.
213 213 301 You wouldn't really classify yourself as a well-behaved child... Wanting to maintain your image, you decide to make something up.
214 214 301 Liv listens quietly for the most part, but she would still raise questions every now and then—which, to your surprise, actually helps you recall a big chunk of your long-forgotten memory.
215 215 301 And with it, the conversation went from a monologue to a dialogue, with no end in sight.
216 216 401 1 36
217 217 301 Your surroundings fall quieter still as time passes. The cries of the insects—loud and clear until just moments ago—have all died down, too. The two of you grow sleepy as you carry on chitchatting in the dark.
218 218 301 Time goes by a mile a second as you laugh and chat away—and you know you both are feeling the right amount of sleepiness to sleep now.
219 219 204 100 1 2
220 220 204 1 8
221 221 301 Liv I'd love to learn more about you, Commandant... but I guess it's time for bed. 1 100000544
222 222 301 Liv's voice grows distant as you grow drowsy.
223 223 302 Tell me about yourself next time, Liv. 224
224 224 301 The words coming out of your mouth are garbled up.
225 225 204 100 1 8
226 226 204 1 10
227 227 301 Liv Me...? I barely remember anything, though, and the things I do still remember... probably aren't too interesting at all. 1 100000545
228 228 302 Well, everything we've seen so far in here... 229
229 229 301 You need no further proof—because the place you're about to fall asleep at is none other than Liv's childhood itself.
230 230 302 Seems to say otherwise... 231
231 231 202 1
232 232 205 999 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 0 1 5
233 233 301 "I'll make sure to find it for you. Tell me more about yourself when I've found it."
234 234 301 AniZhuanchangBegin You don't remember if you actually said these words before falling asleep.
235 235 402 2623
236 236 205 999 1 1 0
237 237 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory539.jpg
238 238 401 1 210
239 239 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStory/FxUiStoryMovieFilm.prefab 2
240 240 301 AniZhuanchangEnd What happened during the day seems to be spicing up your dream.
241 241 502 RImgBg1DisableSlow
242 242 101 RImgBg2Enable Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
243 243 301 Following a group of migrating sheep, you arrive at a spire—that for which you set out on the journey in the first place.
244 244 301 Looking up and seeing the tip of the spire thoroughly drenched in scarlet, you feel drawn to it.
245 245 301 You take a step forward and over the mud on the grass.
246 246 401 1 160
247 247 401 2 613
248 248 501 200 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 2
249 249 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab
250 250 402 613
251 251 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStory/FxUiStoryHongBg.prefab 2
252 252 301 Then, with a sharp pain across your forehead, the world as you see it turns blood-red.
253 253 201 1 500013 -800 1 1
254 254 201 2 500013 -400 -200 1 1
255 255 201 4 500013 800 1
256 256 201 5 500013 400 -200 1
257 257 401 2 1508
258 258 201 3 500386 1
259 259 205 3 0 1 3
260 260 205 3000 999 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory523.jpg 0 1 3
261 261 401 2 613
262 262 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStory/FxUiStoryHongBg.prefab
263 263 501 200 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 2
264 264 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab
265 265 402 613
266 266 301 1 The wool on the sheep tears away to reveal the Corrupted underneath, while the spire collapses into a crimson figure. 1 2 3 4 5
267 267 301 1 This is your memory from the last rescue mission. 1 2 3 4 5
268 268 104 0|0|-100 2
269 269 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLineSpreadNew.prefab 2
270 270 203 3 0.25 -200
271 271 401 2 10113601
272 272 202 250 3
273 273 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
274 274 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLineSpreadNew.prefab
275 275 502 RImgBg1Shake
276 276 301 1 You tried to make your way up through the sea of the Corrupted, but the crimson figure slashed right through you. 1 2 4 5
277 277 202 1 2 4 5 1
278 278 401 2 613
279 279 104 0|-200|-300 0
280 280 501 200 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 2
281 281 205 999 1 1 0
282 282 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cgqz2804.jpg
283 283 104 0|0|-300 10
284 284 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab
285 285 402 613
286 286 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStory/FxUiHuaping.prefab 2
287 287 301 Before chaos tore you apart, the only thing you saw in the world that blurred away was a little white bird.
288 288 401 2 613
289 289 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStory/FxUiHuaping.prefab
290 290 501 200 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 2
291 291 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab
292 292 402 613
293 293 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
294 294 301 Reliving the memory, you notice something different.
295 295 301 You feel like you're missing something—something that lies just right beyond where your eyes and the light can reach...
296 296 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
297 297 104 0|0|0 0
298 298 205 999 1 1 0
299 299 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory523.jpg
300 300 301 When did the blood-soaked longsword leave your body?
301 301 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
302 302 201 1000 3 500386
303 303 202 3
304 304 301 Where did the crimson figure go?
305 305 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
306 306 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cgqz2803.jpg
307 307 301 Is there something behind you, behind the white bird?
308 308 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
309 309 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
310 310 301 Turning around, there is nothing but pitch darkness...
311 311 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
312 312 201 1 500547 -10 30 1
313 313 205 1 0.8 0.8 0
314 314 301 1 ... 1
315 315 202 1 1
316 316 502 DialogDisable
317 317 202 1 1
318 318 501 AniZhuanchangBegin 2000 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxTongyong/FxUiGuanbixiaoshi.prefab 2 1
319 319 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStory/FxUiStoryMovieFilm.prefab
320 320 401 1 36
321 321 502 DialogEnable
322 322 301 AniZhuanchangEnd All the years of waking up naturally with your biological clock have made an alarm clock a dispensable item to you.
323 323 401 2 1543
324 324 301 As you sit up and rub your temple, the blanket takes the course of gravity and falls off.
325 325 301 Wait, a blanket?
326 326 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory514.jpg
327 327 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryZhengyanNew.prefab 3
328 328 301 AniZhuanchangEnd When you open up your eyes, it hits you that, instead of a pea pod, you're now in a cozy room.
