
19 KiB

433301DialogEnable11:40 p.m.
544301The lights in Babylonia are already dimmed and replaced with a brilliant starry sky on the virtual ceiling.
655301Unlike the ground surface, there are never dark clouds to block the starry sky up here.
766301Every resplendent star in the virtual night sky is twinkling like gems embedded on a canvas. If one walks a little further forward, one can see real planets floating in the vast, deep space behind the windows.
877301They look incredibly close, like a hope within reach that shines on people late at night.
988301It has been many days since Noan became a temporary staff of the library. He has been gazing at the night sky.
1099301When he has no training or does not need to attend check-ups and research, he would come here to help the very few visitors look for their books.
111111301Like Simon said, there aren't many customers in the cafe either.
121212301When he is free, he would learn how to make drinks from the service robots, or take a book with the cover he likes to read in order to spend the abundant time he has.
151515301Before he realizes it, the time has already passed midnight.
171717301Noan puts down the book and rubs his shoulder that was damaged in an experiment during the day.
191919301He is supposed to complete his schedule as the training room is free, but the familiar night sky above has caught his attention.
202020301Back when he was a human on Earth, night always meant danger. But in Babylonia, night has become a symbol of peace.
212121301In the daytime, Noan must work with the Science Council to perform check-ups and experiments.
222222301...Which is never a relaxing experience.
232323301When there is a need for a simulated environment or stress test, he may even suffer damage from a large number of battles.
242424301Noan...Better call it a day.1
252525301He puts away the book he just finished and takes out a few pieces of paper collected over the past few days, moves his fingers, and tries to sketch the night sky.
262626301The last time he drew something, he was still near the Forsaken base. As a night watch, he must stay awake throughout the night.
272727301Back then, there was no pen or paper. He could only scribble with a burnt branch.
282828301NoanAll right then...1
303030301The lines on the paper form the rough outline of buildings and stars. When he is about to add more details, he suddenly hears some rushed steps.
323232301Out of instinct, he quickly crushes the sketch into a ball and gets up.
343434301NoanWhat can I do for you?1
353535301The person just walks past with a head lowered and goes all the way to the furthest corner behind the bookshelves, completely not realizing there is still a staff in the late-night library.
373737301Noan(Gray Raven Commandant?)1
4242423011SimonWhen I met Chief today, I felt like that person was already on the edge...1
434343301SimonIt looked like Chief hadn't had a good rest for ages.1
4848483011Noan(Coming to the library at midnight...)1
495050301Noan(Definitely in need of more rest... Better leave that commandant alone.)1
505151301Just before he sits down, another new visitor enters the library.
525353301NoanWhat can I do for you?1
535454301The new visitor also ignores Noan. She just keeps looking around as if she is trying to find something.
5556563011GuestExcuse me, have you seen the Gray Raven Commandant?1
565757301GuestI thought I saw a familiar figure walking this way... I have always wanted to meet that senior.1
5860603011NoanThe Gray Raven Commandant...?1
596161301He looks from the corner of his eye. That commandant is sitting in a corner at the very far end, buried inside books and terminal with a tired face.
616363301NoanSorry, I didn't see that person.1
646666301She shakes her head in disappointment.
656767301GuestI thought I could meet the legendary Chief Graduate.1
6769693011NoanSee you next time.1
697171301Noan watches her leave. He sits down once again and takes out the paper he just hid.
717373301Then he realizes he has crumpled the sketch again.
727474301He seems to have that habit ever since he developed the hobby of drawing.
757979301Noan sighs, then spreads out the crumpled paper with his hand.
778181301AniZhuanchangBeginHe ignores the commandant in the corner and continues to sketch the night sky on the wrinkled paper, cherishing the undisturbed tranquility.
798383301AniZhuanchangEndMore than four hours have passed when he finally finishes this casual sketch of the starry sky.
808484301Noan folds up the paper and places it on the desk. He looks at that corner once again, only to see the human commandant still gazing at the desk, looking more exhausted than before.
838787301He stands up and begins to make a drink that he recently learned from the recipe. Too focused on what he is doing, he has no idea when the Gray Raven Commandant has walked behind him.
848888302Are you drawing the starry night here?89
869090301Still holding a glass, Noan's hand visibly shakes when he hears the question.
889292301NoanNo, it was just a piece of scrap paper. Sorry I forgot to clean up.1
899393301He quickly walks over and crushes the drawing into a paper ball, throwing it into the bin.
