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Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory45.jpg
2 1000 401 1 201
3 2 201 1 500111
4 3 301 DialogEnable 1 Allen So, President Hassen, would you like to consider my request? 1
5 4 201 1 500011
6 5 301 1 Hassen We are at war. WGAA is a civilian organization, and as their leader you shouldn't even be here in the command room. 1
7 6 301 Hassen Let alone making requests. 1
8 7 201 1 500111
9 8 301 1 Allen It has nothing to do with my business. Or should I say, nothing to do with me, don't you think? 1
10 9 301 Allen I understand it is quite sudden. But it's worth your consideration. 1
11 10 201 1 500011
12 11 301 1 Hassen ...Mr. Allen, I can hardly accept your request without sufficient evidence. 1
13 12 301 Hassen You're asking to search for a Construct lost years ago in an investigation, in the space station... 1
14 13 301 Hassen I'm afraid we don't have enough manpower to do so. 1
15 14 201 1 500111
16 15 301 1 Allen We have a girl with great senses in the 2nd Archaeological Team. She was the one who found the hidden data and decrypted it. 1
17 16 201 1 500011
18 17 301 1 Hassen Great senses... 1
19 18 201 1 500111
20 19 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Allen Come in, Miss Ayla. 1
21 20 202 1 1
22 21 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg901_6.jpg
23 22 301 AniZhuanchangEnd As the cabin door opens, a fashionable and somewhat special Construct appears.
24 23 301 Ayla Greetings, President Hassen. I am Ayla from the 2nd Archaeological Team. I am responsible for the appraisal of artworks.
25 24 301 Allen And a great young artist in Babylonia, too.
26 25 301 Hassen Oh, I know you... I mean, it's impossible to not know you...
27 26 301 Hassen I had the privilege to appreciate a few works of Miss Ayla's. They are very great indeed.
28 27 301 Ayla I am honored, President Hassen.
29 28 301 Hassen We don't have much time. Talk about your plan.
30 4646 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Ayla Of course, though I hope you can trust my "senses"...
31 30 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory45.jpg
32 31 301 AniZhuanchangEnd After a brief explanation—
33 32 201 1 500011
34 33 301 1 Hassen In short, you've been managing to decipher meaningful signals amidst the white noise interferences from the space station. 1
35 34 301 Hassen And you recently discovered this signal was sent by your friend, a Construct named Selena within the space station. 1
36 35 301 Hassen And the content of the signal is... dialogues from a play called... 1
37 36 201 1 500110
38 37 301 1 Ayla The Tempest, by Shakespeare. 1
39 38 201 1 500011
40 39 301 1 Hassen ... 1
41 40 301 Hassen Operator. Pull a segment of the white noise from the space station and compare it to the parts Ayla mentioned. 1
42 41 201 1 500019
43 42 301 1 Operator Roger. 1
44 43 301 Operator ... 1
45 44 301 Operator There are... a few similarities, true. But the data we can collect is way too little because of the interference... 1
46 45 301 Operator The chance of it being a coincidence is still very likely. 1
47 46 201 1 500110
48 47 301 1 Ayla The parts I can "hear" is much more than what's being recorded here. 1
49 48 301 Ayla I am very certain that this is Selena's voice. And she's still alive. 1
50 49 201 1 500011
51 50 301 1 Hassen ... 1
52 51 202 1 1
53 52 301 Looking into Ayla's eyes, Hassen finds an unwavering resolve in her, a sense of maturity that is seemingly at odds with her appearance.
54 53 201 1 500011
55 54 301 1 Hassen Alright. I believe you. 1
56 55 301 Hassen If that presumably-missing Construct from that mission is still alive, then it is our duty to bring her back. 1
57 56 201 1 500111
58 57 301 1 Allen To protect Ayla, I think that— 1
59 58 201 1 500110
60 59 301 1 Ayla Chairman, only I can sense Selena's "voice" for now. Plus, the others in the Archaeological Team all have their ongoing works. 1
61 60 301 Ayla I think it's sufficient to just send me on this mission. 1
62 61 201 1 500111
63 62 301 1 Allen It's not that I don't trust your capabilities to protect yourself... 1
64 63 301 Allen It's just... if you find her only to discover that... 1
65 64 201 1 500110
66 65 301 1 Ayla I understand. I think I'll know what to do. 1
67 66 201 1 500111
68 67 301 1 Allen Fine. Then the last question is... who's sending you there? 1
69 68 201 1 500110
70 69 301 1 Ayla ... 1
71 70 201 1 500011
72 71 301 1 Hassen About that... Celica. 1
73 72 201 1 500001
74 73 301 1 Celica Understood. Mr. Watanabe, this way, please. 1
75 74 201 1 500080
76 75 301 1 Watanabe Your meetings are truly as boring and pointless as they seem. 1
77 76 201 1 500011
78 77 301 1 Hassen Babylonia has received your terms. 1
79 78 201 1 500001
80 79 301 1 Celica Releasing Babylonia's information on the surface to the Forsaken, sharing some of the technologies on the upgraded Inver-Devices... and so on. 1
81 80 201 1 500080
82 81 301 1 Watanabe That's right. Not one less. 1
83 82 201 1 500011
84 83 301 1 Hassen I forgot to ask—how are you doing, Watanabe? 1
85 84 201 1 500080
86 85 301 1 Watanabe I don't think now's the time to catch up. 1
87 86 201 1 500011
88 87 301 1 Hassen Probably... You're right. 1
89 88 301 Hassen So, Ayla. The responsibility of escorting you will lie on this ace pilot from the Forsaken. 1
90 89 202 1 1
91 90 301 Ayla approaches Watanabe, observing him curiously.
92 91 201 1 500110
93 92 301 1 Ayla Alright. 1
94 93 301 Ayla But I seem to remember that... you're wanted by Babylonia... 1
95 94 201 1 500080
96 95 301 1 Watanabe ... 1
97 96 201 1 500110
98 97 301 1 Ayla And you still come here to negotiate yourself... 1
99 98 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Ayla Intriguing. 1