329 329 401 1 50
330 330 302 Liv? 331
331 331 301 The room is minimally decorated, and Liv is nowhere to be seen.
332 332 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLineFocusNew.prefab 2
333 333 104 0|0|-100 0.8
334 334 205 999 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory384.png 0 1 1
335 335 401 800 2 754
336 336 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLineFocusNew.prefab
337 337 301 Taking not even a single moment to survey the room or think about how you got here in the first place, you open the door and start looking for Liv...
338 338 201 1 500543
339 339 301 1 ??? Hey... Good morning. Did you have some quality rest? 1 100000681
340 340 301 A woman you've never seen before stands in the hallway with a wooden tray. Initially caught by surprise, she quickly regains her gentle smile.
341 341 301 Your hunch is that she doesn't intend to hurt you—and hunches are often the most reliable in M.I.N.D.
342 342 302 Hi. What's your name? 343
343 343 301 ??? Call me Cinderella. 1 100000682
344 344 302 I was with a friend just now... 345
345 345 302 Does she happen to be here, too? 346
346 346 301 Cinderella The young lady, right? She's in the room right across. 1 100000683
347 347 401 2 2626
348 348 301 Cinderella knocks on the door but receives no response.
349 349 302 Liv, are you in there? 350
350 350 401 2 2626
351 351 301 Cinderella knocks on the door harder still but still gets no response.
352 352 301 DialogDisable Cinderella Is she the type that struggles to wake up? 1 100000684
353 353 302 (Shake head) 354
354 354 202 1 1
355 355 401 2 754
356 356 205 999 0 0 0
357 357 101 800 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory384.png
358 358 205 999 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory514.jpg 0 1 1
359 359 301 DialogEnable Seeing you shake your head, Cinderella hesitates for a moment before she opens the door.
360 360 301 The set-up of the room is basically the same as the one you woke up in. Liv lies in the bed with her back facing you, apparently still asleep.
361 361 301 Liv Uhm... 127091
362 362 301 You can't see her face, but you can just tell from the groan that she's in pain.
363 363 302 Liv! 364
364 364 301 You're no stranger to what's happening—this is a symptom of Liv's migraine. Out of habit, you want to take out your connecting cable for Deep M.I.N.D. connection, but it hits you that you already are in Liv's M.I.N.D.
365 365 301 Setting her tray on the table, Cinderella dashes up to Liv's bed.
366 366 301 She holds Liv's face with her hands as she presses her head against Liv's, all the while mumbling something unintelligible.
367 367 401 1 36
368 368 401 1000 2 2632
369 369 402 2632
370 370 301 And with it, as a faint fluorescence envelopes them, Liv's face softens.
371 371 301 A few moments later, Cinderella puts Liv's head back on the pillow ever so gently.
372 372 401 1 208
373 373 201 1 500543 14 -80
374 374 301 1 Cinderella She's fine now. 1 100000685
375 375 203 1 0.25
376 376 301 Cinderella stands up, looking slightly out of it.
377 377 302 Are you okay? 378
378 378 204 1
379 379 301 Cinderella I'm fine. I was just a bit out of it. 1 100000686
380 380 301 Cinderella quickly regains her composure. Then, you see Liv slowly sit up.
381 381 202 1 1
382 382 201 1 500524 3 -400
383 383 201 2 500543 400
384 384 301 1 Liv Commandant... Who's this? 1 100000546
385 385 204 1 14
386 386 301 Cinderella Feel free to call me Cinderella, Liv. 2 100000687
387 387 301 Cinderella is now looking at you and Liv with her gentle eyes—eyes that now seem even more loving than they did before.
388 388 301 You quickly fill Liv in on what happened just now.
389 389 204 1 10
390 390 301 Liv Thank you so much, Ms. Cinderella. 1 100000547
391 391 204 2 2
392 392 301 Cinderella Don't mention it, and feel free to just call me Cinderella. 2 100000688
393 393 204 100 1 8
394 394 204 1 5
395 395 301 Liv O-of course. 1 100000548
396 396 202 1 2 1
397 397 201 1 500543 2
398 398 301 1 With a gentle, accepting smile, Cinderella turns this way.
399 399 301 Cinderella You're both now safe, and I bet you must be hungry. How about a bowl of bean soup? 1 100000689
400 400 301 Pointing at the tray sitting on the table, she seems to be waiting for a favorable response.
401 401 301 The steaming creamy green soup has diced onions, carrots, and round peas floating on its surface.
402 402 301 The fresh veggies and the aroma of butter make for a temptation impossible to resist.
403 403 302 Yes, of course! 404 No, I'm actually not... 409
404 404 301 Given that she just helped stabilize Liv, you don't think there is anything to worry about the food she's prepared.
405 405 301 And from her eyes, you're sensing a very special quality...
406 406 301 That you'd probably describe as "motherliness."
407 407 418 301 Which is why you don't think it's a good idea to turn her down.
408 408 204 1
409 409 301 Cinderella Right, you probably still have trouble eating on your own, right? 1 100000690
410 410 204 1 2
411 411 301 Cinderella Let me feed you, then. 1 100000691
412 412 203 1 0.25 -80
413 413 301 And with it, she approaches you with the bowl and spoon. She's still gentle and all, but it doesn't seem like she's going to take no for an answer.
414 414 301 To sum up what's going on, she just wants you fed because she thinks you need to be.
415 415 302 ...I think I can do it myself. 416
416 416 201 1 500524 10
417 417 301 1 Liv S-same here... 1 100000549
418 418 202 1 1
419 419 301 Each with a wooden spoon, you and Liv scoop up the soup and move it up to your mouths. With its aroma filling the air now, you can now smell the diced onions and black pepper in it.
420 420 301 Shoving the spoon into your mouth, you're instantly hit with a creamy explosion that takes place across your taste buds.
