
17 KiB

544301DialogEnableThe silence of the conference hall is broken by Hassen's footsteps.
655301He makes his way to the other end of the long cold desk and sits down, taking in the sight of this building with a history as old as Babylonia.
766301The huge conference hall is only filled by a few people, others are participating as holograms projected on their seats. The symbols of the Judicial Court, Executive Court, Control Court, and the military army makes this spacious hall appear to be even more solemn.
877301The pillars supporting the dome of the hall are all a record of history in the form of numerous name engravings. They were the ones who helped make the World Government possible.
988301History can be tasted in the solemn air.
121212301The topics for discussion appear as blue data flow in front of the seats.
131313301From Operation Acadia long ago to the recent battle commands against the Ascendants, they are all included in the discussion topics.
151616301Each topic had been a crucial point in the history of humanity, a pivotal decision that shapes the future of Babylonia—all that sways the boat that is the history of humanity.
161818301The lights on the dome flicker off one by one, enshrouding the space in darkness.
171919301It is as if a veil of ink has been deposited on the conference hall, blurring the lines of things.
192121301This dim space allows one to imagine themselves on an isolated island among the vast universe of darkness. Right after that, bits of light begin to illuminate the place like stars.
202424301Citizens of the World Government upload their thoughts through their personal terminals, which then converge into a huge data flow on Gestalt.
242929301Hassen stands, wrapped in the light and announces the start of the conference.
2631313011HassenFirst on the agenda—recently, Akdilek proposed amendments to a treaty signed in the past, demanding us to provide more Helium-3. I would like to know your thoughts on this matter.1
313636301Councilman A92% of the people think that for the stability of humanity, we should agree to our ally's demand if we have enough resources to spare.1
323737301Councilman BHowever, 7% think that the treaties are sacred, agreeing to the amendments would diminish Babylonia's authority, and that if it happens once there will be a second time. They would just demand resources from us indefinitely and we'd lose the upper hand.2
333838301Councilman ABut don't forget it's thanks to Akdilek that we were able to resume our ground logistics and trades with the conservation area.1
343939301Councilman BThose blood-sucking merchants are requesting to change the treaty now precisely because they know that. We'll just be walking into their trap.2
384343301???To summarize, the Control Court is not in favor of agreeing to Akdilek's request.
394444301???Akdilek is an ally that can be negotiated with, as long as the content is realistic, there will be another chance for discussion.
404545301A calm voice emits from behind the Control Court's symbol, interrupting the two councilmen's squabble.
4247473011The speaker is a gray-haired woman, one of the few who were actually present in the conference hall. Time has mercilessly decorated her short hair with streaks of white and etched wrinkles on her face, but her sharp eyes remain determined.1
434848301Those pair of eyes have witnessed countless storms in the history of humanity, and it is exactly all that she has endured that allowed her to stay vigilant.1
444949301It may be exhausting to have to stay on edge at all times, but she still does it because she understands the duty of the Control Court—she understands the responsibility one has to bear as the person in charge of said court.1
455050301She is the one who reins in those who stray and ensures that the conference does not endanger humanity.1
4752523011HassenHmm... To sustain a friendly relationship while still being able to maintain authority. Voting regarding Congresswoman Hilda's proposal begins now.1
485353301Hassen presses the green button in front of him. The screen between the pillars shows a huge gauge panel. After a few seconds, Gestalt displays the result.
5156563011Gestalt97.1% are in favor of Ombudswoman Hilda's proposal, 0.8% opposing votes, and 2.1% abstained. The supporting rate is higher than the minimum requirements. This proposal is passed.1
535858301HassenGood. The Judicial Court will draft the new amendments and pass it on to the Control Court for filing. I'll sign it after the Diplomatic Court clears it.1
545959301AniZhuanchangBeginHassenMoving on to the second topic of the day—Nikola's proposal to expand the army...1
576262301AniZhuanchangEndHassenThat is the last of the topics for discussion today, any questions?1
596565301A hologram of a congressman lights up at Hassen's question.
