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433301DialogEnableLuciaWhy are you helping?
544301Lucia quietly asks Alpha while keeping her eye on the agent in front of her.
655301αI don't owe you any answers.
988301Alpha looks over, as if she had something to say.
111010301αDo you know where Luna went after the Polyphage was eradicated?
121111302I don't.14This question again...12
14131316301She hesitated slightly before furrowing her brows like something has just dawned on her.
161515301Alpha stares straight into your eyes as if trying to see if you are lying.
171616301The last thing you remember was a brilliant light emanating from the Polyphage's core and the concentration of the Punishing Virus in the area suddenly skyrocketing.
181717301You are about to retreat with Lucia when the upper level collapses.
191818301When you wake up, virus levels have plummeted and someone has removed whatever was holding you down.
201919301And... Huaxu was gone.
212020302(Look directly into her eyes)21(Tell her)21
232222301After a brief moment of silence, she shifts her focus to Vonnegut.
242323301VonnegutOh? Not going to talk anymore?
252424301VonnegutPerhaps this human has more information to share. This piques my interest, Don't worry, I won't interrupt your conversation.
262525301Hearing this, Alpha snorts disdainfully.
272626301αAs long as they're in the Task Force, they won't know the truth.
282727301LuciaBut I've recovered my memory.
313030301αOther than that memory, what else?
323131301Lucia falls silent. Alpha's words piques her curiosity, but she is hesitant whether to keep on asking questions with the agent in front of her.
333232301But when facing an enemy one knows nothing about, rushing into combat is nothing short of a reckless act.
343333301DialogDisableTo buy some time for Chrome in the greenhouse above, you try to drag it out.
353434302Other than that memory...35
363535302What else?36
373636301DialogEnableαLucia didn't tell you?
383737301LuciaWhat are you talking about?
393838301αLooks like all you did was find your memories. You don't know what really happened then.
403939301LuciaWhat really happened...
414040301αWeren't you ever curious? About who told Ravenge that commandants could connect to Ascendants?
424141301αAnd which Ascendant he connected to?
434343301LuciaWas it his subordinate?
444444301αNot so dumb after all.
464646301She hesitates slightly, then decides to ask the question that has been bugging her.
474747301LuciaHave you heard of the Project Winter?
484848301αHow do you know...?
494949301LuciaAn investigation.
505050301Lucia is tight-lipped, offering nothing more than those two words.
515151301αI don't really know much about it.
525252301αOnly that it's research that relates to Ascendants.
53532001301αBased on the intelligence I got, it might have started from the incident with Ravenge.
545453301αAny worsening of 【kuroname】's circumstances is likely to be connected to this plan. I say this because their men are looking for a commandant who could help them advance the plan.
555554301LuciaAlpha, why did you come to help? And why did you tell me this?
565756301LuciaThat's a very different way of thinking than before.
58592002301αMy way of thinking's never changed. It's you who've changed.
596058301αDon't you feel it, Lucia?
606461301LuciaIf you're talking about what's happening to the commandant, rest assured that I'll do everything in my power to stop it.
616562301αThat's just a single issue. Hatred doesn't build up overnight.
626663301Alpha falls silent for a moment. She thinks of what Luna told her.
636764301αLucia, I used to think of you only as a chess piece leftover from a conspiracy, a piece of data that was previously deceived and had no reason to exist.
646865301αThat's why I've wanted to get rid of you since we met.
656966301αBut at the same time, you've shown me new possibilities.
667067301αYou are no longer as confused and weak as before.
677168301αYou're your own person, and even though you are very similar to me, I'll no longer see you as unwanted data.
687269301αShow me how long you can struggle for.
697370301LuciaI will never walk the same path as you.
717572301αThen do you best to flee from the clutches of the abyss before that day comes.
727673301αAnd now—
737774301Alpha steps forward, grabbing the hilt of her katana at the same time as Lucia grabs hers. Together, they point their blades at Vonnegut.
