
11 KiB

544301DialogEnableHaicmaThe frigate has successfully crossed the stratosphere... We've reached the required height. Beginning stealth approach toward Babylonia.
655301Reporting the status of the frigate, Haicma sees the lone, glistening star that shares a night sky with Earth—Babylonia, the target of the Church of Machina.
766301(Comms)It's your dear Zavier speaking. How are the optical camouflage and radiation damper I added to the old girl holding up?
877301HaicmaThey're holding up well. Depletion during lift-off is less than 5%. Cloaking has not been affected.
1099301AniZhuanchangBegin(Comms)Wonderful. How's Blaze doing?
121111301AniZhuanchangEndHaicma turns toward Trailblazer, who is standing at the front of the frigate, staring at Babylonia with his arms crossed, looking unperturbed.
141414301(Comms)Certainly! I trust you. After all, you're my second-best work! My best work, of course, will always be my next one!
151515301(Comms)Right, don't forget: if you see a trinket with the model number BPMAX-965, be sure to nab me some. It might be old, but it's the real deal...
161616301TrailblazerI hope we'll find worthy opponents in Babylonia. Only then will it be worthy of a frontal assault.1
171717301(Comms)Haha! Well, this is it. Comms will go out once you enter stealth mode... Not a scratch, alright? You'll break my heart otherwise!
181818301Haicma and Trailblazer nod solemnly, and the transmission from the Church of Machina ends.
191919301TrailblazerHaicma... are you afraid?1
202020301Haicma is not sure why he would ask something like that. She does not recall speaking to this mechanoid before.
2222223011HaicmaSelf-test complete. I haven't discovered any emotion similar to fear.1
2424243011TrailblazerThe success rate of this operation is 89.7%, but our survival rate is less than 50%... I might not fear death, but you're different, aren't you?1
252525301TrailblazerI become stronger to seek the awakening, which is why I desperately want to find Sage. If I don't survive, I'm simply not strong enough. To the rest of us, Sage is our only truth.1
262626301TrailblazerBut you're not like me. I can see the confusion and hesitation on your face whenever we mention Sage.1
2828283011HaicmaAre you questioning my loyalty?1
292929301It is understandable that he would question her. Despite agreeing with the accuracy of the Church of Machina's prediction of the future, Haicma has certainly started to feel unsure about the future depicted...
303030301To machines, this uncertainty is a precursor to betrayal.
323333301Trailblazer says resolutely.
333434301TrailblazerI don't know if you have some kind of history with Sage or if you have doubts about her.1
343535301TrailblazerBut I believe that your doubts will vanish the moment you see her with your own eyes!1
3637373011Like casting a stone onto water, Trailblazer's words create ripples in Haicma's heart.
384040301Haicma will save all her questions and uncertainty for the moment they meet again.
4246463011TrailblazerSure, it would have increased Master Arcana's battle prowess significantly, but I'm sure that she had her ineffable reasons. After all, she is the leader of the Church, second only to Sage.1
465050301HaicmaYou're right.1
495454301AniZhuanchangBegin1Haicma...Thank you.1
525757301AniZhuanchangEndAs the frigate sails on, they soon enter the proximity of Babylonia where they can begin their infiltration.
5459593011TrailblazerLet's proceed as planned. I'll keep you guarded. But the moment you consider the infiltration has failed, I'll uncloak the frigate and launch an attack on Babylonia.1
5661613011Haicma nods, closing her eyes, rerouting even the computing power for her visual module to hack the Babylonia network.
586363304>>>>>>> External transmission request unregistered. Warning. >>>>>>>ff4e4eff1
596464304>>>>>>> Connection declined. Terminating transmission. >>>>>>>ff4e4eff11
616666301HaicmaTheir defense is solid. If we try to infiltrate them only with our logic programs, it'll take more than 153249 hours even if we use the computing power of every Church of Machina member...1
626767301Hacking Gestalt, Babylonia's administrative system, is basically impossible unless it is done by a similarly powerful super AI.
636868301This is a door that cannot be unlocked... without a key. As a ship from Babylomia, this frigate naturally comes with a corresponding program key.
646969301HaicmaTransmitting identification code.1
667171304>>>>>>> Inspecting identification code... >>>>>>>ffffffff1
677272304>>>>>>> Inspecting identification code... Identified. >>>>>>>ffffffff1
687373304>>>>>>> Access clearance granted. Clearance level: High. >>>>>>>ffffffff11
6974743011As advanced as their program may be, machine logic is ultimately this simple.
707575301Even as their enemy, Haicma will be accepted as long as she fits the requirement... On the contrary, those with good intentions can still be rejected mercilessly.
717878301But she is not sure what to do once she finds Nanami. Maybe she just wants to play the game of questions with Nanami once again like they once did, asking and answering each other until the end of time.
727979301For now, she must complete her mission for the Church of Machina—to protect her kin, and to reunite with Nanami one day.
738080301—Even if it means she has to hurt the humans she once had to protect.
778484304>>>>>>> Login successful. Beginning transmission. >>>>>>>ffffffff11
8693933011Haicma's consciousness slowly becomes digital data, entering Gestalt.
8895953011AniZhuanchangBegin1HaicmaBeginning infiltration. Mission objective: locate the key data of Babylonia's design and... search for a future for machines.1