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5443011KamuiA mystery box? So you don't know what's inside either?1
655302I don't.6
766301KamuiOh, the anticipation! What do you think it will be?1
877301Smiling cheerfully, Kamui tears open the wrapping paper and reveals a corner of the box.
1099301KamuiPST5000! This is the portable game console they just released not too long ago! I signed up multiple times and still couldn't get in the queue! COM-MAN-DANT!1
111010301Kamui's eyes glisten excitedly—this seems to be exactly what he wants. Still, you are amazed to find the rare gaming device considered by the Astrology Club...
121111301But then, Kamui's smile freezes—he opens the box of the PST5000 to find a much flatter box.
141313301His expression is going on a rollercoaster ride right now. Taking out the box, he is brimming with joy again.
161616302My heart almost stops beating, on the other hand.17
171717301KamuiBut! I'm glad it's Starfield instead. I was kinda worried about what to give you back just then. The PST5000 is way too expensive, after all.1
181818301Kamui opens the box and indeed finds a game cartridge inside, except... something does not look right.
202121301Kamui...This is a terrible prank, Commandant! You have to sign up for the PST5000 ordering queue with me as compensation!1
222323301KamuiDeep Space Exploration... that sounds pretty interesting too. Let's watch it together next time!1
2324243021AniZhuanchangBeginSure. I'll go sign up now...