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433301DialogEnableAniZhuanchangBeginOn the surface outside of the development zone of City 075, during the emergency evacuation from Operation Red Tide—
656301AniZhuanchangEndA wave of golden yellow dust whirls in the air on the barren desert, followed immediately by deafening rock music and bursts of angry shouts.
877301A folding truck, tilted, is trekking forward in an S-shaped path with only two of its wheels speedily while maintaining physics-defying balance, a feat that would have Archimedes risen from his grave and clapped.
1098301RImgBg1Shake???Hey! Who taught you to drive like this?!
121110301???Who the hell let the idiot take the wheel? Vera? Vera! Help!
161514301VeraEnough, the two of you!
171615301??Capt., please don't unsheathe your sword in the car. It's dangerous.
181716301???What's more dangerous than what you're doing?! Step on the brake, now!
191817301??That's what I've been doing.
201918301???—That's the gas pedal, not the brakes!
212019301???Do something, Vera—w-wait, why are you opening the door?
222120301RImgBg1ShakeVeraAll of you, out!
232221301The door on the side in the air is slammed open as a red-haired female Construct jumps out, her arms bracing her head, and she rolls and lands deftly onto the ground.
242322301Immediately afterward, one of the car windows is cranked down, and out hops the round Co-Bot, followed by a white figure who lands softly next to it.
2625243011No. 21Roger.1
282726301???What are you guys—?!
323232301A few moments later, a barely intact door opens up, and a figure appears amidst the black smoke. A masculine male Construct walks out and coughs, his hand waving, trying to clear the smoke away.
383838301The Construct looks down at the door handle in his hand and the broken car door still attached to the other end.
393939301He shrugs and throws the door aside. Looking back up, he finds the blinding flashes of a blade before him, and he raises his hands in panic.
4343433011???...C'mon, Vera, I wasn't even the one driving! Let's... let's talk about it, yeah? Put the sword away, man! You know how much trouble it is to fix up my frame!2
4646463011No. 21Noctis played his music too loud. It distracted me from driving.1
5050503011VeraDo you think we're heading for Woodstock? We're on a mission here! Keep your stupid in check because you're testing my limits!1
515151301NoctisHow can an evacuation count as a mission?2
525252301VeraI'm the Captain here! I decide what counts as one. Who do you think you are?1
535353301NoctisBut 21 is the reason we crashed! The one time we got assigned a folding truck...2
5656563011No. 21Noctis is shifting blame.1
6060603011VeraDid you forget that you were the idiot who forced 21 to drive?1
616161301Vera teases him as she withdraws her blade.
626262301Vera21, report the crash and note that it was Noctis' fault. We're not far from our destination now, so collect yourselves and we'll start walking.1
6767673011No. 21Copy.1
707070301AniZhuanchangBeginNo. 21 opens her terminal and walks toward the nasty crash site as she brings up the comms.
727271301AniZhuanchangEndThe chunky red-headed Construct sits on a rock, his hands pulling his hair.
7575753011Noctis...Why do we have to evacuate so suddenly? Aren't the Strike Birds in terrible danger? Are the higher-ups underestimating us?2
767676301VeraIt's Strike Hawk, you fool.1
777777301NoctisAnd we're retreating for no reason! Our mission directory got cleared, and all of our jobs got assigned to those copycats in Hellhound!2
787878301NoctisI bet their Captain must be so goddamn thrilled right now, breakdancing in the war room.2
797979301NoctisI'm going to tear his throat out the next time I catch that guy...2
808080301VeraI don't care what you do in your spare time... but you do as I say when we're out on a mission, is that understood?1
818181301NoctisAren't you mad, Vera? Don't you hate getting your stuff taken right underneath your nose?2
838383301VeraWhat is there to be mad about? If it's a job that those idiots can do, then it isn't something that's worth my time to begin with.1
858585301Vera narrows her eyes and stays silent for a moment after saying that.
8888883011VeraPlus... this might be the calm before the storm.1
898989301NoctisStorm? Is it going to rain? The sun's still out, from what I can tell.2
939393301Vera stops Noctis from babbling. There seems to be an incoming call as Vera has stood up, her finger tapping on her ear. Her flaming red hair flows in the wind, hiding her expression.
959595301AniZhuanchangBeginVera...Nikola?... I see.
9898100301AniZhuanchangEndSupport ForceCerberus?1
99991013011The tired figure in the Support Force uniform before them looks up before pointing to the transport craft to the side.
100100102301Support ForceThat one.1
101101103301Support ForceThe crashed vehicle you reported will be recycled after the battle. Just get going for now.1
102102104301It seems that the Support Force members in the back are also exhausted by the intense battles on the frontline.
1041041063011NoctisSeriously? We're the only squad that's retreating?1
1061061083011Support ForceWe're just following orders. Hurry up if possible; we're short on transportation, and we still have to pick up a bunch of squads who are finishing their operations.1
1101101123011VeraEnough, Noctis.1
112112114301Vera...Hah, survival of the fittest, is that so?1
113113115301No one knows who Vera was talking to—if anything, she appears to be talking to herself. No. 21, however, seems to have noticed something and looks up.
