
11 KiB

433301Another bright day begins to break. Laoyu gets up and washes up as normal, then moves the dried wood from the shelf to the warehouse.
544301Laoyu is unsure why he continues to do this, other than the fact that not doing so would make his day feel incomplete.
766301As he puts a piece of wood on his shoulder and raises his head, a confused Changyu appears before him.
877301LaoyuW-w-what are you doing?! Y-y-you scared me!
10993011ChangyuOh, sorry... Need a hand?1
111010301LaoyuCareful. P-put it off to the side.
131212301ChangyuHey, Laoyu. Can I ask you something?1
151414301Laoyu immediately tenses up. After all, Changyu has always been the one to come up with all sorts of funny ideas.
161515301ChangyuIt's just... I know you also take care of the equipment. So usually, what do we need to put on a performance?1
171616301LaoyuYou s-still want to put on a p-performance?
181717301ChangyuHeh, don't worry about it. Let's just say I wanted to put on a show.1
212020301AniZhuanchangEndLaoyuTwo stereos, two platforms, t-three lights, instruments...
222121301Changyu jots down in his notebook.
262525301LaoyuD-do you really want to put on your own p-p-performance?
272626301ChangyuHah, sure, let's go with that. By the way, is Yusheng back?1
282727301LaoyuN-no, he hasn't been seen all m-morning. Director said if h-he's not back this a-a-afternoon, I should s-send someone to ask for him.
292828301ChangyuMaybe something happened to him. I was going to sleep on the roof of Yanfei hall yesterday, but the streets were in chaos all night. I couldn't sleep at all.1
302929301ChangyuWhat could it be? The Kowloong Crew was running up and down the streets yesterday.1
313030301LaoyuM-might be that c-celebration on the radio last n-n-night...
333232301Laoyu takes a radio out of his pocket and adjusts the frequency. A wobbling voice, warped by static, fades in and out through the old speaker.
343333301News ReportAs everyone waited at the edge of their seats, the World Government's first Zero-point Reactor has successfully completed its first test.
353434301News ReportThe Kowloong Chamber of Commerce has decided to use this opportunity to host a city-wide celebration. At this...
363535301LaoyuT-the reporter says that t-they're going to invite the heads of c-c-commercial organizations to host a b-banquet...
383737301Laoyu says to himself, unaware that as the broadcast plays, Changyu begins to light up.
393838301Changyu...Oh! Eureka!1
403939301ChangyuI'll be right back!1
424141301Changyu grabs the pocket radio from Laoyu and runs into the inner courtyard.
434242301AniZhuanchangBeginLaoyuH-hey! W-where do you think y-you're going!
494848301ChangyuDirector! This is our last chance! If we can get this gig, the theater will last at least another six months!1
515050301DirectorA third of the world's biggest tycoons will all be at this banquet. Do you think this is something we can handle?2
535252301ChangyuWho cares! Our livelihoods are at stake!1
545353301DirectorFine. Let's give it a chance.2
555454301DirectorThe issue, though, is that we don't even have the money to pay for a band or a supporting cast...2
565555301ChangyuI'll go raise it! If it's just one show...1
585757301With that, Changyu tosses the radio on the director's table and rushes out again.
616060301DirectorThat child... Sigh, I guess that's what makes him Changyu.2
626161301DirectorEven these ol' bones sometimes feel like there's nothing this kid can't do...2
636262301DirectorEven if the theater is really gone, I'm sure he'll manage just fine...2
656565301DirectorIt's me. I may be old and washed up, but I have a small favor to ask...2
676767301AniZhuanchangBeginRunning into the street, the glory days of the theater seem to flash right before Changyu's very eyes—
717171301AniZhuanchangEndThe walls and eaves were not as dilapidated, but instead, covered in the highest quality of white plaster. The extravagance was classical—intricate friezes, vermillion pillars, and tiles of ceramic blue.
727272301And yet, what truly made it a spectacle was the long line of people at the gate of the theater, alive with the greeting of the attendants and urging voices from the crowd one after another.
737373301Bystander AHey! Can you fit one more in tonight's Black Guardian?
747474301ServantApologies, sir! At this rate you'll have to sit on the table!
757575301Bystander BA pot of jasmine tea and another plate of stewed beef tendon and boiled noodles, please!
767676301Bystander CHah! People who didn't know this is a theater would be thinking this is some restaurant. Didn't have dinner before you came here or what?
777777301Bystander BWhat's it got to do with you! Nothing beats dinner and a show!
787878301The crowd pushed Changyu into the theater. In the front row, Laoyu and the director were sitting there and waving to him. Changyu waved back to them excitedly.
797979301ChangyuQuite the turn out tonight!
808080301LaoyuYu-Yusheng's new play, sure to be a h-hit.
818181301DirectorSit down and quit fidgeting.
828282301ChangyuHehe, yea—yeah!
838383301The theater lights dimmed, leaving the spotlight on the stage as the only source of light. There stood Yusheng, Mr. Bai, and Liuzhi. They stood there valiantly as if untouched by sorrows in the past.
848484301AniZhuanchangBeginFollowing that, the gongs and drums roared as the show began—
888888301AniZhuanchangEnd—Then back to reality.
919191301ChangyuRepairing the equipment, creating the props, then calling Liuzhi and Mr. Bai back for another night of shows...1
929292301ChangyuAs for the play... Yusheng loves acting as the scholar so much, let's just do Mandarin Duck Pond. Liuzhi and Su Bai can be the supporting actors. Life imitates theater, theater imitates life—wonderful!1
939393301ChangyuAs for the cost... Four thousand... No, four thousand five hundred. If I can get Liuzhi and Su Bai to deceive each other, that should about cover it.1
949494301AniZhuanchangBeginThe young man secretly settles the cost. And in the theater, so does the old man.
989898301AniZhuanchangEnd1DirectorAlright, understood.2
999999301DirectorHe might be a bit reckless and unruly.2
100100100301DirectorBut I'm sure he'll direct a good play.2
101101101301DirectorI don't have much time left. He's not my direct disciple, but he's a good learner.2
102102102301DirectorIf you really plan on using the celebration to save the theater, I think it'll be a good choice to keep him after that.2
103103103301DirectorAs for us and the others? We're too old and washed up. This is no longer our generation.2
1041041043011AniZhuanchangBeginDirectorIn this world of young people, they should be the stars.2