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434301DialogEnableDianaRosetta, 【kuroname】! Are you okay?
545301During the battle, the trap in the underground base suddenly activated, completely isolating the upper and lower layers.
761001302Are you guys alright?6Everything is okay over here.7
87683011DianaThere's a few injured, but what about you?!
98783011RosettaWe're okay. Commandant and I haven't sustained any injuries.1
1098301After curtly reassuring Diana of you and her safety, Rosetta begins scanning around. The ones separated on the upper layer seem to be trying to find their way here.
11109301RosettaDiana, go back and support the ARU's frontline.1
131211301DianaHow could I abandon you and 【kuroname】? Amberia and an Ascendant are here. I can't let you fight them alone!
141312301RosettaYou said it—【kuroname】 and I. I'm not alone.1
15141002302Leave Amberia to us.13But if it's just us two...14
16151315301DianaWell, if 【kuroname】 says so...
17161415301RosettaCommandant, what are you worried about...? It may not sound like much, but I promised the Gray Raven that I will keep you safe.1
181715301RosettaAlright, it's been decided. Amberia must be down there. We'll go and find a way to stop her.1
191816301RosettaDiana, hurry back to the frontline. Tell everyone about the Ascendant and Amberia. Make sure they're ready for the Punishing Virus.1
201917301DianaRoger that... Please look after Rosetta, 【kuroname】.
21201003302You guys be careful, too.We'll win, for sure!
232218301RosettaYep. You heard the commandant.1
242319301Diana's clip-clops withdraw from the cave with the other Forest Guards. Rosetta clenches her weapon.
2625203011AniZhuanchangBeginRosettaLet's get going, Commandant.1