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544301DialogEnable1KareninaNo! ****... I can't get close at all!1
655301Karenina tries to manually shut down the power supply to the zero-point reactor, but the abnormal gravitational waves have impacted a larger area than she thought. She cannot reach the engine at all.
766301KareninaI must go back to the propulsion lab... Maybe I can shut down the reactor remotely.1
877301But the way back has collapsed. She must find another route—
988301A ray of light shines through the ceiling above. Karenina looks up and realizes that the gravitational waves tossed a Corrupted up earlier, which broke through the ceiling of the reactor array room.
1099301The lunar base was built to withstand meteorites and space debris. Its outer wall is well protected, but its structure is not as strong against impact from the inside.
111010301KareninaRight, the Corrupted cracked the wall!1
1413133011AniZhuanchangBeginHolding her Blast Hammer up, Karenina charges toward the crack...