747875301VonnegutAren't you going to tell her about the Arctic incident?
757976301αSome words are more believable if they come from the mouth of another.
768077301AniZhuanchangBeginVonnegutMakes sense. Bring it on, then!
808481301AniZhuanchangEnd1The battle, which is forced to take place, lasts three minutes. During this time, Vonnegut unleashes a never-ending barrage of unexpected attacks.
818582301Practically everyone has sustained injuries, except Alpha, who is familiar with Vonnegut.
828683301For some reason or another, the agent seems to have avoided fatally injuring the team. Like a cat toying with its prey, he takes joy in relentlessly striking them.
838784301But even Alpha is not able to really hit Vonnegut, and all her attacks bounce off him.
8690873011KamuiHis defense is such a pain! Be a man and stop turtling!1
8993903011VonnegutCombat involves defense as well. What right do you have to taunt me if you aren't even skilled enough to get close?1
909491301VonnegutAnd why are you always protecting that commandant in the middle?1
919592301He takes leisurely steps in that direction.
929693301VonnegutSo that's it. You're like a crystal pyramid.1
939794301VonnegutYou unleash their strength, causing them to quickly fade.1
96100973011LuciaThat's not what the commandant does!1
991031003011VonnegutSay what you like, I'm growing bored of this.1
100104101301He puts his hands behind his back, and a sardonic smile appears on his lips.
101105102301VonnegutThe captain who changed his frame hasn't returned yet. Could he have been eaten by the Hetero-Hive Mother? Hmm...1
102106103302I believe in him.104No way.104
105109106301A ragged cry comes from the other side of the wall.
1071111083011VonnegutCongrats! Looks like you put your faith in the right person after all.1
108112109301He slowly applauds them.
109113110301VonnegutI'll hold up my end of the bargain. You're free to leave.1
110114111301VonnegutBut there's something I have to do to erase any traces of vital information.1
113117114301The light in his clenched fist turns into grains of sand that slip through his fingers. When it falls onto the ground, the area's Punishing Virus concentration rises quickly, along with the earthquake.
1151191163011WanshiThis place's about to collapse! Retreat!1
117121118301The team covers each other while making for the exit.
1191231203011LuciaGet the commandant out of here!1
1221261233011VonnegutA bond can be a troublesome thing sometimes, can it not?1
125129126301He smiles as he raises his hand, and the surging Punishing Virus binds those trying to protect you.
126130127301Just as the team moves to respond to Vonnegut's attack, a huge stone slab falls from above. There is a small gap, but it blocks the fragile human body from moving.
1321361333011WanshiHis attacks home in on us! We can't go over or they'll hit Commandant! Divert the attacks!1
1351391363011VonnegutGood observation skills, but will that do you any good?1
138142139301A thunderous crack comes from above, and the walls start to collapse again.
141145142301Lucia leaps into the air, smashing one falling stone slab after another while using the rocks to block the path of the lightning.
142146143301LuciaOver here!1
144148145301Under Alpha's onslaught, cracks start to appear in Vonnegut's force field, but they quickly close up.
145149146301Lucia swoops down to assist, and their successive attacks finally breach the impenetrable light screen by tearing it apart before it can be repaired.
1481521493011VonnegutInteresting! How interesting it is to see you struggle.1
149153150301VonnegutIf you want to save that commandant, come at me, all of you!1
1521561533011LuciaYou just want us to stay and continue fighting.1
1551591563011VonnegutIf you're worried about the collapsing arena, I don't mind moving our battle somewhere safe.1
1581621593011KamuiThen let's go!1
160164161301The fury in Kamui's voice gets everyone to evacuate the area.
161165162301But just as Lucia is about to raise her katana once more, Vonnegut snaps his fingers at Alpha.
1641681653011VonnegutBut before we begin, I have to remove the outsider.1
165169166301Instantly, myriad noises inundate Alpha's M.I.N.D..
1661701673011AniZhuanchangBeginVonnegutLook where you stand, Alpha.1