421 421 301 The freshness of the veggies is the first to hit, followed by the rich and fresh taste of butter that helps the onions stand out.
422 422 301 The hot soup makes its way down your food pipe with the black pepper in it, warming up your body through and through.
423 423 301 Much to your surprise, the soup comes with a minty taste, too.
424 424 201 1 500543 2
425 425 301 1 Cinderella Pretty good, right? 1 100000692
426 426 301 Propping her face with both her hands, Cinderella looks awash in happiness.
427 427 202 1 1
428 428 301 When you've finished the soup, it finally hits you that you're starving from consuming nothing at all for the entire day. Having been warmed up, your tummy is now protesting for more.
429 429 302 I... think I can actually use more of... 430
430 430 201 1 500524 8
431 431 301 1 Liv Whew... 1 100000550
432 432 301 The satisfied sigh coming from beside you cuts you short.
433 433 302 ... 434
434 434 204 1 6
435 435 301 Liv ... 1 100000551
436 436 301 You look away. It seems as though Liv has the same thought as you.
437 437 302 May I have some more? 438 Could you give us each one more serving? 444
438 438 201 1 500543 2
439 439 301 1 Cinderella Of course. You can have as many as you please. 1 100000693
440 440 301 Cinderella refill both your bowls with the bean soup.
441 441 301 Cinderella I know you didn't ask for it, but you were about to, right? 1 100000694
442 442 201 1 500524 6
443 443 447 301 1 Liv T-thank you. 1 100000552
444 444 201 1 500543 2
445 445 301 1 Cinderella Of course. You can have as many as you please. 1 100000695
446 446 301 Cinderella refill both your bowls with the bean soup.
447 447 201 1 500543 2
448 448 301 1 Cinderella Glad to see you both enjoy the soup! 1 100000696
449 449 301 Cinderella I picked these veggies early in the morning, and that's when I found both of you. 1 100000697
450 450 301 Cinderella Oh, yeah! 1 100000698
451 451 301 Cinderella And the soup has the pea pods you stayed in yesterday. How do you like them? 1 100000699
452 452 201 1 500524 5
453 453 301 1 You stop dead in your tracks.
454 454 201 1 500543
455 455 301 1 Cinderella Pff. 1 100000700
456 456 301 Seeing both you and Liv freeze, Cinderella covers her mouth, trembling from laughing as her laughter comes out through her fingers.
457 457 301 Cinderella My bad. You're both so cute and I just couldn't help but wanted to see you shocked. 1 100000701
458 458 301 Cinderella Don't worry about the pea pods, though. They're safe and sound in my backyard. 1 100000702
459 459 301 Cinderella Do you see the peas in the soup? They seem about the right size, right? 1 100000703
460 460 301 Rubbing the tears away from the corner of her eyes, Cinderella regains her composure.
461 461 301 Cinderella Apologies. It's been such a long time since I last met anyone. 1 100000704
462 462 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 2000 Cinderella Welcome to Wonderland. 1 100000705
463 463 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 When you finish the fourth bowl, Cinderella, seemingly overly excited, once again stirs the apparently bottomless soup pot with her ladle.
464 464 301 Cinderella Want some more? 1 100000706
465 465 302 I think I'm fine. 466
466 466 301 Cinderella Uhm... Are you sure? 1 100000707
467 467 302 Yes, absolutely positive. 468
468 468 301 Feeling fuller than ever, you say to her in your most appreciative tone.
469 469 301 Cinderella And you, Liv... 1 100000708
470 470 201 1 500524 9
471 471 301 1 Liv No... Thank you so much, but I think I'm okay, too. 1 100000553
472 472 301 Having gone through just as many bowls as you, Liv waves her hand in a panic as she expresses her appreciation apologetically.
473 473 201 1 500543
474 474 401 2 1546
475 475 301 1 Nodding with a somewhat disappointed face, she hits the pot with her ladle—and with it, the soup inside goes poof.
476 476 301 Cinderella I'm going to start cleaning up, then. 1 100000709
477 477 302 Please let us. 478
478 478 302 (This makes for a good chance to speak privately with Liv.) 479
479 479 301 Cinderella But you are my guests. I can't just... 1 100000710
480 480 201 1 500524
481 481 301 1 But Liv has already put the tableware away and is picking the tray up.
482 482 301 Liv No, we insist. This is the least we can do. 1 100000554
483 483 201 1 500543 2
484 484 301 1 Relenting with a smile on her face, Cinderella says adoringly.
485 485 301 Cinderella Alright, then. Let me get you guys some tea and snacks. There is a river in the back for you to do the dishes. 1 100000711
486 486 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Cinderella Watch out, though. 1 100000712
487 487 205 999 1 1 0
488 488 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory557.jpg
489 489 202 1 1
490 490 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryBlinkNew.prefab 3
491 491 301 AniZhuanchangEnd As you watch carefully your own steps to avoid another nasty fall...
492 492 302 So, what do you think, Liv? 493
493 493 201 1 500524
494 494 301 1 Liv Uhm... I have the same take as you, Commandant. She's unique, but I don't think she's the M.I.N.D. shard we're looking for. 1 100000555
495 495 302 But she seems to know a lot of things. 496
496 496 301 Liv And she's such a friendly soul. I think we just might be able to learn about this place from her. 1 100000556
497 497 302 Let's talk to her in a bit. 498
498 498 204 1 10
499 499 301 Liv Oh... by the way, are you over here, Commandant? 1 100000557
500 500 302 Wait, I thought you were here. 501
501 501 301 Liv ... 1 100000558
502 502 204 100 1 8
503 503 204 1 9
504 504 301 Liv Guess we'll just have to wait for the bubbles to go away, then. 1 100000559
505 505 302 I know... and I've lost count of how many times we missed each other. 506
506 506 202 1 1
507 507 301 Looking at all the colorful bubbles, you feel completely lost in the kaleidoscopic views around you.
508 508 301 Out in the back, you see a shallow stream that seems knee-high at best.