909494301NoanAre you going back?1
919595302Not yet.96Still have something to do.96
929696301DialogDisableNoanI see. This one's on me.1
949898302Why did you lie?99
959999302It's easier to earn trust if you are honest.100
96100100301DialogEnableNoanYou look like you want to spend some time alone. It's not like she is having anything important.1
97101101301He puts a full cup in front of the human.
99103103301NoanWhat about you? Why did you come to the library at midnight?1
100104104302There's still work to do.105
101105105301NoanI assume Gray Raven's preparation room is more comfortable than here.1
102106106302I don't want to make them worry.107...108
103107107109301NoanThem... You mean the other three members of Gray Raven?1
104108108301NoanDid you just run out because you didn't want other Gray Raven members to worry?1
106110110301He lets out a sigh.
108112112301NoanThere is no work that must be completed at the cost of your life. If you know they are worried about you, why don't you rely on them a bit more?1
109113113302I am already relying on them a lot.114I can do this by myself.114
110114114301NoanIs that so?1
111115115301NoanDo you think... you look healthy right now?1
112116116301The human just holds the cup up and sips at the drink without answering.
113117117301AniZhuanchangBegin2000Noan stops asking. He just opens the book again and starts to read.
114118118301AniZhuanchangEndBoth remain silent until Babylonia's virtual sky begins to light up.
115119119301NoanIf you are willing to tell me... If there is anything I can help...1
116120120301NoanAs someone who once received your help and has nothing to do right now, I'd like to do my part.1
117121121302Thanks in advance then.122I don't need your help.123
118122122124301NoanI should thank you instead. After all, I really have nothing to do right now.1
119123123301NoanI need. I want to help you. After all, I really have nothing to do right now.1
120124124301NoanBut it's already past five o'clock in the morning. Gray Raven is going to worry more if you keep staying here. We can talk about this after you have a good rest. You should go.1
122126126301DialogDisableThe human walks over with half a cup of drink.
123127127302Thanks for your drink.128
124128128302Take this as a token of appreciation.129
125129129301DialogEnableCommandant hands over a notebook with Gray Raven's symbol on it, and a nicely wrapped cookie.
126130130302Oh, and the drawing just now...131
127131131301DialogDisableNoanIt's just scrap paper. Don't worry.1
128132132302This isn't anything valuable either.133
129133133302Just a normal notebook issued for Gray Raven.134
130134134302And the cookie was bought when I walked past Zone L.135
131135135301DialogEnableNoanZone L?1
132136136301He recalls Simon once mentioned to Lillian during a regular meeting.
1371411413011SimonThere is a shop in Zone L that sells cookies. I once bought some with Chief, they tasted great.1
1421461463011NoanCommandant Simon told us about it. He seemed to really like the cookies there.1
143147147302He still remembers...148
144148148301The human smiles and takes out another cookie, handing it to Noan.
145149149302Help me pass this to Simon then.150
147151151301NoanOkay, thanks.1
148152152301NoanAren't you supposed to go rest now?1
149153153302Yeah. Good-bye.154Yeah. Good night.155
151155155301NoanGood night. Have a good sleep.1
153157157301But the commandant's body is suddenly caught up by dizziness and falls to the bar counter even before turning around.
155159159301RImgBg1ShakeWith the unfinished cup of drink, the human collapses to the ground.
158162162301Noan immediately jumps over the bar counter and holds the commandant up, away from the shattered glass.
161165165301Fortunately, before he takes further action, the human commandant has regained consciousness.
164168168301NoanAre you alright?1
166170170301Hearing his question, the human stares at the shattered glass for seconds and finally realizes what happened.
168172172301NoanYou were probably suffering from fatigue or low blood sugar.1
169173173301NoanLet's get up first. Be careful, there is glass next to your hand.1
170174174302(Clean up the shattered glass)175
173177177301He quickly grabs the human's wrist.
174178178302...It hurts!179
177181181301Realizing his mistake, he immediately lets go, bows and apologizes.
179183183301NoanYou don't have to do this. Just get on your feet. There are sugar cubes behind the counter, you should take some. Go back and take some rest.1
181185185301NoanI'll take care of the cleaning. The longer you stay, the more worried Gray Raven will be.1
182186186301NoanYou don't want them to worry, do you?1
183187187302...Thank you.188
184188188301NoanNo problem. Are you okay on your own? Should I walk you back?1
185189189302It's okay. I can go back by myself.190
188192192301He helps the human up and turns back to clean up the glass shards.
191195195301When he no longer hears any footsteps, he finally looks up at the top-left corner of the library.
1931971973011AniZhuanchangBegin—At the corner of a bookshelf, the cold, red light on a surveillance camera is blinking.