1151151173011No. 21...?1
1171171193011NoctisHey, what's that? Are you saying I'm not fit...1
119119121301AniZhuanchangBeginVera gives No. 21 a look as Noctis protests in the background. Without another word, she steps into the transport craft heading back to Babylonia.
121121123301AniZhuanchangEndSurvival of the fittest...
122122124301No. 21 recognizes the phrase—the winners live, and the losers die. Her captain has once used it to describe a place... somewhere they have both stayed before.
123124126301Was that a hint? Or was that just a random thing her captain said?
124125128301Kurono—a name that No. 21 no longer associates with. After getting transferred away, she has no longer heard it spoken in Babylonia. All traces of Kurono have just vanished from her life entirely.
125126129301AniZhuanchangBegin...Not entirely, perhaps.
128129779301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBeginNo. 21 follows Vera and enters the transport craft without a word.
131132131301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBeginInside Collins' office, a few days after the emergency evacuation from Operation Red Tide—
135136136301AniZhuanchangEnd1???And I'm doing it this time because—?2
136137137301CollinsSeriously? Do you know how many favors I've had to trade in order to get the authority to employ that squad and their commandant?1
138139139301CollinsThe Parliament doesn't want to make a fuss in front of the public—a Chief Commandant getting taken by an unknown force? It's a slap in their face, and it risks exposing us to the public.1
139140140301CollinsFrankly, I'm not interested in playing house with those Parliament folks... but now's not the best time for us to stand in the limelight.1
141142142301CollinsTherefore, you and your whole shtick... dearest Miss Popular? Better you do it this time instead of Kurono.1
143144144301The sweet-looking woman before Collins smiles and fixes her hair.
144147147301???Anyhow, you're asking me to be the face of the operation, is that so?2
145148148301CollinsOn the surface, sure. But you know your actual job description is going to be so much longer.1
146149149301CollinsEver since what happened, I've been studying what's happening with the commandant. Memory replays from a corrupted Mind Beacon... the data suggests that this condition can't be actively controlled.1
147150998301CollinsWhich means it could happen again as long as the commandant exists.1
149152151301CollinsI'm sure that little brain must be hiding even more secrets. I have a hunch... a strong hunch that the commandant is what I've been looking for.1
151154153301???You're sure that you can find what you want in that commandant's brain?2
153156155301CollinsHa, of course not! My hypothesis is baseless! But if we only act with absolute certainty, humans would still be nose-picking monkeys and long extinct. Everything beautiful and true is accidental.1
154157156301???Humans don't evolve from monkeys. It's apes if anything.2
156159158301CollinsThank you for your correction, Rebecca. Of course I know that.1
158161160301CollinsI've got two pieces of the puzzle now—a corrupted Mind Beacon from entering an Ascendant's M.I.N.D. and the memory replays from its chain reactions. What an accident! Will the pieces match? What pattern will they make?1
161164163301CollinsFinding a commandant that can resist a M.I.N.D. corruption and catching an Ascendant... we've successfully taken our first step into a new era of R&D.1
162165164301CollinsThe first and the most important step.1
163166165301RebeccaCollins, sir, please be careful—2
166169168301RebeccaI'm certain that the things you said involve top Kurono secrets, and I'm sure it was an accident that you revealed them. I'll pretend I haven't heard any of them. Don't worry.2
168171170301CollinsNo, you don't have to worry. This place isn't bugged or anything.1
169172171301RebeccaYou're a high-ranking Kurono officer, and I'm just the middleman between you and the Parliament who doesn't benefit from it all. I don't want my position altered unknowingly.2
170173172301Having gotten disrupted by her strong and unwavering words, Collins does not appear to be displeased. Instead, he laughs.
171174173301CollinsWhatever! If you'd have betrayed us, you'd have done it by now—likewise, you wouldn't be here if Kurono wanted you gone. If I've decided to tell you the truth, it means that, at the very least, I trust you.1
172175174301RebeccaWhy does that sound more like a threat...2
174177176301RebeccaFine, leave it to me. I don't run away from a mission for the higher-ups.2
175178177301CollinsThat's the attitude! I picked you precisely because of that confidence... I look forward to your work. Let's scour every last inch of that commandant's brain for all the secrets hidden inside!1
178181180301CollinsAlright. I've made myself pretty clear.1
180184183301CollinsGo, Rebecca. I'm excited to see you shine.1
181185184301RebeccaDon't exaggerate. Have you sent the brief to my terminal? Which Task Force am I getting?2
183187186301Collins crosses his arm in front of his chest and gives Rebecca a gaze.
188193191301AniZhuanchangEndCollinsHehe... You're most definitely going to love them.