509 509 301 The stream seems harmless enough.
510 510 301 But you're never going to forget what happens when you put the tableware into it...
511 511 302 Boy, was it a real sight... 512
512 512 301 Instead of splashes of water, the river spits up bubbles—in an amount that shrouds you completely.
513 513 301 You can't see anything and, feeling the ground slippery, you try taking a step forward...
514 514 302 Oh cr... 515
515 515 401 2 2533
516 516 301 RImgBg1Shake You fall into the water with a thud, sending bubbles flying up in each and every way.
517 517 401 2 2533
518 518 301 Liv wastes no time jumping in and starts looking for you, but neither of you can tell where the other person is with all the bubbles around.
519 519 301 There are several times when you sense Liv right around you—only to realize that it's all wishful thinking when you reach your hand out.
520 520 301 Liv Commandant? Are you still there? 100000560
521 521 302 Yes. Let's just stay where we are for now. 522
522 522 301 You say as you look at all the bubbles that are now slowly disappearing.
523 523 301 Then, you hear a sigh.
524 524 301 Liv Let's just keep talking. It makes me a little nervous if we don't... 100000561
525 525 302 Sure. What do you want to talk about? 526
526 526 301 Liv Well... I'm curious about why you decided to go to F.O.S. 100000562
527 527 301 Liv It's a common choice among people from Babylonia, but it's never the only choice. 100000563
528 528 302 I did it to pursue a dream. 529 I did it for Earth. 533 I didn't give it too much thought. 536
529 529 301 Liv A dream, huh... That's exactly what I had in mind when I asked to be relocated... 100000564
530 530 302 What did you just say? 531
531 531 301 You can barely hear Liv over all the bubbles.
532 532 538 301 Liv O-oh, it's nothing! 100000565
533 533 301 Liv That sounds like something President Hassen would say. 100000566
534 534 302 C'mon, do I really sound that lame?! 535
535 535 538 301 Liv It's a very brave choice, though. 100000567
536 536 301 Liv Oh, is that so? 100000568
537 537 301 Liv sounds surprised.
538 538 302 DialogDisable But I'm never going to give up... 539
539 539 302 Because I have a dream, and I'm going to make it come true. 540
540 540 301 DialogEnable Liv A dream, eh... 100000569
541 541 302 Yup, although my instructor would always just tell me to stop daydreaming... 542
542 542 301 Embarrassed, you scratch your head.
543 543 301 Liv But that's something you've always been holding on to, right? 100000570
544 544 302 That's only because I haven't made it come true, though. 545
545 545 301 Liv ... 100000571
546 546 301 Liv Wait, what exactly... 100000572
547 547 401 1 36
548 548 401 1000 2 2608
549 549 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryBlinkNew.prefab
550 550 402 2608
551 551 201 1 500524 5
552 552 301 1 A few moments of silence later, Liv's voice grows hurried—and right then, a gust of wind disperses all the bubbles.
553 553 201 1 500543
554 554 301 1 Cinderella My bad. I actually meant to ask you to keep an eye out for these bubbles when I said "watch out" back there. 1 100000713
555 555 302 ...
556 556 201 1 500524 6
557 557 301 1 Liv ... 1 100000573
558 558 201 1 500543
559 559 301 1 Cinderella Oops, am I being intrusive? 1 100000714
560 560 301 Cinderella asks as she looks at Liv and you.
561 561 301 DialogDisable Cinderella Right, why don't I... bring the bubbles back for you guys, then? 1 100000715
562 562 302 Ahem... I think we're fine. 563
563 563 302 AniZhuanchangBegin We just so happen to have some questions for you, actually. 564
564 564 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory514.jpg
565 565 401 1 208
566 566 502 DialogEnable
567 567 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Cinderella Here, I've got some tea for you... So, how can I help? 1 100000716
568 568 301 With your clothes dry, you're back in the room from earlier.
569 569 302 Right. 570
570 570 301 Whatever the cost, you need to make it through all that stands in your way now.
571 571 302 We want to go to the spire in the middle of the forest. 572
572 572 301 Cinderella The spire in the middle of the forest, you said? 1 100000717
573 573 301 Cinderella sounds shocked.
574 574 301 Looking back and forth between you and Liv, Cinderella finally returns her gaze to you with wide eyes and an open mouth.
575 575 201 1 500524
576 576 301 1 Liv What's the matter? 1 100000574
577 577 201 1 500543
578 578 301 1 Cinderella Oh, well, I was just trying to have something worked out in my head... 1 100000718
579 579 301 Cinderella See, I thought you came from the spire—but I see that's where you're going now. 1 100000719
580 580 301 Cinderella You're from outside the forest, aren't you? 1 100000720
581 581 302 What makes you think so? 582
582 582 301 Cinderella Because the spire is off-limits to everything living in the forest. 1 100000721
583 583 301 Cinderella Some animals wander off into the spire every now and then, and that would be the last anyone sees of them. 1 100000722
584 584 301 Cinderella Which is why everyone and everything living here knows better than to get close to the spire. 1 100000723
585 585 202 1 1
586 586 201 1 500524 -400
587 587 201 2 500543 400
588 588 301 1 Liv Yes—we're indeed from outside the forest, as you said. 1 100000575
589 589 301 Cinderella What's the world like outside the forest, though? 2 100000724
590 590 301 Cinderella is dripping with curiosity.
591 591 204 100 1
592 592 204 1 3
593 593 301 Liv Well... 1 100000576
594 594 204 1 14
595 595 301 Liv seems to be measuring her words—there really is no easy way to tell Cinderella that they came from the real world, and that she herself is but a projection inside Liv's M.I.N.D. shard.
596 596 301 And there is no telling what's going to happen if Liv tells her all that.
