
18 KiB

766301The remaining carriages cross the barren field and enter a tunnel.
877301After a brief moment of darkness, the survivors are horrified to find the train encircled by Hetero-Creatures on both sides.
10993011Construct Soldier 1We're surrounded!1
1211113011LuciaEngage the enemies!1
171616301The Constructs inside leap out the windows, heading for the roof to fend off the hostile force.
181717301But in their path stands a colossal nightmare.
222121301RImgBg1Shake1Hetero-Hive Mother—!1
252424301PanelActor1Shake1Construct Soldier 2Why is it here?!1
262525301PanelActor2Shake1Construct Soldier 3They're flanking us!2
292828301PanelActor1Shake1Construct Soldier 4How many mothers have they got? Enough to send one to block our way?!1
3029293011Construct Soldier 5My Inver-Device...! Dammit... I can't move!2
3332323011ChromeBrace for impact!1
403939301RImgBg1ShakeThe speeding train crashes into the Hetero-Hive Mother, rocking the carriages intensely in a deafening clash.
414040301The train shrieks woefully. The Hive Mother, with her tentacles planted firmly into the ground, is uprooted as the walls of the tunnel collapse.
424141301RImgBg1ShakeThe next moment, the last surviving human is flung outside the train alongside the many things stored within.
4443433011LeeWatch out!1
454444301The moment the Hive Mother's interference is gone, Lee dashes through the crumbling debris and grabs Shrek's hand, but his split-second decision puts him right underneath a falling rock that he cannot dodge.
474747301His broken frame alerts him with excruciating pain, but Lee refuses to let go.
484848301AniZhuanchangBeginLeeGet up! I can't pull you!1
535353301AniZhuanchangEndHearing Lee's desperate plea, Shrek smiles.
545454301ShrekI was thinking... if those two monsters didn't avoid the handbag or the tumbling human...
555555301ShrekIt stands to reason that they wouldn't duck from a guy with a handbag like me, no?
565656301Hearing that, Lee finally notices that Shrek is holding onto the handbag with the masking device that Lee hid in the carriage earlier.
575757301LeeEnough with that nonsense...!
585858301LeeThere are still other ways we haven't tried! Get up first, and we'll figure it out!
595959301ShrekBut time's running out, isn't it? They've noticed the potential danger, and they're hesitant to mingle with us anymore.
606060301LeeGet up and we'll talk!
616161301LeeWe're surrounded! I can't pull you up with my broken arm!
626262301Standing at the edge above the speeding train, Lee is struggling to keep himself safe. All he can do is kick the approaching Hetero-Creatures away while pressing Shrek to save himself.
636363301LeeIt's meaningless! You die, and you lose all possibilities!
646464301ShrekYou're right...
656666301ShrekBut her death changed me, you know?
666767301ShrekI became a novice medic because I regretted not being able to save her.
676868301ShrekI couldn't change the past, but I've saved a few people since she's gone.
686969301ShrekIt's meaningless for the dead, sure, but my death has to amount to something for the living, right?
697070301LeeEnough! I told you to stop that nonsense!
707171301LeeI don't need your sacrifice for a mere chance...!
717272301ShrekLee... you ought to be more honest with yourself.
727373301ShrekOtherwise, you're gonna regret it one day.
737474301LeeWhat are you talking about?
747575301ShrekLet me tell you a secret.
757676301ShrekAlthough I always bring bad luck to those near me, I'm unbelievably lucky myself.
767777301ShrekEven if you drop me here, I might still be able to walk out of this in one piece.
777878301ShrekWho knows, I might be standing before you with rainbow hair in a few days as a Construct.
787979301Lee spends an extra 0.53 seconds to come up with a reply in the face of Shrek's absurdity.
798080301LeeI don't think the technicians are interested in making rainbow hair.
808181301The wind breezes past them to somewhere beyond reach, chuckling like the young man hung by the edge.
818282301ShrekSee, you're not dismissing the Construct part, impossible as it is.
828383301Shrek begins to loosen his grip.
838484301ShrekI've been hoping to reunite with my friends since they passed.
848585301ShrekNot because I've decided to give up the possibility they gave me...
858686301ShrekI'm just making the same choice they did. I'm passing this ticket to the future to someone else.
868787301ShrekI finally understand...
878888301Winter does not take, for some would light fires with their souls. Small and frail as their flames may be, they... are enough to light a fuse. All possibilities stem from a big bang, after all.
888989301LeeStop talking! Get up, now!
899090301ShrekThank you, Lee. But I think I've done almost everything I wanted to do. There's just one thing left.