6268683011Councilman CMr. President, this isn't a question regarding any of the topics discussed but a personal question.1
636969301Councilman CAbout the return ceremony of 【kuroname】 from Atlantis, was it necessary for it to be so lavish?1
647070301A projection of a crowd appears in the middle of the conference hall.
657171301It shows a crowd cheering with joyous expressions. One can feel the atmosphere of the event just by watching.
667272301Councilman CThis one ceremony exhausted resources that could have sustained a small living area in Babylonia for three days. I don't see how it is logical to use up all those resources just to celebrate a soldier completing their mission and reuniting with their team.1
6975753011HassenThey fought off the Ascendant Lamia and brought the hope of Atlantis back to Babylonia. It can be said that it was a historic moment in the advancement of science.2
707676301HassenA lot of citizens volunteered to participate in the ceremony, which naturally leads to more resources being exhausted.2
717777301HassenAdding in all that 【kuroname】 has achieved on land, of course people would want to celebrate the return of a hero.2
727878301Hassen motions toward the holographic crowd.
737979301The crowd dims, finally leaving only the Gray Raven visible.
748080301Councilman CBut it's been a while since we've paraded a whole team of Constructs in front of the public for them to worship.1
758282301HassenYes, we know.2
768383301HassenBut people are mentally strained from the constant war, they need something to rely on spiritually. They need hope.2
778484301HassenHope is not something we can just make. It's something that exists because people wish for it.2
788585301HassenWe are merely listening to the wants of the people.2
798686301Councilman CEven if it's something as trivial as hope?1
818989301HildaHave you never read mythology, Congressman Fermi?2
829090301Councilman C...What does mythology have to do with this?1
839191301HildaAren't you curious as to why heroes were written in similar ways no matter the origin of the myths?2
849292301HildaSomeone always loses their peaceful life, and has to go through numerous trials before returning triumphantly, basked in glory and praise.2
859393301HildaUnder the guise of a hero is just a normal human, but people regard them as a champion equal to the gods nonetheless.2
869494301HildaIt is because heroes inspire hope in people. And when there is enough hope, you can lead the people. But if you destroy hope, you become the enemy of the people.2
879696301HildaI will leave the rest of the explanation to Commander Nikola.2
909999301As if on cue, Nikola looks up from the reports in his hand.
921011013011NikolaI'm sure everyone has noticed the frequent interferences Kurono has been causing recently.1
93102102301NikolaIt was necessary to expose 【kuroname】 to the public in order to end these unsavory exchanges with them.1
94103103301NikolaIt is to protect Gray Raven as much as to serve as a warning to Kurono.1
95104104301NikolaThe public's attention is the best surveillance. Even Kurono cannot do as they please under constant public attention.1
971061063011HildaAt least for now.1
991081083011NikolaWhich is why we have prepared a special mission for the newly reunited Gray Raven, in hopes of prolonging the temporary protection.1
101110110301As the councilman reacts by staying silent, Hassen plasters on his usual smile.
103112112301AniZhuanchangBeginHe claps to indicate the end of the conference. The holograms flicker out while the remaining councilmen filter out of the hall.
106115115301AniZhuanchangEndSoon, only Hassen, Nikola, and Hilda are left.
1091181183011NikolaKurono has eyes everywhere. There was no need to announce our objectives out loud for the whole world to see.2
110119119301HassenIt's fine. I'm certain Kurono already knows all this so it wouldn't have made a difference.1
1141231233011HildaAnd there's nothing they can do about it at the moment.3
116125125301HassenIt's been a while since the three of us had a chat.1
117126126301HildaPrivate interactions can lead to unfair judgment. As the leader of the Control Court, I have to refrain from private meetings with you to remain fair.3
118127127301HildaBut there are exceptions, such as when discussing something as unique as what we are going to now.3
119128128301HassenShall we get on with it then?1
120129129301HassenSo what have the Control Court and the Science Council found out about the Omega File?1
121130130301HassenDepending on the significance, we may have to prepare for a large-scale World Government Conference.1
1221311313011AniZhuanchangBeginHildaThe conclusion is already on your terminals. I just sent it through the encrypted channel a second ago.3