597 597 301 Cinderella Uhm... Must be a heck of a world for you to put in simple words, yeah? 2 100000725
598 598 204 1 3
599 599 301 Liv Sorry... 1 100000577
600 600 204 1 14
601 601 301 Cinderella It's fine. I'm sure it's something you'd rather not tell me to keep my sanity. 2 100000726
602 602 204 100 1 17
603 603 204 1 7
604 604 301 Liv ... 1 100000578
605 605 301 Cinderella C'mon, I can just tell—your faces said it all. 2 100000727
606 606 204 1 19
607 607 204 2 14
608 608 301 Cinderella Although I'd really love to get to know your world, too... 2 100000728
609 609 204 2
610 610 301 Stroking her teacup, Cinderella quickly regains her smile.
611 611 301 Cinderella So, the spire, right? 2 100000729
612 612 301 Cinderella You were camping out there in the forest last night because you'd been traveling through the forest during the day, right? 2 100000730
613 613 204 1 3
614 614 301 Liv Yes, and there were... things that stood in our way. 1 100000579
615 615 204 1 14
616 616 301 Stammering, Liv is reminded of the line of sheep that ran the length of the horizon.
617 617 204 1 3
618 618 301 Liv And we have no idea where we are now. 1 100000580
619 619 204 1
620 620 301 Liv Would you happen to know how to get to the spire? 1 100000581
621 621 301 Cinderella Uhm... Unfortunately, I don't. 2 100000731
622 622 301 Cinderella Well, I guess I should say there doesn't exist a single path that can take you there. 2 100000732
623 623 204 1 5
624 624 301 Liv Is it because there are places in between you just can't get across? 1 100000582
625 625 301 Cinderella No, it's not that. 2 100000733
626 626 301 Cinderella Here, let me show you something. 2 100000734
627 627 202 1 2
628 628 301 Cinderella stands up and proceeds to open the window.
629 629 201 1 500543 2
630 630 301 1 Cinderella You'll see why. 1 100000735
631 631 202 1 1
632 632 301 Beyond the window, you see the crowns of the trees in the forest.
633 633 301 Cinderella seems to be living up on a hill.
634 634 301 The spire, however, is nowhere to be seen.
635 635 201 1 500543
636 636 301 1 Cinderella It's about to start. 1 100000736
637 637 301 Following Cinderella's finger, you and Liv look outside the window at where she's pointing...
638 638 201 1 500524 7
639 639 301 1 Liv Are they moving? 1 100000583
640 640 301 Slowly but surely, the forest is moving in a random fashion—and so, too, is the ground in which they're rooted.
641 641 204 1 3
642 642 301 Liv I didn't even know this was happening... 1 100000584
643 643 201 1 500543
644 644 301 1 Cinderella To those living in the forest, the very ground you stand on isn't what changes—but your location. 1 100000737
645 645 301 Cinderella See, our location is changing as we speak. 1 100000738
646 646 202 1
647 647 301 Sitting back down, Cinderella says slowly.
648 648 201 1 500524 14 -400
649 649 201 2 500543 400
650 650 301 1 Cinderella Which is why it's impossible for you to get to the spire. 2 100000739
651 651 301 Liv ... 1 100000585
652 652 301 Cinderella But you aren't just going to give up, right? 2 100000740
653 653 204 100 1 17
654 654 204 1 4
655 655 301 Liv Yes, and it's because we can't. 1 100000586
656 656 301 Cinderella And I don't suppose you're going to tell me why, yeah? 2 100000741
657 657 204 1 14
658 658 301 Liv ... 1 100000587
659 659 301 Cinderella Hey, what's with the long face? I'm sure the forest brought you both to me for a reason. Who knows, right? 2 100000742
660 660 301 Cinderella Now, since you're trying to get to the spire, let me tell you about how it came about... 2 100000743
661 661 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Cinderella And what it used to be. 2 100000744
662 662 202 1 2 1
663 663 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
664 664 401 1 207
665 665 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Unable to find her way back, she's lost in the sea of trees.
666 666 301 Or—deep down inside, maybe she doesn't want to go back...
667 667 301 Little Girl Where am I? 100000588
668 668 301 Lost and looking around, she can see a tower with a pointed tip standing in the distance, on this land she's never set foot on.
669 669 401 2 2626
670 670 301 Upon reaching the tower, she gives the wooden door a gentle knock.
671 671 301 ??? I don't recognize you, kid. How can I help you? 100000745
672 672 301 The door creaks open—but the voice that's speaking to her comes from behind her.
673 673 301 Little Girl Ahh! I-I'm just lost... Who are you? 100000589
674 674 301 ??? Me? I'm the master of this spire, a fairy that can make all dreams come true. 100000746
675 675 301 Little Girl Dreams...? 100000590
676 676 301 ??? Yes—dreams are wonderful, and people can't lavish enough praise on them. 100000747
677 677 301 ??? Now, let me take you home. 100000748
678 678 301 Little Girl Wait! 100000591
679 679 301 ??? Oh, I see you don't want to go home just yet. 100000749
680 680 301 The fairy turns around and, with a gentle look, waits patiently for the girl to say her next word.
681 681 301 Little Girl I-I want a lot of friends... My sister and brother just wouldn't hang out with me... Can you make that come true? 100000592
682 682 301 Like a deflating balloon, the little girl quickly loses the confidence she's just worked up.
683 683 301 ??? Easy peasy lemon squeezy, but... are you ready to pay for it? 100000750
684 684 301 Little Girl P-pay? With that? 100000593
685 685 301 She sounds a little scared.
686 686 301 ??? With... 100000751
687 687 301 AniZhuanchangBegin When the fairy reaches her hand this way, the girl shuts her eyes nervously.
688 688 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
689 689 301 AniZhuanchangEnd The fairy puts her hand on the girl's head. Then, with a few strokes...
690 690 401 2 1543
691 691 301 The fairy straightens the girl's hair—which was a complete mess from her traveling across the forest.
692 692 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
693 693 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryZhengyanNew.prefab 1
694 694 301 AniZhuanchangEnd ??? With that. 100000752
695 695 301 The fairy sounds pleased.
