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433301DialogEnableThree years have passed.
544301Once unsure about her future, Ayla has long since found her direction in life.
655301As long as she continues on this path, she will become the person she dreamed to become one day.
766301She firmly believes.
9883011Ayla...Alright. I just need a little bit more olive green... And add some contrast...1
1099301AylaPhew! That should do it!1
1514143011AylaMa'am? One sec, I'm packing up!1
1716163011Meka...That lady is waiting for you downstairs. You got plans today?1
1918183011AylaYeah, I need to talk to them about the new exhibition proposal.1
201919301Ayla...I wish I could just stay at home painting all the time.1
212020301AylaAs long as I keep making great works, there won't be any problem.1
222121301AylaThey should just give me a calm and peaceful environment, so I can focus on my art!1
232222301AylaGosh. I'm just not good at this proposal thing.1
2524243011MekaWell, sometimes going out isn't too bad.1
262525301MekaYou get to relax a little, and you may get inspiration from visiting different places and seeing different people and things, don't you think?1
2827273011AylaThere won't be any inspiration. I have been to every place in Babylonia.1
292828301AylaIf I see the same view over and over again, I may even get bored and start to hate what I'm doing.1
3130303011MekaWell... Ayla, you have grown a lot.1
333232301AniZhuanchangBegin1AylaWell, I'll see you later then!1
363535301AniZhuanchangEndExhibition ManagerAyla! You made me wait for 15 minutes again!
3837373011AylaHuh? Does it matter? I was fine-tuning some details.1
403939301Exhibition ManagerI know your works are great, but the proposal is equally important!
414040301Exhibition ManagerIf we don't have a good spot, no matter how great your works are, they won't catch a lot of attention.
4342423011AylaThat's not possible. Even if my works are displayed in a corner, they won't be ignored.1
454444301Exhibition Manager...You really give me headaches. Confidence is great, but...
4746463011AylaSelena is coming today, right? I haven't seen her for a while. We were debating about ancient sculptures.1
494848301Exhibition ManagerOh, about that...
504949301Exhibition ManagerI can only tell you that she's not coming today. You may want to read her mail first.
5251513011AylaMail? I didn't get any.1
545353301Exhibition ManagerNo, for some reason, she couldn't send it to your terminal.
555454301Exhibition ManagerSo she wrote a paper letter and asked me to pass it to you. Tsk, what an old-fashioned way.
5756563011AylaCouldn't send it? What happened...1
595858301Exhibition ManagerHmm, it actually may be a good thing, but I'm too ordinary to understand it... Just read it first.
605959301Selena's Letter 064It's been a while since we last met, Ayla. Four months?
616060301Selena's Letter 064It was your birthday and we celebrated your coming of age together. Too bad we spent all the time discussing great sculpture works.
626161301Selena's Letter 064So we never had the chance to properly sit down and talk.
636262301Selena's Letter 064Remember what I said about becoming a Construct?
646363301Selena's Letter 064You asked me why. Why not continue with a career in art?
656464301Selena's Letter 064If we keep doing what we are doing, our reputation, status, and living conditions will only get better.
666565301Selena's Letter 064...My answer is, art should not exist only in a world of our own.
676666301Selena's Letter 064I thought a lot. Born and raised in Babylonia, we took the peaceful, comfortable and abundant life for granted.
686767301Selena's Letter 064But that's only the world as we know it. Is that truly what it is?
696868301Selena's Letter 064I once read that all artworks were an imitation of natural objects.
706969301Selena's Letter 064What if our creations were based only on an unrealistic, partial impression of the real world?
717070301Selena's Letter 064It made me wonder. I wanted to discover what the real world is like.
727171301Selena's Letter 064Maybe our path would be rectified if we could portray the world as it truly is.
737272301Selena's Letter 064But I ended up shocked by the knowledge I found.
747373301Selena's Letter 064It turned out that outside the peaceful and harmonious world we lived in, there was another cruel world full of conflict and war.
757474301Selena's Letter 064Because of those people's hard work, or even sacrifice, we got to enjoy our peaceful lives.
767575301Selena's Letter 064I was traumatized, but I didn't want to tell you. We were raised with so much on our shoulders.
777676301Selena's Letter 064We must help humanity to survive, and pass on the knowledge and wisdom.
787777301Selena's Letter 064That's why I asked the WGAA to make me a Construct. And I succeeded.
797878301Selena's Letter 064Ah, I'm just writing down whatever comes to my mind. I'm afraid we won't be able to see each other again, but I'll try to keep in touch.
807979301Selena's Letter 064...Lastly, Ayla. I believe that neither of us has chosen the wrong way.
818080301Selena's Letter 064We will still fight together, for the same ultimate goal. Just in different worlds.
8382823011AylaHow could she...! She didn't even tell me before becoming a Construct...1
848383301AylaI can't take this! That's not what friends do to each other!1
868585301Exhibition ManagerAyla, Selena left you a software that makes virtual theater plays. Seems like she came up with the original scripts.
888787301Exhibition ManagerWe are exhibiting a slightly modified version.
898888301Exhibition ManagerIf she left you the original, she must want you to understand how she felt in the beginning.
9190903011AylaBut I already know everything. What's the point of giving this to me now...1
939292301Exhibition ManagerUm, instead of feeling upset, why not be happy for your friend? She's found her way!
949393301Exhibition ManagerPlus, Selena's position is quite special... Maybe you will get to work together again in the future!
9695953011AylaIs that so...? You're right...1
979696301AylaSelena said it too... She hoped we could both excel in our own field.1
989797301Ayla...Hmm. Okay!1
999898301AylaAnyway, thanks for passing this on to me. It means a lot. I'll cheer up.1
1011001003011AniZhuanchangBeginExhibition ManagerYou are most welcome. Well, don't forget you still have a business meeting to attend! Make sure you get the best location in the exhibition!