909191301ShrekForsaken, Babylonians... you all deserve to live. You live, and you save more lives, yeah?
919292301ShrekIt's my genuine pleasure to have spent this time with you...
929393301ShrekSo, this is my last wish. This is the reason why.
939494301Shrek smiles, and he lets go of Lee's broken arm.
959696301Shrek...Until next time, kind stranger.
100101101301RImgBg1ShakeAs the twins catch the tumbling young man unsuspectingly, Omega II finally unleashes its unmatched rage amidst the cries and roars.
101102102301The tunnel fully collapses at its impact, blocking off the barrage of Hetero-Creatures completely.
102103103301Countless charging monsters crash into the fallen debris, disintegrating into dust as they enter Omega II's domain.
103104104301The leaders of this mad tide of calamity wail as they examine their festering bodies. They flung the bloodied human in their hands toward the debris before them.
104105105301With twisted, frightened expressions, they stare at the blocked tunnel, the exit beyond their reach.
105106106301AniZhuanchangBegin—On the other side of the collapse, the train has already safely sailed away.
107108108301AniZhuanchangEndThe gusting wind departs the tunnel, making its way across the abandoned city.
108109109301Specks of sand are swept up, smacking the shelterless sojourners, striving to seize them at a standstill.
109110110301Weary the wanderers are, they watch the way they walked on a whim, withheld by the will of the wind.
1141151153011Refugee AWhat is it?2
115116116301Watanabe...Nothing. I just thought...1
116117117301Watanabe...I thought I heard someone chuckle.1
1191201203011MatchesWoof! MmmWwoooo...1
1221231233011Refugee BWho can chuckle at a time like this?1
123124124301AniZhuanchangBeginWatanabe...I probably misheard. Let's keep going.2
126127127301AniZhuanchangEndThe sun sets in the west. The clouds at the edge of the sky are adorned with the colors of fiery flames, coating the survivors in a blanket of gold.
127128128301In the dust-filled tunnel, a dark figure breaks the silence and steps through the stillness.
1291301303011CinderelikTheir new weapon is destroyed, but its aura still lingers. The Punishing Virus concertation here is still incredibly low.1
133134134301Ignoring the girl's report, the man who has merged with the shadows walks across the ash-covered floor, placing his attention on the pool of blood beneath his feet.
134135135301As he carries the misery-bound body of the bloodied young man, he discovers tender heartbeats underneath the ravaged flesh.
135136136301Would he consider it misfortune or luck?
1371381383011VonnegutWhat an incredible will to live... Interesting.1
1401421423011CinderelikIt could be the effect of those who broke into the Central Purification Filter.2
141144144301The dark figure walks back and forth before the ruins, observing the giant creature that once was lying not far away from them.
144148148301VonnegutAre you feeling sad for her?1
146151151301CinderelikEven if she would mimic my mom and speak the words she once said... I wouldn't feel sad for a vessel.2
147154154301VonnegutAre you thinking about that day?1
148155155301Cinderelik...I'm sorry.2
149156156301VonnegutI'll give you your freedom once it's all over.1
150157157301VonnegutI can help you even if what you want is going to Babylonia.1
153160160301VonnegutYou want to see him, don't you?1
155162162301CinderelikI do.2
156163163301The detached girl looks up at the dark shadow before her, as compliant as a rabbit.
157164164301CinderelikWhether he... whether Mr. Kugawa Kurono remembers killing mom... Whether he agrees with everything I've done...2
158165165301CinderelikI want to see him again and tell him that mom has woken up.2
159166166301The dark figure does not comment on the girl's wish. He acknowledges it plainly before gazing at the other end of the tunnel, like the two creatures who stood here did.
160167167301VonnegutThey're back inside the Red Tide, aren't they?1
161168168301CinderelikThey are. The twins will need some time to recover.2
162169169301CinderelikBut the attack command on the three Constructs has yet to be lifted. The Hetero-Creatures will be hunting for those three.2
163170170301CinderelikShould we follow?2
164171171301VonnegutNo... We should watch from the sideline until the end.1
165172172301CinderelikThe captain that you favor is among them too.2
166173173301VonnegutObstacles should clarify the current situation for him.1
167174174301VonnegutWe don't have to get involved in this game of survival.1
168175175301CinderelikBut the survivors have already left the damaged train, and they happen to be trapped at her...2
169176176301Cinderelik...At the church the Merciful One frequents...2
170177177301VonnegutOh? We don't have to interfere if she wants to get involved.1