696 696 301 Little Girl Wait, that's it? 100000594
697 697 301 Without answering the girl's question, the fairy produces a colorful scepter. She gives it a little tap in the air with a mumble.
698 698 301 ??? bibbidi-bobbidi-boo! 100000753
699 699 401 500 2 2632
700 700 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
701 701 301 Swoosh—a flash of light swishes past, but she can't tell if anything actually happened.
702 702 301 ??? Try clapping three times. 100000754
703 703 301 Little Girl 1... 2... 3. Are you... Oh, dear! 100000595
704 704 301 Surrounded by a bunch of chipmunks, the girl shrieks in surprise.
705 705 301 ??? How do you like these adorable furballs? Oh, right, I wanted to give you something else, too. 100000755
706 706 301 With another tap of the fairy's scepter on the ground, a pumpkin carriage "grows out" of the soil.
707 707 301 AniZhuanchangBegin ??? Take this home so you won't get lost. 100000756
708 708 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
709 709 401 1 36
710 710 201 1 500543
711 711 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Cinderella Becoming friends with the fairy, the girl keeps making wishes for the fairy to make happen in the forest. 1 100000757
712 712 301 Cinderella Floating jellyfish that drives the darkness away, sheep you can never finish counting when you can't fall asleep, and peas so big that a single one can make you full... 1 100000758
713 713 301 Cinderella As time goes by, the little girl grows up. 1 100000759
714 714 204 1 14
715 715 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Cinderella Something happens down the road that leaves her with no choice but to leave home. 100000760
716 716 202 1 1
717 717 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
718 718 401 1 207
719 719 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Girl ... 100000596
720 720 301 ??? It's been such a long time. How have you been? 100000761
721 721 301 Girl Something happened and I have to leave. 100000597
722 722 301 ??? ... 100000762
723 723 301 The fairy slowly opens her mouth to speak.
724 724 301 ??? The world out there is one far beyond my reach. 100000763
725 725 301 ??? And you won't be able to leave with anything from the forest. 100000764
726 726 301 ??? Are you sure about this? 100000765
727 727 301 Girl Yes, I am. 100000598
728 728 301 Looking into the girl's eyes and seeing her determination, the fairy sees that there is no point in trying to make the girl stay.
729 729 301 ??? Just remember... to drop by sometime... 100000766
730 730 401 2 647
731 731 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 2000 With the heavy locks lifted, the door of the "shelter" opens up, allowing the girl to exit on her own.
732 732 402 647
733 733 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
734 734 401 1 36
735 735 201 1 500543
736 736 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Cinderella With reality standing in her way, she has been looking away and giving up on her dreams only too many times. 1 100000767
737 737 301 Cinderella Because dreams are for the childish, and all she can do is steal glances at them every now and then. 1 100000768
738 738 301 Cinderella What the girl never knows, though, is that her dreams are all kept safe and sound by the fairy. 1 100000769
739 739 301 Cinderella Until that fateful day, that is... 1 100000770
740 740 204 1 14
741 741 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Cinderella The ground starts spitting out scarlet flames, tearing the world into pieces. 1 100000771
742 742 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
743 743 202 1 1
744 744 401 1 76
745 745 301 AniZhuanchangEnd ??? Hey, look at you all grown-up. 100000772
746 746 301 She says nostalgically.
747 747 301 Girl Sorry... 100000599
748 748 301 ??? No, don't say that. I'm very happy to see you again... 100000773
749 749 301 ??? What's your wish this time? 100000774
750 750 301 Girl I... 100000600
751 751 301 The girl says her wish—to which the fairy falls into what seems like an eternity of silence.
752 752 301 Girl I guess that means a no? 100000601
753 753 301 ??? It's a little difficult for me, but... are you ready to pay for it? 100000775
754 754 301 Girl With? 100000602
755 755 301 With your freedom. You'd be trapped in a cage where you can't see the light of day...
756 756 301 The girl nods.
757 757 301 You'll have absolutely nothing by your side save for pain...
758 758 301 The girl nods.
759 759 301 And you'll be eaten away, until you're polluted all over and burned to ashes with the forest.
760 760 301 A few moments of silence later, the girl nods as she looks at the fairy's apologetic eyes.
761 761 301 Girl What should I do? 100000603
762 762 301 The girl doesn't change her mind.
763 763 301 Her last dream—a pair of wings that can take her through the skies.
764 764 301 Wings that are meant to eventually crash and burn.
765 765 401 2 2632
766 766 301 Giving in to the girl's request, Cinderella casts on her an old but still familiar spell. With a shower of green light, the girl transforms into a butterfly with vibrant colors.
767 767 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Her wings are thin and appear almost feeble, but against the evil crimson, they stand strong.
768 768 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg2301_4.jpg
769 769 104 0|200|-300 0
770 770 104 0|-200|-300 5
771 771 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Against the sea of the Corrupted, the white bird flies alongside humanity as it guides them forward, and the black butterfly keeps the evil behind the humans where they can't see it.
772 772 301 3000 None of the miracles is a coincidence. She put her bargaining chips on the table even before it all began.
773 773 104 0|200|-300 2
774 774 501 2000 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryFallNew.prefab 2
775 775 104 0|0|0 0
776 776 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
777 777 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
778 778 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryFallNew.prefab
779 779 301 RImgBg1Shake At last, she falls through the sky along with the red figures and crashes into the spire—which has now become a cage from which they can't escape.
780 780 301 Before the door to the spire closes, the fairy asks.
781 781 301 ??? Do you have any other wishes? 100000776
782 782 301 ??? Liv. 100000777
783 783 201 1 500531 12
784 784 301 1 Liv ... 1 100000604
785 785 204 100 1 12
786 786 204 1 8
787 787 301 Liv No, and thank you for everything, Cinderella. 1 100000605
788 788 301 It's only with their inevitable goodbye so imminent now that Cinderella now has what it takes to bid Liv farewell.