189194193301AniZhuanchangBeginWorld Government Operation Logistics Center, meanwhile—
192197195301AniZhuanchangEndThere is no noise except for quiet whispers and keyboards clicking. Advisors and sergeants walk between terminals, holo-maps, and battle simulations.
193198196301Infinite intel, analysis, and estimations go through this place every day, processed by the brains here before turning into orders and reports on the different Task Forces and those in charge of the conservation areas.
194199197301—The same thing is happening today.
1952001983011Operation LeaderOperation command... Clearance... XX001A... Assigned to... Cerberus.
196201199301Chief AdvisorCerberus? We have a team called Cerberus?
197202200301Operation LeaderMissions for Cerberus are usually issued by the Chief Commander through direct channels. This... I've honestly no idea what's going on.
198205203301Operation LeaderAnyway, if the operation is assigned through us, then it's our job. Give me the status of Cerberus.
199206204301Chief AdvisorOne sec.
201208206301The Advisor taps on the keyboard in front of his terminal, his fingers jumping between keys, as rows of search results are listed on the holo-screen.
202209207301Chief AdvisorCerberus, status: standing by at the base.
203210208301Operation LeaderMove the mission directly to the assignment terminal at the forward operating base. Set the priority to the highest.
204211209301Chief AdvisorCopy.
205212210301Operation LeaderGood. That's the easiest part of our day sorted.
206213211301Chief AdvisorThe easiest part?
207215213301AniZhuanchangBeginOperation LeaderGet me a deployment officer with high clearance and two logistics officers... as well as a field commander from the Task Force.
208216214301AniZhuanchangEndHis order is quickly issued, and within moments, the operation leader and the chief advisor are joined by people in different uniforms, all looking ready and prepared.
209217215301Operation LeaderDeployment officer, you're... going to distribute the units and supplies I'm about to mention in a reasonable fashion among the usual mission assign sequence. I don't want anyone outside of those here to notice anything.
2112192173011Deployment OfficerRoger.1
2142232213011Field CommanderSir, may I ask—what operation is this, exactly?1
215225223301The operation leader waves his black folder at the field commander.
216226224301Field Commander...Whose bio-signal?1
217227225301Operation Leader...【kuroname】, the commandant of Gray Raven from Babylonia.
218228226301Field CommanderThe target of the deployment...1
219229227301Operation Leader—Is the exact same commandant. You can read up on the details yourself.
220230228301AniZhuanchangBeginThe operation leader throws the folder into the commander's arms.
224234232301AniZhuanchangEndParliament Square, Babylonia.
225235233301Today is the first day Cerberus is assigned a mission since they have been evacuated from supporting Strike Hawk and remained on standby.
227238236301Vera21, meet us at the war room in ten minutes.
228239237301Meanwhile, No. 21 is heading to the war room by herself.
2302412393011No. 21...1
232243241301The artificial sun on Eden is warm today.
233244242301Dust swirls and floats in the sunlight. No. 21 has observed a great many things—ants walking in dirt, patterns on leaves, fine furs on animals... but this is the first time she notices dust in the light.
234245243301She holds up her hand, and the rays of slightly blinding light shine through the gaps between her fingers, tangling. She cannot catch them, but she can feel their heat—this is the first time she has experienced this.
235246244301AniZhuanchangBeginSunlight, dust, birds... humans.
238249247301AniZhuanchangEndA few human figures walk past her from behind. Their gloomy, oppressive presence sticks out like a dark cloud under the sun.
239250248301Her animalistic sensitivity makes her turn her head.
240251249301She can smell the humans' scents clearly, and how they are different from the way other humans usually smell. She catches hints of fragrance from their soap, from their food... Scents that reassure and comfort her.
242254252301Among the black-clad figures, the human in a long-sleeved windbreaker seems to notice No. 21's inquisitive gaze, looking up to meet it.
243255253301No. 21's eyes open wide, showing no intention to avoid the human's stare. The sense of danger does not come from the human but the black-clad figures around.
244258256301Does this human know of the danger? Or perhaps the human is their leader?
245259257301With her almost animalistic instinct, No. 21 quickly makes multiple assessments of the situation, only to have them rebutted by more questions.
246260258301The human looks away after a quiet glance.
247261259301No. 21...
248262260301That one glance has No. 21 relax her alerted, tensed body.
249263261301Whatever danger there is, that human has shown no fear. She can tell from those eyes that things are still in control.
250264262301This is Babylonia, not the research institute or Kurono. There are no unexpected menaces or experiments on her path that would put her on a leash.
252266264301AniZhuanchangBeginVera...21? You done spacing out?
254268267301AniZhuanchangEndNo. 21 retracts her gaze. The sense of security is back.
2562702693011No. 21Yes, Capt.1
257271270301She replies in the comms. Her body is alerted by the uncertainty, but she is no longer afraid nor lost the way she was.
258272271301Whatever lies ahead, No. 21 does not run away. She confronts them.
2592732723011AniZhuanchangBeginNo. 21No. 21 is ready. Awaiting orders.1