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Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory101.png
2 2 301 DialogEnable City 173, Star of Life Temporary Hospital - 11:50 AM
3 3 201 1 500042
4 4 301 1 Doctor President Hassen, she was unconscious in a pool of blood when we found her. Most of her sensory modules had been cut off, resulting in her not noticing the severe damages on her body. 1
5 5 301 Doctor Or should I say... she noticed but didn't care anymore. 1
6 6 201 1 500011
7 7 301 1 Hassen How is she now? 1
8 8 201 1 500042
9 9 301 1 Doctor We performed emergency maintenance on her frame. She's already awake. 1
10 10 201 1 500011
11 11 301 1 Hassen Thank goodness. 1
12 12 201 1 500042
13 13 301 1 Doctor Also, we recommend switching frames for her, the longer it's delayed, the more her personality will deviate. 1
14 14 201 1 500011
15 15 301 1 Hassen ...I understand. Take me to her. 1
16 16 201 1 500042
17 17 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Doctor Of course, please follow me. 1
18 18 202 1 1
19 19 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory69.jpg
20 20 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Hassen follows the doctor past layers and layers of security before reaching the ICU ward. He enters the room after three light knocks on the door.
21 21 201 1 500011
22 22 301 1 Hassen It's been four days since we found you. I'm glad you're awake now. 1
23 23 201 1 500128
24 24 301 1 Bianca I... There's nothing for you to be glad about... You should've left me to die back on the roof. 1
25 25 201 1 500011
26 26 301 1 Hassen ...I'm sorry for everything that has happened, but they didn't happen all for nothing. You don't need to reject yourself like that. 1
27 27 201 1 500128
28 28 301 1 Bianca ... 1
29 29 201 1 500011
30 30 301 1 Hassen Oh, where are my manners? I'm Hassen, the leader of Humanity. 1
31 31 301 Hassen Firstly, I would like to thank you on behalf of all humanity for destroying Daedalus. 1
32 32 201 1 500128
33 33 301 1 Bianca I didn't do anything special. It was just senseless killing... 1
34 34 201 1 500011
35 35 301 1 Hassen No, what you did was taking out Kurono's traitor—Wen. 1
36 36 301 Hassen If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have been able to track him down and Daedalus' network wouldn't have been destroyed. 1
37 37 301 Hassen And because of you, that bastard got what he deserved. 1
38 38 301 Hassen You did the right thing, no matter in the snow plains, the church, or to Wen's underlings. Your actions have undoubtedly saved many. It's just that your faith may have been used by people with ulterior motives. 1
39 39 201 1 500128
40 40 301 1 Bianca ... 1
41 41 202 1 1
42 42 301 Hassen pulls over the monitor by the hospital bed and taps on it a few times. Holograms of different cities are projected into the air, with all kinds of numbers flashing above.
43 43 201 1 500011
44 44 301 1 Hassen Look at these. These are the cities you've been to. If it weren't for your timely elimination of the Corrupted, the population of these cities would've dropped drastically, and eventually leading to their fall. 1
45 45 202 1 1
46 46 301 The models of the cities morph and crumble as Hassen spoke, turning into a pile of ruins in the end.
47 47 201 1 500128
48 48 301 1 Bianca Really...? 1
49 49 201 1 500011
50 50 301 1 Hassen Yes, you saved them from destruction. 1
51 51 201 1 500128
52 52 301 1 Bianca ... 1
53 53 201 1 500011
54 54 301 1 Hassen Sometimes, people like you are needed. Shooting a soundless arrow in the dark and not in the light, misunderstood and even detested. 1
55 55 301 Hassen But this is the only way to ensure the sun can rise once more and that the world can be protected. 1
56 56 201 1 500128
57 57 301 1 Bianca ... 1
58 58 201 1 500011
59 59 301 1 Hassen You're probably familiar with this place. 1
60 60 202 1 1
61 61 301 Hassen taps on the screen and a flat area is shown.
62 62 201 1 500128
63 63 301 1 Bianca That's! 1
64 64 201 1 500011
65 65 301 1 Hassen Yep, where Daedalus once stood. It's completely gone now, as if it never existed in the first place. 1
66 66 301 Hassen People are still living the same peaceful lives, but now the threat has been completely eliminated. 1
67 67 201 1 500128
68 68 301 1 Bianca You did this? 1
69 69 201 1 500011
70 70 301 1 Hassen Yes, more specifically, the Purifying Force of Humanity did. 1
71 71 301 Hassen You had no direct contact with them but your motives were the same in this event. 1
72 72 301 Hassen You stopped Daedalus together. 1
73 73 201 1 500128
74 74 301 1 Bianca ... 1
75 75 201 1 500011
76 76 301 1 Hassen I think you'd fit right in, Miss Bianca. So I'd like to ask you on behalf of Humanity, will you join the Purifying Force? 1
77 77 201 1 500128
78 78 301 1 Bianca I... 1
79 79 201 1 500011
80 80 301 1 Hassen Take some time to think about it, kid. 1
81 81 201 1 500128
82 82 301 1 Bianca ... 1
83 83 201 1 500011
84 84 301 1 Hassen I've faced many dead ends too when I was your age, but we can't always let the past stop us. 1
85 85 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Hassen Rest for now, we'll meet again soon. 1