789 789 201 1 500543 14
790 790 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Cinderella I see. Goodbye, then... 1 100000778
791 791 101 2000 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory514.jpg
792 792 401 1 79
793 793 204 1
794 794 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Cinderella After that, I let all your dreams out and came up with this forest with them. 1 100000779
795 795 301 Cinderella holds up her teacup and patiently waits for you and Liv to digest everything you just heard.
796 796 301 With everything Cinderella just said, you've finally figured out how this M.I.N.D. shard came into being.
797 797 301 It's not a piece of item that carries Liv's imagination, nor is it something that holds her memory.
798 798 301 Everything you've seen along the way—so out of the realm of reality yet all came with a tinge of the real world...
799 799 201 1 500524 3
800 800 301 1 Liv All these... are the dreams I used to have. 1 100000606
801 801 201 1 500543
802 802 301 1 Cinderella Yes, everything here came from you. 1 100000780
803 803 301 Cinderella Some of these are wishes you made when you were reading fairytales... 1 100000781
804 804 301 Cinderella And there is one you made thinking about the sheep in the garden at night when everyone else was sleeping. 1 100000782
805 805 301 Cinderella And this other one... 1 100000783
806 806 204 1 2
807 807 301 Apparently remembering something funny, Cinderella puts on a gentle laugh.
808 808 301 Cinderella You made this other wish when you were scared soulless alone under the blanket... 1 100000784
809 809 301 Cinderella With the hope that the monster that eats up kids that don't go to bed would be a little more adorable. 1 100000785
810 810 301 Cinderella You never wanted to see it, though, and you wouldn't believe how sad that made it feel. 1 100000786
811 811 301 Cinderella returns her gentle gaze to Liv.
812 812 301 Cinderella These are all the dreams you forgot. 1 100000787
813 813 301 Cinderella I remembered everything the moment I saw you. 1 100000788
814 814 301 Cinderella I thought you broke free of your confinement from the spire and were on your way to leave the forest... 1 100000789
815 815 301 Cinderella But now I see that's where you're headed. 1 100000790
816 816 301 Cinderella You're not the caged butterfly, Liv—but the white bird that soars with its wings. 1 100000791
817 817 301 Cinderella I'd very much love to help you however I can like I did before... 1 100000792
818 818 301 Cinderella But I wanted to hear you out, because I'm as much a part of this dream as everything else is here. 1 100000793
819 819 201 1 500524 3
820 820 301 1 Liv Actually, I... 1 100000607
821 821 201 1 500543
822 822 301 1 Cinderella You outgrew your dreams. Is that what you were going to say? 1 100000794
823 823 301 Apparently seeing right through Liv, Cinderella cuts her off. Shaking her head, she carries on.
824 824 301 Cinderella But what about the dreams you had? If you've outgrown them, why are you still holding on to those dreams? 1 100000795
825 825 301 Cinderella Do you still think those dreams are only for the childish? 1 100000796
826 826 301 Cinderella Are you still going to give up on them and forget them the same way you did? 1 100000797
827 827 301 Cinderella Is it how you'd like to keep growing as a person? 1 100000798
828 828 301 Said in a calm yet firm tone, Cinderella's questions don't sound intimidating in the slightest—they're, if anything, reassuring.
829 829 201 1 500524 14
830 830 301 1 Liv ... 1 100000608
831 831 204 1 3
832 832 301 Liv Yes, these dreams are childish... 1 100000609
833 833 204 1 9
834 834 301 Liv I'd even call them far-fetched and unrealistic... 1 100000610
835 835 204 1 8
836 836 301 Apparently unaware of what she's doing, Liv touches her wings with the faint scars...
837 837 301 The very wings that, whilst unable to take her through the skies, shine through all the same in the dark.
838 838 204 1
839 839 301 Liv But they're worth pursuing, so long as we still long for them. 1 100000611
840 840 201 1 500543
841 841 301 1 Cinderella Knowing what you do, are you still going to try to make them come true? 1 100000799
842 842 201 1 500524
843 843 301 1 Liv That's something I'll work toward. 1 100000612
844 844 204 100 1
845 845 204 1 8
846 846 301 Liv It matters more that a dream is made true than when it's made true. 1 100000613
847 847 204 100 1 8
848 848 204 1
849 849 301 Liv My dreams might be childish, and they were probably just what I came up with on a whim... 1 100000614
850 850 301 Liv But I can take my time to make them come true, because they have and always will be part of me. 1 100000615
851 851 201 1 500543 2
852 852 301 1 Cinderella So you want to take your time, huh... That sounds like an excuse to me, though. 1 100000800
853 853 301 Says Cinderella with a smile that's ever so gentle on her face.
854 854 201 1 500524 8
855 855 301 1 Liv shakes her head.
856 856 204 1
857 857 301 Liv We're still pursuing them precisely because we haven't made them come true. 1 100000616
858 858 301 Liv We're keeping it in the future precisely because we don't want to run away from it anymore or see it as a luxury. 1 100000617
859 859 301 Liv People never get lost going after seemingly far-fetched dreams. 1 100000618
860 860 301 Liv Because these dreams are like beacons on the shore or the stars in the skies—they guide you along the way. 1 100000619
861 861 301 Liv looks at you before she looks firmly into Cinderella's blue eyes.
862 862 204 100 1 8
863 863 204 1 4
864 864 301 Liv A person can't possibly grow by throwing away what they have or forgetting who they are. 1 100000620
865 865 301 Liv Holding on to what you have and never letting go is the only thing that will help you move forward. 1 100000621
866 866 201 1 500543
867 867 301 1 Cinderella ... 1 100000801
868 868 301 Cinderella I see there is nothing more I need to worry about. 1 100000802
869 869 301 Looking away from Liv, Cinderella turns to look at you with her gentle yet shrewd blue eyes.
870 870 301 Cinderella Are you still willing to save "her," then? 1 100000803
871 871 302 That's why I came in the first place. 872
872 872 301 Cinderella Even if that means putting yourself in harm's way? 1 100000804
873 873 302 Of course. 874
874 874 301 Cinderella Even if that means putting yourself in harm's way is something Liv never wants to see? 1 100000805
875 875 302 ... 876
876 876 201 1 500524 19
877 877 301 1 You exchange a look with Liv—there are worries and fear in her eyes, but you see no objection whatsoever.
878 878 202 1 1
879 879 302 We never want to see each other put in harm's way. 880
880 880 301 And taking the risk ourselves is probably the only choice that will ever make us feel okay.
881 881 302 But it's never my job to protect her or the other way around. 882
882 882 301 We have each other's back—and it's only when we have each other's back that we'll be able to travel far down the path together.
883 883 301 Alone, we might struggle—but together, we are strong.
884 884 302 Which is why if one of us ever falls... 885
885 885 301 We should respect their choice all the same and soldier on with their torch in hand.
886 886 201 1 500543
887 887 301 1 Cinderella Very well. I'm trusting you with "her," then. 1 100000806
888 888 401 2 754
889 889 301 Cinderella stands up and proceeds to open the door.
890 890 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Cinderella Follow me. I'll show you how to get to the spire. 1 100000807
891 891 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory609.jpg
892 892 202 1 1
893 893 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Parked around the edge of the forest is an enormous pumpkin carriage—with its decorations discolored, cobwebs dangling off its rusty wheels, bearings broken, and its horses gone.
894 894 301 It doesn't seem like it still works, though.
895 895 201 1 500543
896 896 301 1 Cinderella This is what's going to take you to the spire. 1 100000808
897 897 301 Cinderella This pumpkin carriage will take you there even without a route. 1 100000809
898 898 201 1 500524 9
899 899 301 1 Liv But it doesn't seem like it's ever going to run again... 1 100000622
900 900 201 1 500543
901 901 301 1 Cinderella All you need is a little magic sometimes. 1 100000810
902 902 204 1 2
903 903 301 With a wink, Cinderella looks impish for the first time.
904 904 301 She picks up her now dusty scepter from beside the wheel.
905 905 301 Cinderella bibbidi-bobbidi-boo! 1 100000811
906 906 202 1 1
907 907 401 2 2632
908 908 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
909 909 301 With her spell, a rainbow shrouds the carriage.
910 910 301 The crystals and glasses are glistening again, the rust is removed, the cracks are patched, and the silver paintwork is gleaming in the sun.
911 911 301 Then, you hear gallop coming from the woods.
912 912 401 680 2 100000680
913 913 402 100000680
914 914 301 Sheep Baaaaa!
915 915 301 But it isn't white horses that show up—but a bunch of equally white but fluffy sheep.
916 916 201 1 500543 2
917 917 301 1 Cinderella Oops, I never said this carriage would be drawn by "horses," did I? 1 100000812
918 918 301 With the sheep saddled, the carriage's door opens to reveal its magnificent interior.
919 919 301 Cinderella passes her scepter to Liv.
920 920 201 1 500524 5
921 921 301 1 Liv Wait, what? 1 100000623
922 922 201 1 500543
923 923 301 1 Cinderella "She" is at the bottom of the spire and that's where your friend needs to go. 1 100000813
924 924 301 Cinderella You, Liv, need to go to the tip—where the monster is kept locked up. 1 100000814
925 925 301 Cinderella And given that you've run away from it once... 1 100000815
926 926 301 Cinderella turns around to look at you as she speaks in a serious tone.
927 927 301 Cinderella I'm sure it'll do everything in its power to get you. 1 100000816
928 928 301 Cinderella Someone needs to destroy it before it destroys the spire. 1 100000817
929 929 301 Cinderella Which is why, Liv, you need this scepter more than I do. 1 100000818
930 930 204 1 2
931 931 301 Cinderella And... see, I won't be needing it anymore. 1 100000819
932 932 301 Cinderella puts on a sad smile.
933 933 201 1 500524 10
934 934 301 1 Liv ...Thanks again. 1 100000624
935 935 202 1
936 936 301 Cinderella carries on speaking as she helps Liv get inside the carriage.
937 937 201 1 500543
938 938 301 1 Cinderella This place is made of dreams and my power doesn't go beyond the forest... 1 100000820
939 939 203 1 0.25 -80
940 940 301 Holding out her hand, Cinderella helps you get inside the carriage, too.
941 941 301 Cinderella But you now have what it takes to press forward with your dreams and walk out of this shelter—not to mention that you have someone right next to you who's willing to go through it with you, too. 1 100000821
942 942 203 1 0.25
943 943 301 Closing the door, Cinderella takes a step back.
944 944 401 1 36
945 945 202 1
946 946 401 680 2 100000680
947 947 402 100000680
948 948 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Sheep Baaaaa!
949 949 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg3001_02.jpg
950 950 104 0|0|-300 0
951 951 104 0|0|0 30
952 952 401 1 162
953 953 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Bit by bit, Cinderella grows distant as the carriage pulls away.
954 954 301 She knows this is their last farewell as the carriage makes its way into the distance.
955 955 301 She thought she was ready for this day right when she first saw Liv at the spire...
956 956 301 She thought she'd be able to play it cool when the day finally came...
957 957 301 She thought she'd feel happy for Liv—for not having to count on her anymore...
958 958 301 And she thought...
959 959 301 She thought Liv would be able to stay around for just a little longer...
960 960 301 Cinderella Liv... 100000822
961 961 301 Through the window, you can see Cinderella waving at you and Liv with a pained look on her face.
962 962 301 Cinderella Don't ever stop chasing your dream and fear all the good things the world has to offer just because reality chooses to rough you up. 100000823
963 963 301 With the sunlight shining through the haze, she bids the fearless fledgling bird with her last word of advice.
964 964 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Cinderella So long as your memory still exists, so, too, will the magic with which you can make your dreams come true. 100000824